Thanks for your support

Since moving this blog to a self-hosted site a few months ago (January 2013),
it has grown by leaps and bounds, all thanks to YOU, my wonderful readers.  

You know who you are!

Physical-world friends, internet friends, non-bloggers and bloggers alike.

thank you

Have a look:

3.0/5.0 stars byWebTarantula
Traffic trend has an up traffic trend and its number of visitors is growing.
It climbed 454240 positions up from the last three months, which is about a
98.96% increase.
SEO Score

(For those who aren’t familiar, SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”; a measure of how easy you are to find on the web.  Have no idea whether or not that’s a good score, because I don’t really understand this stuff. It probably isn’t, but not bad for a blog that hasn’t been active very long. What say you, experienced bloggers? )

Today, I am turning the blog over to you.  

Feel free to ask or tell me ANYTHING about ANYTHING!

You can use the comment section below, or if you prefer to send me a private message,
click on the “Contact” section at the top of the page.

Have a personal question?  Go ahead and ask!

What would you like to see more of or less of on the blog?  Go ahead and tell me!

Do you have any critiques or suggestions about the blog?  Go ahead and tell me!

Is there a specific subject you would like me to write about?  Go ahead and ask!

Ask or tell me ANYTHING and I promise to respond next week.


I’m stepping away from the computer for a few days to get caught up on things.

My heartfelt thanks once again, for taking this wild ride into the Blogosphere with me!

thank you smiley

Debbie's signature


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  1. hey debbie!!
    i cant imagine how wonderful you have written this article. i am so lucky that i get your website. i will surely ask if i have any question!!
    thanks alot

    1. Nice to meet you Rahul. Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂 Your flying bicycle looks interesting, but, I couldn’t find a comment area for the post.

  2. I know how it feels needing to get some time away from the online world. It can get crazy, right?

    I’m so glad you’re blog is having such great success. I can tell you we keep coming back because of your writing, and I personally LOVE Monday’s Music selection and Friday’s fill in the blank 🙂

    I hope you’ve enjoyed your time off, can’t wait til we have you back in full swing! 🙂

    1. Thanks for your comments, Corina. 🙂 I do plan on keeping up with the Music Monday and the writing posts for sure and will try to do the Friday Fill-Ins when time permits, but I need to cut back a little on some things. Have a great Sunday!

  3. Hi Debbie,

    Congratulations indeed 🙂

    I like the way you are doing for yourself and the blog and the rate with which it’s soaring. I wish you all the luck in the future too 🙂

    Yes, one honest suggestion – I would like the reading section to be a little broader so there is more of your content visible to visitors. Presently, one gets distracted with the left and right columns too, or perhaps shifting and adjusting them all on one side so that the focus is on one side only. I know its a personal choice and I’m no one to suggest – but that’s just what I felt and said as you asked 🙂

    Thanks for sharing and giving us this opportunity to express our views. Have a nice time, wherever you are headed 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Harleena! I was quite pleasantly surprised the way it took off. 🙂 As for your suggestion, I do agree the content section is too narrow and have been trying to play with this theme a little, but, perhaps it’s time to find a more flexible one, or, switch to one sidebar only. Hate to lose all the stuff on there though. Anyway, something will be improved in that regard soon. I really appreciate your taking the time to offer advice. Have a great day! 😀

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Carol. I’ll be back next time, but, my writing is all on the blog, so, feel free to browse, anytime. Have a great week! 🙂

  4. Hey Debbie,

    Well, I like posts about pets here and you know, music too. It’s always good to find out what friends listening to 😉 I can find some music comply with my taste too.

    Sounds like you are getting more attraction here with improved SEO and all that 😉 More traffic never hurts, eh?

    Any new plans for your blog? 😉

    Wish you all the best with blogging and hope you are enjoying your weekend there dear 🙂


    1. Thanks for re-posting the comment Mayura. So sorry about that little glitch! (Fixed now.) Glad you’re enjoying my content. I do plan to continue blogging my “Dogsitting Adventures” book, one chapter at a time, plus posting about my other passions; music, travel, etc. Add in some creative writing wherever the muse takes me. Will probably be posting less often though,, because it’s taking over my life a bit too much. We are going to Europe for the month of Sept., so, I’ll have plenty of travel posts after that. 😀
      Have a great week!

    1. Hi Joyce; it’s just one of those many sites on the net that rates websites. check it out! I bet your blog gets high marks. 🙂 Thanks for visiting. No questions or suggestions?

  5. Hi there Deb, just dropping by to wish you a great weekend… and I know how you feel, stepping away wise… time waits for no-one and time on the Laptop etc.. certainly eats into your life.. . xPenx

    1. Hi Penny; Sorry for the late reply. Needed to take a break from the internet for awhile. Weekend was good. Hope you have a great week and thanks for visiting. 🙂