SUNRISE OR SUNSET? 🌅🌇 WHICH DO YOU PREFER? #SundayStills #Photography

Terri Webster Schrandts blogfest theme this week is:

Sunrise or Sunset? Which do you prefer?

I think they are equally stunning!

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As a nocturnal creature, I don’t see many of those unless I’ve been up all night! 😆
When that happens (not too often), I head down to the lake – 5 minutes by car, 25 minutes on foot.

Lake Ontario – Winter/Spring:


Lake Ontario – Summer:

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At Home and On The Road


Spectacular Sunset on Lake Huron:




World-Renowned Sunset at Oia, Santorini

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Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday and Esmé at EsmeSalon

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SUNRISE OR SUNSET? WHICH DO YOU PREFER? #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography #dogladysden #WordlessWednesday Share on X

Next time on #SundayStills:

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Are you an early bird 🐦 or a night owl? 🦉

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44 thoughts on “SUNRISE OR SUNSET? 🌅🌇 WHICH DO YOU PREFER? #SundayStills #Photography

  1. Wow! What an amazing gallery of photos! I am like you and am more nocturnal than early bird but also have lots of both. I can’t seem to resist one more picture….again and again and again! Bernie

  2. I have to own up to the same thing you did; I’ve seen few sunrises in my life, and I have to thank going to college for most of the sunsets I’ve seen… over 40 years ago! That’s a shame, which is why my goal is to see tomorrow’s eclipse so I’ll feel like I’ve accomplished something important. 🙂

  3. Your photos are beautiful! Definitely sunsets for me (speaking as a photographer). It seems like the late afternoon golden hour, which merges into sunset, which merges into twilight and blue hour, provides lots and lots of photo opportunies. Sunrise always seems to move faster, and once the sun is up, things go flat more quickly.

    1. Thank you Peter! 🙂 You make an excellent point. Sunsets do last longer, but sunrises also enjoy a blue period, right before the sun comes up.

  4. These are all such beautiful pictures, Debbie! Coming up or going down, the sun is a constant reminder of all we should never take for granted. The hope to be found in every sunrise is, in turn, reflected back in majestic shades of gratitude at the day’s end.

  5. Those are all beautiful photos. I love taking photos of sunsets. Sunrises not so much because that means getting up earlier than I would want to. I did take some photos in the Arctic Circle during June a few years ago, but as the sun never goes below the horizon I am not sure whether you would call it a sunrise or sunset!

    1. Thank you, Jackie! 🙂 The only time I see a sunrise is if I’ve been up all night. Doesn’t happen very often, anymore. Your Arctic Circle photos must be fabulous! Are they on your blog? I’d love to see them.

  6. Wonderful and beautiful photography. Nothing better than sunrises and sunsets on the water. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs, Debbie. ♥

    1. The water seems to magnify the beauty, doesn’t it? 😍 I’m glad you enjoyed the photos, Sandee! Thanks for providing the forum to share them. 🙂

  7. Oh these are spectacular shots Debbie! I really love the Greek Island ones as it’s somewhere I want to visit one day. A great collection for #SundayStills

  8. Wow, Debbie, your collection of rises and sets is spectacular! I can’t pick a favorite because they are all so unique. But I’m intrigued by seeing the sunrises of the Great Lakes. Being a West Coast gal, this occurs (I was going to say rarely)…never! I could drive up to Vancouver Island and see the sunrise from Nanaimo, perhaps, if the mountains don’t block the sun. That’s so cool you have a 5-minute drive to see the sunrise on the lake. Always great to see your sunny posts and your talented lens 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Terri! 🙂 We get the sunrises here on Lake Ontario, but have to go elsewhere for the sunsets. Lake Huron is well known for its spectacular sunsets and I was fortunate to capture one a few years ago. The west coast has the Pacific Ocean, so you must see some amazing ones there! 🌅 I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for providing the forum to showcase them.

  9. I love them both, but the sunsets are my favorite. It’s like a cherry on top of a wonderful day.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Hugs. ♥

  10. Sunrises and sunsets makes no difference to me both are gorgeous and a great way to begin or end your day by seeing! You captured some fantastic shots over the years, too. Thanks for sharing an abundance of happiness!