It’s been years since I did one, but Thomas Wikman of Leonberger Life has tagged me to participate in a blogging questionnaire. You can read his post here:
I’m a lifelong dog person, from a long line of dog people, who spent 27 years as a “Canine Caregiver”, walking dogs and boarding them in my home. People referred to me as “the dog lady” all the time, and I stylized it into one word for my website name, “The Doglady’s Den” (poetic licence), which began in 2009, on In 2013, I switched to self-hosting with, loved the creative freedom, and have never looked back!
What helps you create new content if you feel like you need some inspiration?
I follow my muse – her name is Rita. Although she sometimes has good ideas, she’s a lazy bitch, and slacks off a lot! More inspiration comes from reading what others are talking about in the Blogosphere.
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?
As an only child, I learned how to get by on my own early in life and am more of a “lone wolf” type. Plus, there’s the whole control freak issue and needing to be in charge. 😆 That said, I would be open to collaborating with like-minded people, depending on the project. For example: (links open in new tabs automatically)
(List generated by the “Frequent Visitors” widget)
Click on the names and explore this cornucopia of creativity!
Is there anything more you wish you had or would like to learn as a blogger?
I wish I had more discretionary income (the downside of retirement, unless you’re a millionaire, is you’re on a fixed income and have to watch expenses) to spend on pro plugins, apps and dedicated hosting to improve my website. Other than a couple of benign ads, (which yield next to nothing), I refuse to “go commercial” and sacrifice creativity. Donations are welcome and appreciated, however. 🙏💖
If you enjoy this website, please support my artistic endeavours. Thank you so much! 💖
Maintaining a self-hosted website requires some technical knowledge. Rather than hire a pro, I was determined to figure it out on my own. (Google search is an excellent resource!) Call me a nerd, but I’m fascinated by the subject. 😆 Even after 11 years, there’s a lot more to learn, though, especially since the software is constantly evolving.
Do you have a specific style of blogging?
I’m a highly visual person – love bright colours (can you tell? 😉), graphics, photos, videos, etc. It usually takes me days to craft a blog post, because of the complicated formatting and my own perfectionist bent. 😪 This is my creative outlet, though, and I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way. The downside is having trouble keeping pace with my fellow bloggers. I’m always playing “catch up”. Thank you for your patience!
Let’s keep this going! 🫵 Tagging anyone who would like to write about their own blogging journey. (no time limit!)
If you accept the tag, please let me know in comments and add the link to your post. (Pingbacks rarely work on self-hosted sites.) Also, kindly refer to my post in your first paragraph, using this link:
Thank you all for your support! 🌹💖🌹 Looking forward to your posts.
Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
33 thoughts on “TAG, YOU’RE IT! 🫵 | 💻 A BLOGGING QUESTIONNAIRE 💻”
I love this! Blogging challenges can be so much fun, what with all the unique answers and blogger perspectives out there. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about yours. I’m honored that you mentioned me, thank you so much!
I hear you about that discretionary income of retirement. And having a lack of tech knowledge doesn’t help one much. I had so many ideas when I started blogging that I was never able to do because of not knowing how.
Lately a lack of interest in such things as writing and blogging has been some detriment to those activities for me. It’s there, but the fire has waned some. Maybe it’s the weather and time of season. Or maybe something else.
Retirement is an adjustment, that’s for sure! I’m already spending a lot on this website, but there’s so much more I could do with more money. 🙂 Google and YouTube help a lot, with learning the technical aspects.
I can relate to the blogging fires waning. In my case, it’s up and down (fired up this week! 😀 ). Thanks for sharing your thoughts on blogging, Lee!
I’ll play along with this game; it’s going to sound boring! lol
I’m only going to talk about my first blog, since I’ve had way too many to address. That blog was named after me, which was associated with my consulting business. Since it’s named after me, like you it would be me.
The third question is intriguing because things have changed. In the early years, I was writing at least 3 articles a week, and it was easy because I had a lot of topics and experience I could write about. These days, because I’m older, I’ve slowed down some since I have other things to deal with. I’m still writing on 3 blogs, having shut down 2 others this year, and I also write for my accountant’s blog; it’s the only one I have problems finding something to write about, since I’ve written that blog for 11 years.
The next two are easy; I don’t want to collaborate with anyone. I tried that with 2 other people, but it ended up just being me doing any writing. And, since I’ve been blogging for just under 20 years (it’ll be 19 come November), I think I’ve learned everything I needed to learn.
As for style, I like writing conversational, talking to people in regular talk unless it’s an educational article. It doesn’t differ often these days, but years ago when I was writing multiple blogs multiple times a week, I was a buzzsaw of writing… I’ve written quite a few posts longer than 5,000 words… not sure I want to do that ever again! 😀
That’s it; as you can see, sometimes even my comments are long. lol
I love long comments, Mitch! 🙂 Those are pretty rare. Of all the bloggers I know, you are the most prolific and most experienced. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yeah, I don’t think posts longer than 5000 words would be too popular. That’s like a novella! 😆 Too many words, too little time…
Well… one, they were my version of tutorial posts; two, sometimes it’s a good thing to stretch one’s mind to hopefully show people you might be smart lol
Thanks for the mention, Debbie. It was fun reading your responses. If I had more time, then I’d consider playing along. Perhaps, I will save a link back to this post and try to participate late fall or early winter. Life is just hectic right now. Have a good weekend, my dear!
Hi Debbie – Thank you for the mention of me/my blog. It is appreciated. My blog originated because my neighbor who enjoyed nature had COPD and could no longer work or go out of the house by using her personal oxygen tank, but needed full-time oxygen. We were Facebook friends, so she asked me to tell her what I saw on my walks. I never took photos, but I’d write her a detailed synopsis. Then she wanted to start a blog. I really wasn’t interested to do that, but she sent me other people’s blogs and since she was a good friend as well as neighbor, I did it for her. So my blog was born because of Marge. I used to mention her all the time and the day she died I wrote a poignant tribute to her. She used to go to the Detroit River to watch the sunrise almost every day until she was on the large oxygen tank and sent me photos sometimes so I used one of them and did that again on a later anniversary tribute. My blog title name is rather long and when meeting people at parks and such, it is really too long for people to remember, so I got some cards made up. I have also registered a second domain name in case I want to change it down the road. I intend to join a plein air painting group someday, so I may branch out on my just-walking posts. I have other hobbies to pursue but have tried to get my house decluttered since retiring on March 31st, but this is the time for me to be out and about walking, so I’ve not been all that successful getting it done.
I hope to improve my photography down the road. I only shoot in automatic … but I have sat down and studied the manual and even a “Dummies Book” and went out and shot lousy photos, so for now automatic focus is my friend.
I am pretty lucky since I mainly write about walking, so as long as I take enough walks and enough photos on those walks, I won’t run out of posts for a while. I only started doing Terri’s Challenge around October 2023, so I have a grid of all walks taken and when I come home from each walk I write a draft of the walk, so when I go through the pictures later, it is easy to match up with the pics. So I have a grid which tells me at a glance what I have, what I can pair to Terri’s posts. I have walks from months ago, including two 5Ks, that I haven’t written about yet. Plus one walk from last year.
You have a lot of skills in creating such an elaborate blog, so I am impressed about that. Plus a self-hosted blog to boot. I have to admit that I created my blog 11 years ago, have stuck with Twenty-Ten theme and only tweaked it by adding a gallery and side-bar stuff, but that is all.
As a fellow only child, I know all about self-entertaining and being a lone wolf. I like living alone, have zero family members as you know, but I never have been one to be wanting people running in/out of the house, or phoning me at all hours of the night. Social media is a wonderful way to connect with people, whether it’s a blog or on various outlets like Facebook, “X” or Instagram.
I can’t think of anyone to tag to ask if they want to participate … I’d tag Terri but I’m sure you follow each other.
You’re welcome for the mention, Linda, and thanks for sharing the story of how your blog came about. Interesting!
I leave my camera on automatic more often than not and edit as necessary. My husband bought me a much fancier camera for Christmas and it’s still in the box, so you’re not alone. 😆 Looking forward to more or your fabulous nature shots!
Your blog is more focused on one or two topics, which I imagine makes it easier than my scattershot approach. And, you’re very organized. I have way too many interests and likely a touch of ADD as well. 😜
I’m fascinated by web design and have been learning all I can since switching to this self-hosted site. It’s been challenging and fun. The possibilities are endless and I love that. 😀
We are TOTALLY in sync with the ‘lone wolf’ persona! It’s cool that we have so many other things in common, as well. I was happy to meet you through Terri’s Sunday Stills blogfest. 🙂
As for tagging people, I prefer to just leave it open to anyone who’d like to take part. Don’t want anyone to feel obligated!
Thanks for reading my post and sharing your blogging experiences. Cheers! 🥂
Hi Debbie – Today I went out to Lake Erie Metropark, because they (the weather prognosticators) said “it’s a cool day – enjoy it!” It was not a cool day. But I got my miles in and more pics for down the road. I was on part of the trail that is open – a guy was down that road with his camera attached to a monopod and a lens as long as my arm and twice as thick. He paused a good ten minutes while I was meandering along and taking a few photos myself. When I got to where he was, it was three Mallards on a log and a nice reflection. I paused two minutes for my shots … honestly, if I spent that long at each bird (or squirrel), I’d never get my steps in! I have a digital compact camera I bought in 2015 and when I take that with me, at least I know I’ll come home with photos that look like what I saw. The DSLR is nice, but my preferred way to photograph is the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method. 🙂 The blog domain I registered is “Walking and whatnot” allowing for some hobbies hopefully. I have a friend I met at Council Point Park years ago. Ann Marie moved to an apartment as her husband can no longer do stairs and has other serious health issues. She will be 82 in December and is an avid walker … I hope that is me as well down the road. I have a way to go – I am 68.
I’m with you about KISS! 🙂 That guy was probably a professional photographer. And yes, let’s hope we are still mobile in our 80s! I’m a year older than you (born 1.27.55), so there’s another similarity. 😎
Thanks for considering me as an “on the right project” pick! While I listen to the M10 shuffle, let me try to give short answers here to the questions:
1- Obviously from the Don Quixote theme, figuring most things I’d ‘attack’ would be imaginary and the ones that were wouldn’t notice…
2- I’d like to say Peter, with his devotion and his way of putting foot in mouth. Probably more like Gideon, needing a sign, and the next sign, and a next sign…
3- Honestly, if I have to look for inspiration, it feels too artificial, and I just don’t do it.
4- Outside of “I sure would like a Pastor to help with the Bible studies”, and Elvis on the M10, I prolly wouldn’t be more of a collaborator than you…
5- An audience, lol!
6- Does snark count?
I bet we could do a fun collaboration with something music related. 🙂 Interesting answers! I recognized the Don Quixote quote, of course. If you’re looking for more of an audience, have you considered starting a YouTube channel or a podcast? You’re not snarky, just opinionated. 😉 Aren’t we all?
Thanks for the tag mention! I enjoyed reading your answers. I use to do these a lot, but I don’t any more, as I never knew who to tag, and I’ve answered similar questions many times over the years.
I do like your blog name! It’s good to keep it so you can post about anything you want, and everyone knows you like dogs right from the start! . I guess I get ideas too, from something I read or hear about, and of course all the challenges. 🙂I do like your graphics … so cute!
You’re welcome! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post. I know what you mean and don’t like tagging specific people either, so I just left it open to anyone who wants to do it. Last time I did one was nine years ago, so I figured, why not? Yeah, I think I’ll keep the name. A den is cozy, yes? 😀
Deb what a fun post! And thanks for adding my name. I loved your blog reasons and I pretty much identify with all of them – especially being a lone wolf and dancing to my own beat all my life. I will be happy to hop on for my next week’s post. <3
Glad you enjoyed the post, Deb. I sensed we have more in common than our similar names. 🙂 Looking forward to reading your answers! Thanks for joining in.
My blog started many years ago with a blogspot blog. It was jokes and silly stuff and the name came from that. Changing it now makes no sense to me. I still do Happy Tuesday so it still works.
Love your answers.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Debbie. Hugs. ♥
Yes, ‘Comedy Plus‘ means you could add many other types of posts too. 🙂 From Blogspot to self-hosted WordPress shows a lot of growth. Kudos to you, Sandee! Thanks for coming by.
Thanks for the mention, Debbie. I will answer the questions here if that’s okay.
*My blog name creation is actually very boring. Beetley is the name of a village in the east of England where I live, and my name is Pete. I just combined the two into one word.
*I can’t imagine my blog being a specific person, but if not me, then perhaps it would be a retired writer with plenty of time on his hands and no desire to be published other than on a blog.
*It seems I never have trouble finding inspiration for blog posts and fictional stories, so I do not use any outside source.
*I have collaborated in the past on film reviews with other bloggers, and I regularly host guest posts for any follower of my blog.
*There are many things I wish I had as a blogger, the main one being some technical computer skills to tackle the constant glitches and issues with WordPress.
*Style of blogging? Well I tend to keep to a routine. A daily fiction serial, songs from the past that are meaningful to me in some way, occasional films reviews, and some short stories. When I have been out taking photos, I usually post some of them. I have a regular Sunday Musings post that looks back over the week in my life, and before Ollie died this year I would write about being out with my beloved dog.
Best wishes, Pete.
Thank you, Pete! I enjoyed reading your answers. 🙂 You’re much better organized than me and yikes! I completely forgot, I was going to send you a guest post. So sorry – ADD, or just addled senior citizen. 😳 Your serials are outstanding, and while I understand not wishing to publish formally (I have looked into that too, and find it completely daunting!), I bet you’d be a best-seller if you did!
That is very cool. Thank you so much Debbie for doing the blog tag challenge, and I appreciate your kind words and the graphics. The Who is a great band and I remember sitting in the student dorm in Uppsala, Sweden, listening to a live The Who performance on Rockpalast. They were singing “Who are you” like in your video. It was me and a Finnish guy sitting there. Again thank you so much Debbie.
I’m so glad you liked it, Thomas! 🙂 Thanks again for thinking of me. And I’m happy The Who brought back those memories for you. We saw them in concert twice and loved every minute.
33 thoughts on “TAG, YOU’RE IT! 🫵 | 💻 A BLOGGING QUESTIONNAIRE 💻”
I love this! Blogging challenges can be so much fun, what with all the unique answers and blogger perspectives out there. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about yours. I’m honored that you mentioned me, thank you so much!
Glad you enjoyed this, Damyanti and you’re welcome for the mention. 🙂 It’s been years since I did one of these!
I hear you about that discretionary income of retirement. And having a lack of tech knowledge doesn’t help one much. I had so many ideas when I started blogging that I was never able to do because of not knowing how.
Lately a lack of interest in such things as writing and blogging has been some detriment to those activities for me. It’s there, but the fire has waned some. Maybe it’s the weather and time of season. Or maybe something else.
It’s okay.
Retirement is an adjustment, that’s for sure! I’m already spending a lot on this website, but there’s so much more I could do with more money. 🙂 Google and YouTube help a lot, with learning the technical aspects.
I can relate to the blogging fires waning. In my case, it’s up and down (fired up this week! 😀 ). Thanks for sharing your thoughts on blogging, Lee!
I’ll play along with this game; it’s going to sound boring! lol
I’m only going to talk about my first blog, since I’ve had way too many to address. That blog was named after me, which was associated with my consulting business. Since it’s named after me, like you it would be me.
The third question is intriguing because things have changed. In the early years, I was writing at least 3 articles a week, and it was easy because I had a lot of topics and experience I could write about. These days, because I’m older, I’ve slowed down some since I have other things to deal with. I’m still writing on 3 blogs, having shut down 2 others this year, and I also write for my accountant’s blog; it’s the only one I have problems finding something to write about, since I’ve written that blog for 11 years.
The next two are easy; I don’t want to collaborate with anyone. I tried that with 2 other people, but it ended up just being me doing any writing. And, since I’ve been blogging for just under 20 years (it’ll be 19 come November), I think I’ve learned everything I needed to learn.
As for style, I like writing conversational, talking to people in regular talk unless it’s an educational article. It doesn’t differ often these days, but years ago when I was writing multiple blogs multiple times a week, I was a buzzsaw of writing… I’ve written quite a few posts longer than 5,000 words… not sure I want to do that ever again! 😀
That’s it; as you can see, sometimes even my comments are long. lol
I love long comments, Mitch! 🙂 Those are pretty rare. Of all the bloggers I know, you are the most prolific and most experienced. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yeah, I don’t think posts longer than 5000 words would be too popular. That’s like a novella! 😆 Too many words, too little time…
Well… one, they were my version of tutorial posts; two, sometimes it’s a good thing to stretch one’s mind to hopefully show people you might be smart lol
Thanks for the mention, Debbie. It was fun reading your responses. If I had more time, then I’d consider playing along. Perhaps, I will save a link back to this post and try to participate late fall or early winter. Life is just hectic right now. Have a good weekend, my dear!
No worries, Cathy! 🙂 There’s no deadline. I hope you have a fabulous vacation. 🍹
Hi Debbie – Thank you for the mention of me/my blog. It is appreciated. My blog originated because my neighbor who enjoyed nature had COPD and could no longer work or go out of the house by using her personal oxygen tank, but needed full-time oxygen. We were Facebook friends, so she asked me to tell her what I saw on my walks. I never took photos, but I’d write her a detailed synopsis. Then she wanted to start a blog. I really wasn’t interested to do that, but she sent me other people’s blogs and since she was a good friend as well as neighbor, I did it for her. So my blog was born because of Marge. I used to mention her all the time and the day she died I wrote a poignant tribute to her. She used to go to the Detroit River to watch the sunrise almost every day until she was on the large oxygen tank and sent me photos sometimes so I used one of them and did that again on a later anniversary tribute. My blog title name is rather long and when meeting people at parks and such, it is really too long for people to remember, so I got some cards made up. I have also registered a second domain name in case I want to change it down the road. I intend to join a plein air painting group someday, so I may branch out on my just-walking posts. I have other hobbies to pursue but have tried to get my house decluttered since retiring on March 31st, but this is the time for me to be out and about walking, so I’ve not been all that successful getting it done.
I hope to improve my photography down the road. I only shoot in automatic … but I have sat down and studied the manual and even a “Dummies Book” and went out and shot lousy photos, so for now automatic focus is my friend.
I am pretty lucky since I mainly write about walking, so as long as I take enough walks and enough photos on those walks, I won’t run out of posts for a while. I only started doing Terri’s Challenge around October 2023, so I have a grid of all walks taken and when I come home from each walk I write a draft of the walk, so when I go through the pictures later, it is easy to match up with the pics. So I have a grid which tells me at a glance what I have, what I can pair to Terri’s posts. I have walks from months ago, including two 5Ks, that I haven’t written about yet. Plus one walk from last year.
You have a lot of skills in creating such an elaborate blog, so I am impressed about that. Plus a self-hosted blog to boot. I have to admit that I created my blog 11 years ago, have stuck with Twenty-Ten theme and only tweaked it by adding a gallery and side-bar stuff, but that is all.
As a fellow only child, I know all about self-entertaining and being a lone wolf. I like living alone, have zero family members as you know, but I never have been one to be wanting people running in/out of the house, or phoning me at all hours of the night. Social media is a wonderful way to connect with people, whether it’s a blog or on various outlets like Facebook, “X” or Instagram.
I can’t think of anyone to tag to ask if they want to participate … I’d tag Terri but I’m sure you follow each other.
You’re welcome for the mention, Linda, and thanks for sharing the story of how your blog came about. Interesting!
I leave my camera on automatic more often than not and edit as necessary. My husband bought me a much fancier camera for Christmas and it’s still in the box, so you’re not alone. 😆 Looking forward to more or your fabulous nature shots!
Your blog is more focused on one or two topics, which I imagine makes it easier than my scattershot approach. And, you’re very organized. I have way too many interests and likely a touch of ADD as well. 😜
I’m fascinated by web design and have been learning all I can since switching to this self-hosted site. It’s been challenging and fun. The possibilities are endless and I love that. 😀
We are TOTALLY in sync with the ‘lone wolf’ persona! It’s cool that we have so many other things in common, as well. I was happy to meet you through Terri’s Sunday Stills blogfest. 🙂
As for tagging people, I prefer to just leave it open to anyone who’d like to take part. Don’t want anyone to feel obligated!
Thanks for reading my post and sharing your blogging experiences. Cheers! 🥂
Hi Debbie – Today I went out to Lake Erie Metropark, because they (the weather prognosticators) said “it’s a cool day – enjoy it!” It was not a cool day. But I got my miles in and more pics for down the road. I was on part of the trail that is open – a guy was down that road with his camera attached to a monopod and a lens as long as my arm and twice as thick. He paused a good ten minutes while I was meandering along and taking a few photos myself. When I got to where he was, it was three Mallards on a log and a nice reflection. I paused two minutes for my shots … honestly, if I spent that long at each bird (or squirrel), I’d never get my steps in! I have a digital compact camera I bought in 2015 and when I take that with me, at least I know I’ll come home with photos that look like what I saw. The DSLR is nice, but my preferred way to photograph is the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method. 🙂 The blog domain I registered is “Walking and whatnot” allowing for some hobbies hopefully. I have a friend I met at Council Point Park years ago. Ann Marie moved to an apartment as her husband can no longer do stairs and has other serious health issues. She will be 82 in December and is an avid walker … I hope that is me as well down the road. I have a way to go – I am 68.
I’m with you about KISS! 🙂 That guy was probably a professional photographer. And yes, let’s hope we are still mobile in our 80s! I’m a year older than you (born 1.27.55), so there’s another similarity. 😎
Thanks for considering me as an “on the right project” pick! While I listen to the M10 shuffle, let me try to give short answers here to the questions:
1- Obviously from the Don Quixote theme, figuring most things I’d ‘attack’ would be imaginary and the ones that were wouldn’t notice…
2- I’d like to say Peter, with his devotion and his way of putting foot in mouth. Probably more like Gideon, needing a sign, and the next sign, and a next sign…
3- Honestly, if I have to look for inspiration, it feels too artificial, and I just don’t do it.
4- Outside of “I sure would like a Pastor to help with the Bible studies”, and Elvis on the M10, I prolly wouldn’t be more of a collaborator than you…
5- An audience, lol!
6- Does snark count?
I bet we could do a fun collaboration with something music related. 🙂 Interesting answers! I recognized the Don Quixote quote, of course. If you’re looking for more of an audience, have you considered starting a YouTube channel or a podcast? You’re not snarky, just opinionated. 😉 Aren’t we all?
Thanks for the tag mention! I enjoyed reading your answers. I use to do these a lot, but I don’t any more, as I never knew who to tag, and I’ve answered similar questions many times over the years.
I do like your blog name! It’s good to keep it so you can post about anything you want, and everyone knows you like dogs right from the start! . I guess I get ideas too, from something I read or hear about, and of course all the challenges. 🙂I do like your graphics … so cute!
You’re welcome! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post. I know what you mean and don’t like tagging specific people either, so I just left it open to anyone who wants to do it. Last time I did one was nine years ago, so I figured, why not? Yeah, I think I’ll keep the name. A den is cozy, yes? 😀
Deb what a fun post! And thanks for adding my name. I loved your blog reasons and I pretty much identify with all of them – especially being a lone wolf and dancing to my own beat all my life. I will be happy to hop on for my next week’s post. <3
Glad you enjoyed the post, Deb. I sensed we have more in common than our similar names. 🙂 Looking forward to reading your answers! Thanks for joining in.
Thanks again Deb. And no doubts we do! 🙂
My blog started many years ago with a blogspot blog. It was jokes and silly stuff and the name came from that. Changing it now makes no sense to me. I still do Happy Tuesday so it still works.
Love your answers.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Debbie. Hugs. ♥
Yes, ‘Comedy Plus‘ means you could add many other types of posts too. 🙂 From Blogspot to self-hosted WordPress shows a lot of growth. Kudos to you, Sandee! Thanks for coming by.
I love your answers! And I would love to do a collaboration sometime!
Thank you Kymber! 🙂 I’ll admit, it’s something I haven’t done before, but would give it a shot.
Thanks for the mention, Debbie. I will answer the questions here if that’s okay.
*My blog name creation is actually very boring. Beetley is the name of a village in the east of England where I live, and my name is Pete. I just combined the two into one word.
*I can’t imagine my blog being a specific person, but if not me, then perhaps it would be a retired writer with plenty of time on his hands and no desire to be published other than on a blog.
*It seems I never have trouble finding inspiration for blog posts and fictional stories, so I do not use any outside source.
*I have collaborated in the past on film reviews with other bloggers, and I regularly host guest posts for any follower of my blog.
*There are many things I wish I had as a blogger, the main one being some technical computer skills to tackle the constant glitches and issues with WordPress.
*Style of blogging? Well I tend to keep to a routine. A daily fiction serial, songs from the past that are meaningful to me in some way, occasional films reviews, and some short stories. When I have been out taking photos, I usually post some of them. I have a regular Sunday Musings post that looks back over the week in my life, and before Ollie died this year I would write about being out with my beloved dog.
Best wishes, Pete.
Thank you, Pete! I enjoyed reading your answers. 🙂 You’re much better organized than me and yikes! I completely forgot, I was going to send you a guest post. So sorry – ADD, or just addled senior citizen. 😳 Your serials are outstanding, and while I understand not wishing to publish formally (I have looked into that too, and find it completely daunting!), I bet you’d be a best-seller if you did!
Deb, I love your site it is really sharp. The answers are funtastic and am looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you so much! 🙏 And welcome to The Den. 🙂 I shall peruse your site as well. Cheers! 🥂
That is very cool. Thank you so much Debbie for doing the blog tag challenge, and I appreciate your kind words and the graphics. The Who is a great band and I remember sitting in the student dorm in Uppsala, Sweden, listening to a live The Who performance on Rockpalast. They were singing “Who are you” like in your video. It was me and a Finnish guy sitting there. Again thank you so much Debbie.
I’m so glad you liked it, Thomas! 🙂 Thanks again for thinking of me. And I’m happy The Who brought back those memories for you. We saw them in concert twice and loved every minute.
Thank you so much Debbie. It is really cool that you saw them in concert twice. I Certainly believe you when you say you loved every minute of it.
Yes, even though they were older (2013 & 2016), both shows were excellent. 🙂 This was 2016, singing “Behind Blue Eyes”:
That is definitely very cool! I wish I had been there.