THE YEAR WAS 1965 | #MusicalMemories

musical memories 1965The year was 1965. 

My father, an officer in the Canadian army, had been away since July of 1964, commanding a UN peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip area of Palestine.

At home in London (Ontario, Canada), my mother received word that after the current tour of duty ended in June, we would be transferred back to Germany, where my parents had met and married and where I was born.

In fact, that birthplace – the town of Soest – was our assigned posting. My mother was happy about this, as she would be near her parents and other family members. I was relieved to be getting away from the xenophobic school bullies who tormented me.

We moved the first week of July. My father flew in from Cairo and we stayed at my grandparents’ place for about two weeks, until our apartment was ready. New continent, new friends, new experiences…..

London Canada to Soest Germany
Map Data ©2015 Google, INEGI

I lived a double life.

canadian german heritage

Canadian army brat during the week, German girl on the weekends. Every Friday after my father finished work, we went shopping at the Canex (army stores) for my grandparents (groceries, cigarettes and alcohol were much cheaper there), then spent the weekend with them. It was only an hour’s drive away and their large apartment had plenty of room.

Great aunt Mathilde and uncle Eugen lived in a neighbouring city. They owned a large pub, with living quarters upstairs. This was a magical place for me and we visited often, sometimes spending the night.

Picture this: Dark, well-worn hardwood floors. A long wooden bar, either walnut or mahogany, ornately carved, with matching bar stools. Wooden booths lined the far wall and matching tables were found in an adjoining room.

Also in that room was a 19th century piano and a giant jukebox, fully loaded. This is where the magic happened!  On the playlist that summer:

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You might recognize the first one as a German version of “The Birds And The Bees” by Jewel Atkins. Listen to the original HERE, if you like.

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The Rolling Stones finally caught my attention that summer. When I heard the B side of “The Last Time”, it was love at first listen. I still love “Play with Fire”, 50 years later! From then on, The Beatles had to share space in my heart with The Stones. “Satisfaction” hit the airwaves in October and that sealed the deal.

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The rest of that year was spent settling in, getting re-acquainted with relatives (whom I hadn’t seen since 1959 – our last time in Germany), and making new friends in two languages.

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This is a continuing series, inspired by 

It Rains…You Get Wet and Your Daily Dose

Coming next 👇
The year was 1966:
Join me on family trips to Austria and France

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Where were you in 1965?
Any memories you’d like to share?

Looking forward to your comments!

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62 thoughts on “THE YEAR WAS 1965 | #MusicalMemories

  1. My family had a hard time making ends meet in 1965. I spent time in an orphanage near the Dutch border at that time, and was glued to the radio station Hilversum 3. … Awesome post, friend D … Love, cat.

    1. I’m sorry your family was having such a rough time in 1965, cat. 🙁 It must have been hard living in an orphanage. I looked up Hilversum 3. Apparently, it had just started up that year. My favourite station was Radio Luxembourg; especially the English music at night. Thanks for reading my story. More to come! 🙂

  2. 1965 was difficult for my family, as we were trying to make ends meet. I remember being glued to the Dutch radio station Hilversum 3 …. Awesome posts you have here, friend D …. Love, c.

  3. Howdy, DEBBIE!
    I signed up my blog to participate in this Flashback Friday blogfest, but I keep forgetting to do it. How many people actively participate, do you know? Because I have a feeling I’m not the only “no-show”.

    In 1965, I was only this many: IIIIII.
    So, mostly, I was just riding my imaginary horse and shooting imaginary outlaws in Orange County, California. It was a good life back then!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Check out my new blog @
    (Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. I figured you are younger than me, Stephen. 🙂 Orange County must have been a nice place to grow up. As for Flashback Friday, a few people are still doing it, but the linky list was closed, so it might be petering out. I think it’s a great idea though and will continue on. We all have posts that deserve more exposure. Thanks for dropping in.

  4. Debbie, I lived in southern WV with my parents. I turned four in December 1965. So, unfortunately being so young I don’t have any distinct memories. All of your mewsic is stuff I grew up hearing or at least a few of these songs I recall. Either I forgot or I’m just now learning that you were born in Germany. I think I remember your dad was in the service, though. I have a hard time piecing facts together sometimes. Oh well, great Flashback Friday post. The mewsic is great! 🙂

    1. Hi, Cathy; Southern WV must be a lovely place to grow up. Yes, I’m binational and bilingual. 🙂 My mother was German and my father was Canadian, of German descent. Thanks for reading my story. I hope to continue this series in future. I only got as far as 1966, which will be the next #FlashbackFriday entry.

  5. Hey Debbie,

    I loved this! For the record, I wasn’t born in ’65 nor do I think I was being thought of. However, I do appreciate strolling down memory lane with you. 😉


    1. Hi Bren; Thanks for reading my story. I hope to continue with more instalments. I know many people weren’t born yet in 1965. I guess that makes me officially old. Not in my head, though. 😀 Nice to see you have the new site up and running. I’ll definitely check it out!

  6. Love reading your post. What an interesting life, Debbie! I love jukeboxes–there is something so exciting about them. I remember the first one I ever saw. It was a magical experience. Where was I in 1965? Mumbai and two years old. Growing up with my Grandma, Aunts and Uncles, and of course, Mom. I have vague memories : our family, already a joint family with loads of laughter, made our house seem like Liberty Hall, what with cousins coming and going all the time. Those were the days! Zero technology, radio being our sole entertainment, besides the movies.

    1. Thanks for reading my story, Vidya. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 It has been an interesting, intercontinental life. Your extended family sounds wonderful! There’s something to be said for zero technology. We did have TV as well as radio, though.

  7. That’s so interesting. My father is a teacher and sometimes when I hear or read about transferable jobs and how kids move with parents, I miss that part.
    1965, I don’t know. Maybe my earlier life somewhere 😉

    1. I loved being part of an intercontinental family, Parul. 🙂 It’s so educational to experience life in different countries. I realize many people weren’t even born in 1965. I was 10, which officially makes me old. 😉 Thanks for reading my story.

  8. Oh, wow… I just listened to “Play With Fire” this week… That is a powerful recording.

    I enjoyed this trip back down Memory Lane. You are multi-faceted.

    1. “Play with Fire” is a stirring song and it’s too bad it was relegated to the “B” side. Thanks for reading my story, Myke. It has been an interesting, intercontinental life. 🙂

  9. Fascinating times you had! I can well understand your joy at visiting your grand-folks – their bar sounds rich with old world charm – and I can tell they had a truly positive influence on you.
    Already a wanderer at seven, and unaccustomed to the city (Tucson), I was hit by a car as I defiantly crossed a busy street to visit a new friend. Knowing I’d be in trouble, I took off running. But the driver followed me, knocking on every apartment door; frantically exaggerating my bloodied description, until my nanny answered our door. I was on restriction most of that summer. But they’d sent me back to the sticks (western outskirts) where I was quite content to (safely) roam the desert, sing along to “Mr. Tambourine Man”, devour peanut butter cups, and listen to grown-ups talk about Vietnam in worried whispers.

    1. That period in Europe (1965-1969) was the best time of my youth, diedre. 🙂 I’m glad you weren’t seriously hurt by the car. Good for the driver, wanting to make sure you were okay. Thanks for sharing your memories of 1965.

    1. Those photos you see were taken in 2013 when I went back home for the first time in 41 years. It was a pleasant surprise to see that both apartment buildings had been beautifully restored. 🙂 Planning your wedding must have been exciting, Carol. Thanks for reading my story.

  10. I was born in 1965, but being the youngest of six kids, I had the pleasure of listening to my older siblings music. I really enjoyed the German version of Cindy Lou. It’s always been a catchy tune for me. As for the Stones, Satisfaction has always been one of my favorites. Great post, Debbie. I enjoyed learning a bit more about you.

    1. Thanks for reading my story, Mary. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 Listening to “Cindy Lou” brings me right back to that pub in 1965, when I was 10 years old.

    1. I was wondering if anyone else was still doing Flashback Friday. It’s a good idea and I hope it doesn’t die out. Thanks for reading my story. Glad you enjoyed it! That was probably the nicest period of my youth.

  11. Sounds like an interesting time in your life. All the songs except for “Il Silenzio” are familiar to me other than the trumpet melody of “Taps” incorporated into the tune–and actually that song does sound vaguely familiar though I think I’m confusing it with another very similar sounding recording.

    Weird to hear “Birds and Bees” in German.

    IN 1965 I was in junior high living in Northern Indiana not far from Chicago. I was listening to a lot of top 40 radio by that time and following the hits.

    Arlee Bird

    1. Lee, those years living in Europe (1965-69) were probably the best times of my life growing up. The travel opportunities alone were amazing and being close to family was also nice. Yes, the German version of “Birds and the Bees” sounds a little strange. 🙂 “Il Silenzio” was a worldwide hit. From Wikipedia:

      its thematic melody being an extension of the same Italian Cavalry bugle call used by the Russian composer Tchaikovsky to open his Capriccio Italien (often mistaken for the U.S. military bugle call “Taps”).

      You’ve certainly lived in many different places as well. Makes for an interesting life!

  12. My biped had just moved house and had to start a new school which turned out to be much nicer than the old one, so she was making new friends as well.

    I wasn’t even a twinkle in my daddy’s eye and he wasn’t even a twinkle in his daddy’s eye… I think you get the idea! 😀

  13. Also… if you want to use the notes on a wire graphic for your posts, feel free. Or use whatever you like. Just know that you can:)

    1. Thanks, Robin. Hope you don’t mind, but I designed this logo to match the decor. 🙂 I will add your graphic to the attribution on the post. Hope that’s okay!

  14. I read your post again after reading through the comments.

    So, your mom was German (and her parents still lived in Germany) while your father was Canadian. Is that right? Or were they both German and he was just stationed in Canada?

    I’m sorry that the anti-German sentiment was still so pervasive after the war. I think people like to lump people into neat little boxes that make sense to them. Of course, that isn’t remotely fair. Plenty of German people were anti-Hitler and did their best to help Jewish people and other targets of Nazi hate. But, that makes it all very confusing about who to hate and who to blame. School is never easy (and bullying seems to be part of the universal experience), but you were a soft target with your German background. I’m sorry.

    Lots of variety on your grandparents’ jukebox. Their home sounds just wonderful, so I’m certain you enjoyed those weekends tremendously.

    As for me… I wasn’t a blip in anyone’s eye yet.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read everything, Robin. 🙂 My father was third generation Canadian of German descent. – born and raised in Montreal. He met my mother during his first posting to Germany in 1953. You are so right that people like to categorize and generalize; something I abhor to this day; likely because of those childhood experiences.
      The pub was a fun place for me and it had great atmosphere. That belonged to my grandmother’s sister and her husband. We visited regularly, but spent most weekends at my grandparents’ home (picture on the right), in a neighbouring city.
      I guess I’m dating myself with these posts. Nowadays, most people are younger. LOL

  15. I loved reading about how you came to live in Germany and your years there! Your mention of the bar reminded me of accompanying my parents when they went to have a few beers with friends or other family. I remember being in Pennsylvania bars with hardwood floors and jukeboxes. Your description of the bar was fabulous and it took me right there. The engraved bar sounds magnificent. Great songs too. I LOVE Play with Fire. What a great throwback thursday!

    1. Hi Michele; Glad you enjoyed my musical memories. 🙂 This will be an occasional, continuing series. I’m sure there are lots of pubs like that all over. I just wish I had a photo of that bar. It was quite the piece of art, but what kid thinks of that? Pennsylvania has a large German influence, so I can imagine some of the architecture and decor is similar. Did you like going there? “Play with Fire” is one of my favourite Stones songs of all time and I wonder why it was consigned to the B side! Sorry I missed this earlier and your post from yesterday. Going there now!

      1. I’m part German too, via the Pennsylvania Dutch. Yes, PA has a lot of great architecture. It’s been a long time since I’ve been there but would love to go back at some point. I would love to go see my grandparents house, see if it’s changed much since I was there. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go inside. I’m sure the memories would flood back as soon as I stepped through the door! Those were good years…

        1. Your last name sounds like it evolved from the German word “treulich”, meaning faithfully or truly. 🙂 You obviously have some great memories and I hope you get the chance to revisit the area. We visited my grandparents’ former home in 2013 (the photo on the right), but the apartments were locked. We did have dinner at the restaurant on the ground floor. It was all pretty exciting!

          1. That sounds really exciting. I love reminiscing, especially when you can do it in person. My German heritage comes from my maternal side; my last name is actually Czechoslovakian. My grandfather came over on the boat, as they say… But that’s neat to know the meaning of the other Treulich! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  16. Such wonderful memories you have – thank you for sharing with us. And lucky you! Living in two different countries, and such awesome ones as Canada and Germany. Germany is on my bucket list; it’s my heritage.

    And the CindyLou song? Oh how beautiful to hear the German language in music. CindyLu is positive that song was originally written for her. Can’t convince her otherwise 😉

      1. Wow, that’s so beautiful there! How serene, pretty, and full of history…Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed that virtual tour! 🙂

        1. So, now you really want to go, yes? 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the tour of my home town. What impressed me the most was that it was almost exactly how I left it 41 years earlier, except better. They refurbish buildings there, rather than rebuild.

  17. I loved reading about your memories of time in Germany when you were younger and all the music on the jukebox at your relatives’ pub. Isn’t it true that the music we listened to entwine to become part of the memories. We only have to hear that music and we are transported back instantly.

    In 1965, I was living in England as I was a military brat, too and my father was a pilot in the RAF at the time since Canadian pilots could join back then. Don’t remember the popular music all that much at 5 years old as I was probably into nursery rhymes mostly. I did have a funny British 45 about Red Riding Hood that I can still hear in my mind so vividly. I remember the words to the song that Red Riding Hood sang about her nagging mother warning her about the dangers in the woods. Imagine it with a very proper British accent, of course. “Mothers are a worry, Mothers are a bore, They spend their lives in misery and heaven knows what for!” So silly what we remember as kids, eh? Don’t ask me other details like the name of my school or anything like that but I sure remember that record.

    1. So, you weren’t that far away from me, 50 years ago either, Cathy. 🙂 I visited London in 1969, so even closer! (If you were still in England, that is.)
      Yes, I can just hear those phrases from Red Riding Hood, British accent and all. 😀 It’s true what you say about music – we are instantly transported back. I’m excited about doing this series! So many memories; I’ll never run out of material. Glad you enjoyed the post. Next one, the travelling begins. 🙂

  18. Lovely memories, Debbie! Although, yes, I can imagine it must’ve been hard being German in Canada in 1965 (and for many years after… humanity is stupid), but I’m glad you only had to put up with it for a little while. I was only born in 1973, so can’t share much (haha), but my dad did spend a good chunk of the 60’s in Germany during his time in the US Army, and although he didn’t talk much about it (or about anything else, for that matter), I know he had fond memories — including a love story I never got the lowdown on! Your post made me picture him in these places, with this music… So very, very cool 🙂 Thank you!

    1. Hi Guilie; I started school in Canada in 1960 and was harassed the entire five years there. It was brutal! Our family was opposed to the Hitler regime and suffered greatly during WWII. My mother even went to jail, because she refused to work in a government chemical lab (she was a chemistry student at university), so the “filthy Nazi” epithets were especially galling. :p You’re the only one who commented on that aspect of the post. Thanks for that and sorry about the rant. It still rankles, to some extent. Anyway…..
      I’m glad I was able to bring Germany to life for you and trigger fond memories of your Dad. All the military people I’ve met, be they Canadian, British, American or other say they enjoyed it there.

  19. I have never heard of these songs before… they are quite nice. So different from today’s pop music. I am a military brat too 😛 love those army canteens.

    1. Hahaha! “So different from today’s pop music” is exactly the complaint that most of us older folks have. We don’t consider today’s music nearly as good as our own generation’s, but I think it’s that way for people of all ages. 🙂 The life of a military brat is always interesting, yes? Thanks for visiting.

  20. What fun this site is! We share some of the same memories in Germany. I remember those juke boxes in bars and restaurants. My grandmother usually gave me some coins to feed the music box. I always felt like that was a huge treat.
    Where was I in 1965? I was 15. I spent a summer at a horse ranch near Dusseldorf, Germany. I remember singing “Going to the Chapel” I fell in love with one of the stable boys, who had escaped from East Germany the previous year. And I got tipsy for the first time from sweet French wine. That was a hot summer. 

    1. That isn’t too far from Soest, or Bochum, where my Oma and Opa lived. Lovely memories you have there, Angelika. 🙂 We do have much in common, although I’m 5 years younger. Thanks for your continued support and interest. So glad we met. Isn’t the Blogosphere a wonderful place? 😀

  21. “I’ll Never Find Another You” by The Seekers, “Ferry Cross The Mersey” by Gerry & The Pacemakers were both in my All Time Top 100 Pop/Rock collection.

    “Play With Fire” easily in my Rolling Stones Top Ten.

    It was a big year for Beau Brummels.

  22. We were listening to some of the same music. I would add to that a lot of Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, and Tijuana Brass. They were great musical times.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin’ with A to Z