Have you noticed that more and more classic songs are showing up in commercials these days?
Does it annoy you, or do you enjoy it and pay closer attention to whatever they’re selling?

Thoughts Bitmoji

Generally speaking, I don’t mind, but if they use a beloved song with deep emotions attached, I cringe every time! It’s offensive that they have corrupted my memories for the sake of commercialism. Examples:

I’ve been a fan since 1967 and this song is especially poignant to me. I just about choked the first time I heard it in a Facebook ad!


seriously bitmoji


Uberfan since 1968, when “Born To Be Wild” hit the airwaves for the first time. I own a well-worn DVD of Easy Rider, the movie that made it famous. The song has been used in many commercials over the years, including Diet Pepsi, Valvoline, and this Mercedes Super Bowl ad, which I’ll admit is pretty cool. (Especially since Peter Fonda – star of Easy Rider – is in it.)

But diapers??!

frown bitmoji

This one rankles the most!

“Nights In White Satin” is my favourite song of all, since I bought the 45 in 1967. It always triggers intense feelings, and I’ve seen The Moody Blues perform it live on several occasions. Imagine my shock and disgust at hearing it in this insipid perfume commercial! UGH!!

emotional bitmoji
I made a Facebook post about this one and had an interesting exchange with a friend:

Facebook conversation

bag of money

Here’s a noble reason for commercializing a song, courtesy of Bob Seger:
As a Detroit native and former auto worker, he wanted to help stimulate the flagging industry and get the unemployed back to work.
Read More:

How “Like a Rock” became a GM ad campaign

Bob Seger’s proud that “Like A Rock” sold a lot of Chevy trucks

How do you feel about the commercialization of your favourite songs?
Are there any you like or dislike the most? Do tell!

talk soon bitmoji

Debbie signature style 5

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36 thoughts on “SONG SELL-OUTS

    1. Well, that’s a point to consider, Eugi. 🙂 Still, that perfume commercial pisses me off, every time. 😠 Good thing we record most programs and fast forward through the ads!

  1. It is about money and keeping their song catalog active. The quickest way to make immediate cash is to license the song, then people who have never heard (young folks) will go buy it on whatever service they have.

    1. Yes, Patrick, I’m fully aware what it’s about. Doesn’t mean I have to like it! 😝 Some commercials, like the Mercedes and Chevy Trucks ones, are exceptionally well made, but others? Not so much! Using “Born to be Wild” to sell diapers?! 🙄 We Boomers have a lot of memories tied up in these songs and it’s offensive! Not that anybody gives a shit what people over 50 think. 😕 Rant over! 😉

  2. I understand your disgust with the practice of using favorite songs for stupid ads. I try to just listen to the music and zone out the ads. I go in my head to wherever the song takes me. I couldn’t care less about diapers, perfumes, etc. As for truck ads I sometimes enjoy watching a trucking blazing through nature with nice music. My family lives around greater Detroit area so I’m familiar with the American car industry problems. I hope the ads sell more trucks too.

    1. The truck ads are definitely a step above the other crap! And, Bob Seger’s decision to allow Chevy to use “Like a Rock” did help the auto industry, so that’s all good. 🙂 I’ve been fast forwarding through ads (we record programs) or, if it’s live TV, muting the ones I can’t stand. Thanks for coming by, Carol. 🙂

    1. Yes, that one is a classic! 🙂 Welcome to The Den, Marina. I’ve been checking out your site as well. My husband is Italian too. Ciao! 👋

  3. Well, my basic take I explained on FB, and I do agree with you on MOST of these… but the “To Love Somebody” ad really wowed me. I don’t mind them when they are tastefully done. Like that “Heart Like A Truck” one recently. And I would have never had Telekinesis’s Lean On Me at my M10’s #1 a while back had I not heard it on a McDonalds ad!

    1. I never thought I’d see “To Love Somebody” in an ad, especially one for Facebook! 😲 And don’t get me started about “Nights In White Satin”! 😠 Generally speaking, I don’t mind popular songs in ads, except for the ones that mean a lot to me personally.

      I wasn’t familiar with “Heart Like A Truck”, so I looked for it. It has a similar vibe to the “Like A Rock” Chevy truck commercials. Pretty cool! 🙂

  4. If the singer/group owns the song or gave permission, I don’t have a problem. Years ago, I blogged about Apple using a long forgotten song from my childhood (The Chicken Fat Song) in their ads for the iPhone 5S and I was so tickled (in a good way). I’ve also heard more recent songs on commercials that I wasn’t familiar with and fell in love with (one such was The Weeknd’s Blinding Lights, used in Super Bowl ads leading up to the game where he did halftime). I will admit that I rarely run into situations where the song has special meaning – guess I’ve just been lucky with that. Still, I think I could separate out my memories from the commercial use. For your samples – first two yes, next two oh gag no, last one, yes.

    1. I rarely mind popular songs in commercials, but “To Love Somebody” and “Nights In White Satin” are two I never expected to see used that way, and the memories attached are deeply personal. “Born to be Wild” has been in many movies and ads and that was okay, especially the one featuring Peter Fonda, but diapers??! As you said “next two oh gag no”. Exactly! 😀

  5. I Debbie I enjoyed your picks great fun…. They use great tunes for daft adverts over here I love some and like you hate others …here a fun one for you!

  6. Whoa! You rockin’ today mama!!! Nice to be back and I’m getting this blogging down pat again (at least I hope so). It’s very nice to have good friends to help in your hour of need. I went away for the weekend to Wisconsin Dells for my nephew’s wedding, and it was beautiful. My eldest son & eldest daughter took me up there and I never was up there before. We had a great time. Anyway, you have a great week & we’ll talk next time if you like. HUGS Have a great week! ROCK ON…. GREAT TUNES!!! THANKS

  7. Oh God….you know what I think about the Moody Blues song and seeing tiny Tim trying to look suave..hHahaa. it sucks!!!
    I love that song and must mute the tv every time it comes on. I love the Peter Fonda ad but hate the baby one….I couldn’t watch it because it angered

    1. We’re on the same wavelength here, Birgit. 🙂 That perfume ad makes me gag! 😠 And, selling diapers using Born To be Wild is ridiculous, IMO. 😒 Totally destroys the spirit of the song.

  8. As a supporter of capitalism I have no problem with using or exploiting old hit songs or just older songs. Doesn’t really affect me much one way or another.


    1. I don’t usually mind either, Lee, but these particular songs mean a lot to me personally. I feel as if they are sullying my memories! 🙁

  9. This was engaging! I don’t mind using music in commercials – most of the time. Not that I even like commercials to begin with. The BeeGees song paired well with a Father-Daughter theme, but I think the ad execs took gross liberties. The Chevy truck/ Bob Seger idea was brilliant – especially on Seger’s part. Attempting to sell cologne with a young actor and an epic Moody Blues song is just tragic. What’s worse is that I think they meant it that way.

    1. I don’t usually mind either, diedre, but for me, these particular songs have deep-seated memories and emotions attached to them. At least Bob Seger had more in mind than just padding his bank account! 🙂 As for the perfume commercial, the younger generations have absolutely NO idea what that song means to so many people, nor do they care. Advertisers don’t give a shit what anybody over 50 thinks! 😒

  10. Debbie,

    Honestly, I don’t mind when an old classic is used in commercials. Companies are in the business to make money. The thing I hate the most about big companies is when they cramp their social agendas into their ad spots. This is a huge turn off. Just make a good product and let that be it, folks!

    PS: I’m gonna add your link to the 4M party. You have music to share!

    1. Cathy, I don’t usually mind either, but these particular songs are deeply personal to me and I feel like my memories have been sullied. ☹️ Never thought I’d see them in commercials, so it was quite jarring.

      Thanks for adding my link to your party. 🙂 I thought this was more of an opinion piece, rather than a musical one, but I guess it qualifies. Sorry, I won’t be able to make the rounds, though.

  11. We don’t have the same TV commercials as you, but we do have the situation of classic songs being used on them. If the ad agency thinks using a song I might like makes me buy something, they are seriously misguided. I also wonder just how much they are paying to the person who holds the performing rights.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Music in commercials has never influenced me either. If I’m pissed off about them using a particular song, like the ones I wrote about, then for sure I wouldn’t buy the product, even if it’s something I wanted! These artists must make millions, selling off their music rights. It seems to be a recent trend.

  12. We don’t see very many ads or commercials because we don’t have regular television. We have Netflix and Amazon Prime. I think it’s a good thing. I would cringe too.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Big hug. ♥

    1. Hi Sandee, that’s a great way to avoid commercials! 🙂 We are thinking about ditching cable too, but for now, we record shows so we can fast forward through the ads. Thanks for coming by!

  13. In general I think there are too many commercials/ads on TV, news websites, internet web sites, etc., and the fact that they use classic songs does not help. I know it pays the bills for the media companies but it makes me tune out.

    About the greed thingy. I think that greed sometimes can be a positive force and it’s better than politicians deciding how the economy should work. However, what really brings society forward are inventions and scientific progress that brings wealth and progress to all of us and yet it is mostly a positive economic externality outside of the demand/supply in the market. Inventors and scientists that are revolutionizing society are typically not compensated, or very little, yet it happens. Greed is not necessary.

    1. “In general I think there are too many commercials/ads on TV, news websites, internet web sites, etc.”
      And it seems to be getting worse! I’m planning a follow up post about that very thing. 🙂 I agree that greed is unnecessary. I’m sure Bob Seger was well paid for the use of “Like A Rock”, but his aim was to get the auto industry back in good form, not only to pad his bank account.

  14. I’m of the opinion any commercial on TV tires me, …I’d love to have a fast forward button for all of them. They intrude, …but I know they’re advertising to make money, for themselves and the Chanel’s they’re advertised from..…to sell their products and give high visibility, ..but don’t they realise it puts your back up, hearing your favourite classics be treated that way, …I can only speak for myself Debbie, but it rebounds on them, in that I’d deliberately not buy the item , …Some commercials used to be fun, …have a bit of humour to get your attention, ..but it’s the speed and regularity nowadays, …as if they’re trying to subliminally brain wash you, …If there was a red button to press for No, leave my classics alone, …I’d definitely press it, …I could go on longer but unlike the Commerce industry , I have a conscience and don’t want to tire my audience…😂….so bye for now Debbie, …and thankyou, fir the chance to do a small rant again,’s been fun, …✨🦋✨Penn✨

    1. I agree, commercials are tiresome and we record most network TV shows so we can fast forward through them. 😀 They play the same ones over and over, ad nauseum, which is definitely a type of brain-washing. While I normally don’t mind music in advertising, I take exception with them using my personal favourites and would absolutely refuse to buy anything they’re selling. Thanks for coming by, Penn! Feel free to share your rants, anytime! 🙂