This is my second A to Z Challenge experience and I’m getting excited about it! Even more fun to party at the Blogfest, as explained by Corinne Rodrigues and Vidya Sury. Why don’t you join us? Find me at link #21. Clicking on the badge takes you to the April A t0 Z website. It’s a social event, so please visit as many participants as you can, add comments and share on your various networks. Enjoy!
Last year’s theme, Travel & Culture was fun to do, but complicated in the execution (multiple images, lots of research). This time, I’m keeping it a bit simpler, but I hope you enjoy it, nonetheless. Would you like a hint?
We’ll be going from this:

To this:

To this:

Any idea?
Does this help?

Still not sure?
Okay then, let me tell you…….
My theme for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge of 2015 is…….
(Not all of them – keeping it mild. 😉 )
[Thanks to Part-Time Monster for the original idea.]
Language holds a special fascination for me. There’s nothing like a well-placed, elegant word to attract attention. Even as a child, I had a large vocabulary and people would comment how I sounded like a miniature adult. For this year’s #AtoZChallenge, I will be offering a lexicon of favourites, complete with light banter, suitable illustrations and/or music. Hopefully, there won’t be any “Word Crimes” 😉
So, what do you think?
Interesting___ Boring___ Not Sure___
Looking forward to your comments!
All posts are scheduled to go live at 12:05 a.m. (00:05) Eastern Time. [Toronto]
The Doglady’s Den is written in Canadian English
(“Doglady” is purposely one word – creative licence)

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98 thoughts on “THE GREAT THEME REVEAL OF 2015! #AtoZChallenge #AtoZReveal”
That’s interesting. So I would get some new vocabulary here. Would wait for the next post.
The theme sounds good to me. I can certainly relate with the large vocabulary; my mom says she had to carry a dictionary around with her just so she could understand what I was saying. I thought I was normal–just using the words that I read… I’m so excited about this challenge this year–and it looks like I’ll have some extra time to read more blogs. YAY!!!! It’s rare I have free time. Good luck!
Great theme Debbie – True , after the extensive travelling we both did last year- something smpler this year for me too. So looking forward to follow u on this one:-)
Well, I thought it was going to be simpler, but now I’m not so sure! Perhaps “simple” just isn’t my nature. LOL Thanks for following along, Eli. I’m looking forward to your posts, as well. See you soon!
Now that sounds like a really interesting theme! I am sure you will have fun selecting words for each letter. And I like how you say that you plan to keep the list ‘mild’ 🙂 Looking forward to reading some of your posts. I remember highly enjoying your travel posts from last year.
I was stuck on a few letters, Beloo, especially X! 😛 Yes, I like to use strong language for emphasis, when making a point, but I didn’t want my site to be designated as “Adult Content”. 😉 Everyone should feel welcome. Thanks for dropping in and have a good week.
Love this post, your pics, your suspense – no idea! – and your swell theme for this year’s A to Z challenge Debbie. Have fun writing as I’m sure you will and I will as I read them! 😉 <3
Glad you like the theme, Elly. 🙂 I’ll do my best to make it interesting. Thanks for visiting and good luck with the challenge.
Great idea, Debbie – looking forward to it!
Me too, Laurel. Challenging, yet exhilarating! 😀 Looking forward to yours, as well. Cheers!
Hiya,I am sure I’ll have fun here with all the new words I’ll be learning ! Looking forward to the same 🙂 Good luck, Debbie dear 🙂
I’m hoping to make it fun, but you’ll probably recognize many of the words, too. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and enjoy the challenge!
Travel and culture. You have made me curious. I look forward to reading your posts.
Best wishes,
Welcome to The Den, Anna. 🙂 Travel and Culture was last year’s theme, but if you’re interested in those, just click the link. This year is all about Favourite Words. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
Ok testing, Debbie, told me to type more words so here they are, will type about your site, which I like very much””” Smiling”
Thanks Glenda! You only need 6 words. 🙂
Your theme is awesome. See you in April.
Glad you like it, Usha. 🙂 Yes, see you there. Have fun!
Hi Debbie, This is my first time here. I came across your blog through B-A-R. Your theme looks interesting and I am looking forward to it. I really liked how you presented the theme. Will be following along in April. Cheers!
Welcome to The Den, Shantala. 🙂 I’ve seen your blog out there as well. Glad you enjoy the theme. I’ll try to make it interesting. Have fun with the challenge!
This should be fun! I might learn some new words.
Hi Clowie; I’m trying to find interesting words to use. 🙂 X is definitely a challenge! Thanks for visiting.
I love words. 🙂 I am doing the challenge, too. My theme is art.
Welcome to The Den, orneryswife. That’s a fun user name! 🙂 I’ll try to pick interesting words and add some other cool stuff. I love art, too, so that’s also a great theme. Enjoy the challenge!
That sounds like an interesting theme, Debbie. I love everything about words and I look forward to reading your posts. 🙂 Wishing you the very best.
Thanks! Glad you like it. The challenge now is to get the posts written in time. Best wishes to you, too.
A well placed word is so crucial to us as writers. This sounds good to me!
Welcome to The Den. Nick. 🙂 Glad you like my theme. Here’s hoping I can make this interesting. Cheers!
That’s a cool theme, mine is related to words too.
Best wishes,
I just saw your theme – more ambitious than mine, I’d say! 🙂 Glad you like it anyway. I hope to make it interesting. Thanks for visiting.
It does sound like an interesting theme! I like the sound of some words and their meanings, so I can see why this would be a good one for you to pick 🙂 Enjoy!
Glad you like it, Betty. 🙂 I’m hoping to make it interesting. There will be some accompanying anecdotes, images and/or music, for variety.
Hi Debbie,
I loved the video! I like learning new words and I’m always encouraging my kids to learn a new word everyday. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Corina; That’s a great way to make people more aware of proper language, isn’t it? 🙂 Weird Al is the king of song parodies and this one actually has a message. Glad you’re teaching your kids to expand their vocabularies. Thanks for visiting.
Awesome theme! Thanks for the mention. 🙂
Well, the idea did come from your post, so I’m giving credit where it’s due. 🙂 Glad you like it! Thanks for visiting The Den.
I know you’ll come up with some fascinating words I can use. Bring ’em on! See you in April.
Thanks. 🙂 I’m certainly going to try! Enjoy the challenge.
This should be an interesting topic. I look forward to your posts!
Welcome to The Den, John. Glad you like the theme. 🙂 I’ll do my best to make it interesting.
Oooh i can’t wait! i love favorite words, they’re so revealing!
Well, I’m not using my most favourite words, Carol. Don’t want to have an “adult content” restriction. 😉 On the other hand, you may find the ones I do come up with fairly interesting. Thanks for visiting!
These words are totally cool. I have synesthesia and some of these words will undoubtedly spark a lot of color in my mind. Looking forward to reading your A-Z!
Nice to meet you, Astrid. Welcome to The Den! 🙂 Interesting about the Synesthesia. You’re the first person I’ve met who knowingly has that. Have fun with the challenge.
GeezLouise, You got the comments. I am your fellow dog lady in central Georgia. I look forward to checking out your blog during the A to Z challenge.
So nice to meet a fellow dog person, Ann. Welcome to The Den! 🙂 I’ll be interested in learning more about Georgia through your blog. Good luck in the challenge.
Yay! I love language. In fact, I am also doing something in the realm of words. Hint: It has to do with unusual words and different forms of…
Rose @ BohemianNERD
Nice to meet you, Rose. Welcome to The Den! 😀 I like the “BohemianNERD” moniker. Be sure to check out my “B” post. 😉 I’ll be interested to follow up with your blog, as well. Cheers!
Too good…I’m in love with your theme! Curiosity is going to bring me to your blog through April 😉
Well, I sure hope I can make it entertaining! 🙂 Glad you like the theme and thanks for visiting.
Interesting! I love words and will definitely follow along with you!
Welcome to The Den, jetgirl. 🙂 Glad you like the theme and I appreciate your visit here. Enjoy the challenge!
Words! We can never have enough of them 🙂 And I love the Word Crimes song!
Yes, that wa a fun song, for sure. 🙂 I’ll do my best to come up with interesting words. Thanks for visiting.
Oh, I think this can be a very interesting and educational series! Great choice!
Welcome to The Den. Barbara. 🙂 Glad you like the theme. I’ll do my best to make it interesting. Thanks for visiting.
That’s a fun theme, Debbie. 🙂 All the best. Have fun. 🙂
Glad you like it. 🙂 I’ll do my best to make it interesting. Thanks for visiting.
I LOVE this theme 🙂 I love words, their complexity, their layered effects, the connotations, everything about them. I am sure this will be a great series to read. Good luck, Debbie!
Glad you like it, Shailaja. 🙂 I’ll try to make it interesting. Good luck to you, as well!
I was not a participant last year. But read your posts recently and they were excellent. Looking forward to these favorite words!
Thanks for reading my posts. Glad you enjoyed them. 🙂 I’m trying to simplify things a bit this year, but hope to keep it interesting.
Awesome theme! Looking forward to read your posts, Debbie! Cheers 🙂
Thanks, Shilpa. 🙂 I’ll try to make it interesting. Thanks for visiting.
I remember your posts last year, loved them 🙂 . This year’s theme too sounds so much fun 😀
Looking forward to read them 🙂
Thanks, Raj. 🙂 I appreciated all of your comments last year. I hope I can make this interesting. Last year’s theme is a tough act to follow. Enjoy the challenge.
Favourite words – now there is a big pot to choose from. I look forward to seeing what words you picked for unusual letters like X and Z :).
Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
Yes, there’s a myriad of choices. 🙂 Z is set (see last image, above), but X is still undecided. Thanks for visiting and good luck with the challenge.
Good one Debbie 😀 Will look forward to your favorite A to Z words 🙂
Glad you like it! 🙂 I’ll try to make it interesting. Thanks for visiting.
Love the sound of your theme, Debbie. I am a word lover, too. I love learning new words and trying them out. I look forward to reading your entertaining and informative posts as I always enjoy your blog.
Hi Cathy; Glad you like the theme. I’ll try to make it as interesting as possible. Nice to know you’re a fellow logophile. 🙂 Thanks for being a fan of The Den!
Awesome Debbie…will look forward to your favourite words 🙂
Glad you like it! 😀 Enjoy the challenge.
What a fun theme. I tried to keep mine simple this year too, but like you last year, it is getting to be lots of photos.
Photos are always fascinating and I’m looking forward to your posts, Rhonda. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the challenge! 🙂
That sounds so much fun! Words say it all and I am looking forward to read which ones are your favorite 🙂
Thank you Parul. I’ll try to make it interesting. X will be a challenge, for sure! 🙂
Ooh I’m sure I’ve done quite a few word crimes (great video) in my past, er, and my present… sounds like an interesting theme – I’ll be back!
Curling Stones for Lego People
Nice to meet you, Mars. Welcome to The Den! Weird Al does have a way with words, doesn’t he? 😀 Glad you like the theme. Thanks for visiting.
Debbie, the theme you have chosen is definitely interesting! And, I simply loved the video! All through, I kept wondering how many such word crimes I must have committed in my posts! Looking forward to your posts and learning a lot from you! Wish you the best!
Glad you like the theme, Shilpa. Yes, Weird Al sure does some funny song parodies and this one actually has a message. 🙂 We’ve all committed “word crimes” at one time or another. Cheers!
Definitely interesting! I’m looking forward to find your favorite words 🙂 Have fun, Debbie!
Glad you like the theme. 🙂 Looking forward to yours as well. Good luck in the challenge!
Awesome theme!! I like it a lot! I’ll look forward to reading about your favorite words. What fun!
So… here we go again, huh? You ready for the ride?? This should definitely serve to get my out of my dry spell!
See you ’round the alphabet, Girl!
Well, I couldn’t use my most favourite words, without changing the blog to adult content. 😉 Ready? Not by a long shot! I’ve scheduled the posts and added the generic stuff to them, like logos, but have only written a few, so far. Yikes! Still, I’m looking forward to it. So glad we met last year, Michele! 😀
I would never know how to choose my favourite words. Let’s see 😉
Welcome to The Den, JazzFeathers. 🙂 Some words are more interesting than others. I love the ones that roll trippingly off the tongue and may not be used day to day by everyone. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and good luck in the challenge!
Sound interesting. Looking forward to reading your favourite words and maybe some will be my favourite words too.
Thanks, Suzy. X is tough, as always. LOL Looking forward to your posts as well. Good luck in the challenge!
What a fun theme! Looking forward to your posts, Debbie.
PS: Thanks for the link!
Thanks, Corinne! 🙂 I’m looking forward to your posts as well. Last year’s travelogue will be a tough act to follow, but I’ll try to make it interesting. My pleasure to add your link. Cheers!
Will be following you of course — looking forward to it — I remember your posts from last year — WHEN WE MET!
Hi Carol; Thanks for that. Sorry you’re not participating this year. Yes, the wonderful thing about this challenge is meeting great people like you. 🙂 Cheers!
How fun! I’ve got a lot of favorite words. It will be interesting to see if we converge on any of them.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Thanks, Lee! I’m looking forward to your posts as well. 🙂
Most of all, thank you for starting this great blogging initiative.