STORMY WEATHER | #SkywatchFriday

Welcome to Skywatch Friday!

SkywatchFriday Stormy weatherSkywatch is a weekly meme, hosted by Yogi♪♪♪ at the Skywatch Friday blog.

It is available from Thursday 2:30 pm (EST), 19:30 (GMT) every week until the next Thursday at 10 am (EST),  15:30 (GMT). 

The idea is to post your own photographs of the sky – anything from sunsets/sunrises to using it as a backdrop. 

It’s been a stormy, chilly spring here in Southern Ontario. Let’s hope the warm, sunny days are on the horizon!
This photo was taken right after a severe thunderstorm during a recent shopping trip.
a stormy spring afternoon in Southern Ontario - Stormy Weather!

STORMY WEATHER #SkywatchFriday at the #DogladysDen Share on X

Please do check out all the fabulous photos on the Skywatch Friday link page
(and add your own, if you’d like to participate):

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How’s the weather in your area?

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POSTSCRIPT:  As summer approaches (and it’s a short season here in Canada), I’ll be cutting back my online activities to make the most of the good (we hope) weather. Thanks for your understanding!


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32 thoughts on “STORMY WEATHER | #SkywatchFriday

  1. That’s fantastic how you got the full effect of that storm! From beginning to end… I hope your weather brings plenty of sunshine very soon. We finally got ours and then the temps dropped by 20 degrees but never fear, the 90’s are roaring this way so no complaints.

    1. Yes, that was a lucky shot! 😀 We’re s sick of the rain and chilly temperatures at this point. Enjoy your warm weather! Hopefully, it will arrive here, soon.

  2. Wow! We’ve had a mix of warm and cool, with a couple of banger storms- and a lot of watches and warnings that fizzled (or as I put it to another friend, “Our ‘shower’ was more like a Catholic baptism”).

    1. Caught right between the end of one storm and the beginning of another. 🙂 We’re sick of the constant wet weather, at this point. 😛 Thanks for coming by!

  3. We may be 3000 miles apart but it sounds as if we are getting the same weather! I’m back in my warm leggings and a sweater today – and my suede boots! I tried being summery in dresses and sandals but i’ve been freezing all week! Very foreboding picture! Like the end of the world is coming? I remember when we arrived in Toronto in early June 1975 – it was so hot and the summer seemed to go on forever – thought I’d died and gone to heaven! Until the first winter of course. ?

    1. Cold weather is plaguing us all, it seems! 😮 It usually is hot here around this time of year. The weather God is pissed off about something! That first winter must have been quite a shock for you. 😀 Thanks for coming by, Gilly and for all your other lovely comments. Cheers!

  4. We are finally getting some decent weather. It was very cold last night and that’s very unusual for June in Central California. Oh well. I hope you get that warm and sunny weather soon.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. It seems, unusually cold weather is affecting everyone, everywhere! 🙁 Still chilly here and we’re all getting weary of the rain. Glad your weather has improved, Sandee! 🙂 Thanks for coming by.

  5. Love the layered colors, from the bottom storm like clouds to the blue breaking out above. We’ve had rain (but can’t complain, compared to many parts of the United States) but we are entering a stretch of gorgeous weather.

    1. That was an interesting storm, for sure! The rain keeps coming, here. We don’t usually have flooding problems where I live, but most of our lakeside parks have now been shut down due to high water and shoreline erosion. 🙁 Glad you are having good weather now. We’re hoping to get some, soon!