Welcome back! It’s time (actually overdue) to announce results for the July 1st BOTB post.
Sorry I’m late! (See below)
BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week.
♫ This contest featured bands from opposite sides of the Atlantic ♫
ST. JAMES INFIRMARY | #BOTB RESULTS Share on X#BOTB Results for ST. JAMES INFIRMARY. See who won the July 1st Battle of the Bands[/tweetthis]
Not the greatest turnout for this one, but that’s no surprise on a summer holiday weekend. Thanks to everyone who made the time. I’m sorry I got bogged down in the morass of web redesign (see below) and didn’t get a chance to make the rounds. For awhile, it looked like the Animals would devour the White Stripes, but fortunately, that didn’t happen. Still, it was a decisive victory. We had one “write-in” vote for Louis Armstrong by author Karen Lynn. A rebel; I like that! Here’s the voting breakdown. (Looks naked without the pie chart. I’ll try and think of some other way to jazz it up for the future.)
Birgit, Cathy, Diedre, Jeffrey, John, Mary, Michele, Mike, Myke, Pat, Shady
Total: 11
Arlee, C.W. Martin, Cherdo, Dixie, Guilie, Stephen
Total: 6
Once again, my vote is moot, but I’m choosing Eric. What a voice! I’ve been a fan of his even longer than my other fave, John Kay. Eric feels the blues right down to his toes and can still belt them out at age 73!
and the winner is:
by 6 votes
Here’s some concert footage I took of Eric Burdon in November 2014.
Didn’t I tell you he could still belt out the blues?
Don’t forget to check back with the others for their BOTB results:
Angels Bark / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / DC Relief BOTB / eVil pOp TaRt / J.A. Scott / Janie Junebug Righting & Editing / Jingle Jangle Jungle / Mike’s Ramblings / Quiet Laughter / Sound of One Handtarget=”_blank”>of One Hand Typing / Host: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing It Out / Your Daily Dose
I’m not sure whether or not I’ll be there. It’s been a rough few days and I’m suffering a severe case of internet fatigue. My website had a meltdown and in a fit of pique, I decided to redesign it from scratch. It was going along fairly well, especially considering I have no formal training in web design and backend coding, (thank you, Google!) until I hit the proverbial wall. Certain things wouldn’t function the way I needed them to, despite trying various methods. Exhausted and bleary-eyed, I shelved the whole thing and fixed the old design. It’s obsolete and needs to be modernized, but I’ll try again later in the year. Apologies to those whose comments and posts I have missed! Hubby and I are leaving on a three-day road trip in the morning and the blog will be on vacation for awhile, too. Thanks for your understanding.
[click on images for details]
July 29th-31st
July 29
Was this the outcome you expected or were you surprised?
Looking forward to your comments!
Until next time.
Rockchick Rapture!
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Cool I was on the winning side
Hope all things work out soon. Isn’t it strange how we go through internet fatigue. I’ve had that too from time to time.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Good contest. I’m not sure I could choose one over the other. They’re just different. Both really great.
I’m glad you enjoyed the contest. Thanks for dropping in!
I’m taking a little break from blogging just now, but will return, soon.
Hi Debbie,
Hope you are relaxing.
I have nominated you for this year’s Liebster Award. If you decide to accept, the instructions are at my book review website at:
Have a great Sunday.
Shalom aleichem,
Thank you so much for this award, Pat!
I do accept, but am suffering a case “blogger burnout” at the moment. Will let you know when the post is done. Cheers!
Glad Eric won. And boy, he sings the blues so fine! That piano is sweet too. Good concert footage you got there!
Sorry that you’re having website issues. That’s never fun. But shelving it for awhile is sometimes the best thing to do…
Hope you have a wonderful road trip! Sounds fun. I need one of those!
Be safe out there and have a blast!
Michele at Angels Bark
Thanks, Michele. I’m responding to comments, but won’t be posting anything new for awhile. Sometimes, a break is needed to re-energize. We had a wonderful weekend, driving north to see The Hollywood Vampires in concert. Fantastic show! I read this morning that Joe Perry collapsed during the Staten Island concert. :O I hope he will be okay.
Oh that sounds like fun! Do they do mostly covers? These guys are definitely getting older. Hope Joe Perry is okay…
Have fun on your time off…
The premise is, they’re honouring dead rock stars by doing their material. They also have a couple of original songs, which are highly entertaining. Check this out.
That’s hilarious!! Love the song. It’s very catchy…in a weird sort of way…
Thanks for sharing! XOXO
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner !!! Woo !!!
I would like to thank all who voted on Eric’s behalf. Know, in your heart, it was the right thing to do.
Yes, indeed. Eric is king!
You had a really good turnout considering it was a summer holiday weekend. Actually, I think you had better turnout on yours than I did on mine. Happy to see that Eric won this one!
It wasn’t bad, considering the time of year. I’m glad Eric won, too. No impartiality from the host, here.
I’m glad they won because as soon as he opens his mouth and sings, I drool. I hope you have a great log weekend away. Are you hightailing it to the Niagara region or cottage country? We are venturing to Quebec (on the Richelieu river) for a week.
Eric’s singing makes me drool, too.
We drove up to Casino Rama to see The Hollywood Vampires. It was a fantastic show; loved every minute! Then we came home via Lindsay, stopping off at the Neil Young exhibit in the Old Gaol Museum. Also worthwhile. Have a wonderful time in Quebec!
Hi, Shady; The new design looked more modern (same colour scheme) but certain key features just wouldn’t work right, so, back to square one.
I’ve been a fan of Eric’s since “House of the Rising Sun” came out in 1964. The man can sing!
Did Pat Boone cover St. James Infirmary?
Yes, it’s time for a break and I’m looking forward to the show. I’ll try and check out your intriguing new series tonight, or at least some time over the weekend. Thanks for coming by. Cheers!
Thank you, Debbie, for announcing the winner. I am tickled. It is nice to know that Eric won.
I know what you mean about internet fatigue. It can be too much even though I love technology.
Shalom aleichem,
Eric is always a winner, in my opinion.
Thanks for dropping in and have a good weekend. Yes, I sorely need a little internet vacation right now, but I’ll be back soon enough. Cheers!
Both versions are winners, but my winner didn’t win. That’s okay. It was a good contest.
Arlee Bird
Thanks, Lee. It was another fun one. Have a good weekend!