
I hope everyone has been having a good summer, all things considered.

Today is August 16, 2021. It’s been over 5 months since I published anything here. What can I say?

2021 calendar
Lethargy plus general malaise (COVID existence), challenging rescue dog (ongoing labour of love), death of a dear friend (whom I knew for 45 years), upheavals related to retirement (mine last month, hubby’s on Sept, 30)…

All of these things have contributed to the muse going dormant.

dead muse me with no enthusiasm
Brain fog and general fuzziness! 😫


Those creative juices have been stirring lately, to the point that I have completed and scheduled two months’ worth of material, to be published every Monday, starting on August 30.

Yay Me bitmoji

Here’s what you will see and hopefully, enjoy:

EFFERVESCENT #LinguisticMusings


Podcasts have become the hottest media platform and I was inspired to try my hand at them, after seeing what a great job Sally Cronin has done with her Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore.

Sally is a multi-talented author, poet, broadcaster and promotor, who offers free marketing and reviews for fellow wordsmiths at her Smorgasbord Blog Magazine. Check it out!

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I’m still in the learning stages, but plan to record some stories and poems in the near future.  Stay tuned for details! Strictly as an experiment, I made an introductory podcast. Tell me what you think:

There’s also a stationary podcast page. Click HERE ► to view 
(Opens in new window)

You can follow/subscribe to future podcasts here:

Soundcloud podcasts
Spotify Podcasts
Google podcasts
pocketcasts podcasts
Breaker Podcasts
Radio Public podcasts
RSS feed

Look! pointing up bitmoji

Photography has fallen by the wayside since we got Zoey (our lovely yet hyper rescue dog), but she is finally starting to settle down somewhat.

I was able to snap a few pics on our walk the other day and look forward to capturing more in future.

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Despite the spectre of a COVID-19 fourth wave, there are signs that life is slowly getting back to some semblance of normal. 

STILL STANDING! What has been and what will be...#dogladysden #blogging #photography, #podcasts Join me, will you? Share on X

I’ve missed you and am looking forward to reconnecting with my blogging friends.
See you in two weeks!

waving bitmoji

Debbie's signature



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36 thoughts on “STILL STANDING!

    1. Hi Paul! I’m in awe of bloggers like yourself who can keep it up on a daily basis. I did that a few times for the April A to Z Challenge and never fully recovered from the burnout. We’re good, all things considered. Hope you are, as well. Cheers!

  1. I’m still on hiatus, but I’m getting close to coming out of it. I went into it feeling like I needed a break for a while, and I’m close to ending the break because I need an outlet to allow me to think of other stuff instead of what’s going on in my personal life. That’s a shame, but sometimes that’s just life. Glad to see you back.

    1. Thanks, Mitch! Nice to see you here. 🙂 I just watched your last video and can totally understand the need for a break. My mother had similar issues in a California rehab a few years ago, so I can relate.

  2. I do not even dare to check how long since I blogged last. I must make time. I will be interested in how the podcasts go and I have considered this also for my family history research. Good luck.

    1. Nice to see you, Fran! 🙂 There’s quite the learning curve with the podcasts, but I’m getting there. The inaugural episode will be ready to go, soon. Thanks for coming by!

  3. Hi Debbie, thanks very much for the shout out and it sounds like it has been a time when blogging would be the last thing on your mind.. sorry about the loss of your friend, that is a huge event. Delighted you are going to be working alongside on Soundcloud and looking forward to listening. Tag me on Twitter when you post each month so that I can reshare.. good to have you back..hugs Sally ♥

    1. Thank you, Sally! ? Yes, it has been a bit of a rough go. On the other hand, your podcast setup has inspired me to jump in – something I’ve been mulling for a while now. Your generosity is much appreciated. Cheers!

  4. Welcome back! Podcast sounds like it will have potential. Good luck with it.
    I’ve been mostly withdrawn from the blogging in the past months and over the past 2 weeks I’ve hardly been online at all since we’ve been on our first road trip since 2019. All is going well. Have another week to go staying at a campground resort in the Great Smokies with all my daughters and their families. Probably won’t be on the internet much at all in the coming week and a half, but will likely phase back into a new schedule after the first of September.
    See you then I hope!


    1. Thanks, Arlee! 🙂 It’s nice to hear from you. Sounds like you’re having a lovely vacation. It seems that blogging always picks up after Labour Day, so yes, I plan to stick around. Cheers!

  5. Another blogger whose made their face known! Excellent! Good start, and I’m sure that once you get more comfortable behind the mic, your talking will flow that much smoother.

    1. Thanks, GB! 🙂 Yes, I’m sure the flow of words will improve, That was just off the top of my head. Actual podcasts will definitely be scripted.

  6. Glad you are back and that things are looking up for you. We all go through stages like this where our creativity seems to vanish. I did not write much during the pandemic either, and then suddenly, I felt the need to get back at it.

  7. Hi Debby – good to see you back and having had a chance to mull social media life … I selfishly (for me!) do reading … but excellent you’re embracing other avenues of publication. I’ll enjoy your posts to come … lovely pics of your walk/s – cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary! 🙂 I wanted to try something new to break me out of the doldrums. We’ll see how it goes. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. We’ve had a lot of rain this summer, so the grass is much greener than usual for August. Cheers!

  8. Good to see you slowly coming back. I hear you Deb. General malaise, nothing to look forward to and bla bla bla. A grim year for me. But that’s what I did, a bunch of writing for somewhere down the road. 🙂

    1. You certainly have had a rough go, Deb. ♥ Doing something creative does help, I think. Thanks for coming by! I’ll look forward to your new material.

  9. Hi! So nice to see you here. I hope we’ll learn more about Zoe. It looks as if your podcast will have a fervent listener in Penelope. When I played your sample, she perked up and looked around the room, wondering where you were.


    1. Hi Janie, it’s nice to be here again! 🙂 Zoey is about 1.5 years old. She’s a black lab cross (we think the other part is mountain cur, maybe some cattle dog too), who was saved from a high-kill shelter in Kentucky by a rescue organization in Niagara Falls. Canadian rescues save dogs from all over the world. ♥ How cool that Penelope liked my voice! I hope that bodes well. Thanks for coming by!

  10. Well you’re here now and that’s all that matters. It’s great to see a post from you.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥

  11. Hey, Debbie, and welcome back! I got rid of my Instagram account so I can’t enjoy your photos but I am looking forward to your posts and good luck with your venture in podcasting.

    1. Thank you so much, Eugenia. It’s good to be back. I share photos on here too. 🙂 Hoping the podcasts will catch on! I was trying to find something new and different for inspiration. Have a good week!

  12. Debbie,

    Hey stranger! It’s great reading your brief post about your exciting plans in podcasting. I wish you the best with in this venture. You do have a good voice for broadcasting. I was sorry to read the news of your friend passing. That’s sad. I send my love, hugs, and prayers to you wrap around you, my dear. I know longer have an Instagram account so I can’t see your amazing photos. 🙁 It’s good to have you back in Blogosphere and I shall look forward to whatever you share with us. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

    1. Hi Cathy, thanks for coming by! 🙂 Great to see you again and be back in the Blogsphere. Also, thanks for the positive feedback regarding the podcasts. Hope I can keep them going! I appreciate your kind words about my friend. She was family to me, and I have a hard time coming to grips with her death. But, there’s 45 years’ worth of wonderful memories. ♥