Sunrise, Sunset photography

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s true, here are several thousand…

As a nocturnal creature, I don’t see many of those unless I’ve been up all night! 😆
When that happens, I head down to the lake.
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A) Lake Ontario sunrise – Winter/Spring:

B) Lake Ontario sunrise – Summer:

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One sultry July night in Suburbia, after a severe thunderstorm:

More Ontario views:

A spectacular sunset on Lake Huron:

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Malta, Italy, Greece:


The Greek Island of Santorini is world-renowned for its sunsets:

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Are you a day or a night person?

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24 thoughts on “SUNRISE|SUNSET #Photography

  1. I have to tell you that your sunsets pictures look exactly like my sunsets pictures on the other side of the Big Pond. However, your sunset pictures look like they’re coming from the same spot, and that’s confusing me. They also have the same barrier in a place our side has, which is also confusing me. Bah; I’ll just enjoy the pictures because they’re absolutely wonderful. 🙂

    1. Hmm, now I’m confused. ? The first section (with two galleries) shows SUNRISES, not sunsets, on our Lake Ontario shore in suburban Toronto. To view and photograph a sunset on Lake Ontario would require a road trip to Niagara-On-Lake or further east. Regardless, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks, Mitch! 🙂

  2. Wow! What an amazing collection of sky photos – sunrise and sunset are the best times of the day for photography, and you got the best.

  3. Debbie,

    What an amazing collection of sunset photos! In your Lake Ontario set, you have a picture that reminds me of a capture I took many years ago of one of our area lakes with the sun dipping. The biggest difference is my tree has a lower and wider fan of foliage, if that makes sense. Yours are gorgeous! I’m looking forward to capturing some sunsets next month while on vacation. I won’t be handling my big girl camera during our trip but we got new iPhones so I’m excited to play around with mine since it has three lenses. 🙂

    1. Hi Cathy, the first two galleries were sunrises, but it’s hard to tell the difference. Trees and sun make interesting photos, don’t they? 🙂 An iPhone with 3 lenses will undoubtedly take excellent pictures! Thanks for checking out my photo spread. I’m playing catch up again.

      1. I haven’t done much with the iPhone 13 Pro camera but what I have captured has been really sharp. The colors are stunning! After vacation I’ll have a better working and sample of photos.

  4. I love your sunsets…sorry are just stunning. I really love love one, here, with the trees and the setting sun and the sun’s last gleam over the water. I also love the one with the skyline. I would love to go to Greece and take a pic as the sun goes down. It looks so peaceful.

    I listened to your last podcast about Luke. It’s so funny how they can interact and so sad when they pass away.

    1. Thank you, Birgit! ♥ The first two galleries are sunrises, but it’s hard to tell the difference. Greece is absolutely amazing in every aspect! And, thank you for listening to my podcast. Luke was one of my favourites. Losing a client’s dog hurt almost as mush as my own.

    1. Thank you, Pete! 🙂 As a night person, I don’t see many sunrises either, but I stayed up all night to capture these ones. More coming soon!