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MY DATE WITH SABATON AND JUDAS PRIEST 💥🎸 #dogladysden #concertphotography #WordlessWednesday #WW #RockChickBliss🤘 #rocktilyoudrop

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More about Sabaton:

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More about Judas Priest:

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Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday.

Do you enjoy going to concerts?
Which ones have you been to recently?

Rock On!

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26 thoughts on “MY DATE WITH SABATON AND JUDAS PRIEST 💥🎸#WW #RockChickBliss🤘

  1. You are a hard rocker, girlfriend. I admit I’ve never heard of Sabaton. I’ve heard of Judas Priest but don’t know anything about them. One of my nephews, who is kind of a nerdy looking little guy with a Ph.D. is really into hard rock and writes about it for some magazines and maybe some online stuff. He loves it. You and he would probably have a great time together.


    1. You’re so right, Janie! I love hard rock, metal, classic rock, Prog rock, psychedelic rock… Sabaton wasn’t known to me either, but their stage show was so impressive, I’m a huge fan now! Your nephew and I would surely find lots to talk about. 🙂

    1. We always try for the best seats we can afford. My camera has a good zoom lens as well, though. These bands are heavy metal – not everyone is into that genre, but I love it! 💥🤘

    1. Attending rock concerts is my favourite activity, Thomas. Keeps me young! 😀 I didn’t know Sabaton either until we saw them perform. My husband and I were both very impressed by their stage show!

  2. Gotta say, Sabaton hasn’t crossed my radar (which I had more trouble spelling than Sabaton!) Judas priest used to be a ytearly ‘coming to town with you-know-who’ thing, but I haven’t paid much attention. Last concert I went to was Everclear and Local H …oh, and Marcy Playground… I think it gave me a concussion TBH. Local H makes more sound than 2 guys should be able to!

    1. Sabaton is heavy metal, which I don’t think is your taste, so no surprise you don’t know them. I’ve heard of Everclear, but not the other ones you mentioned. Judas Priest was pretty loud, too. Smaller venue for them than usual.

  3. Cool pictures Debbie! I’m not familiar with Sabaton, but I love Judas Priest! (Even though I don’t think it’s the same without K. K. Downing)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the pics, Michael! Sabaton is often referred to as “The Swedish Iron Maiden”, so you might like them as well. There’s a link above that leads to a post about them, including several of their songs. Judas Priest is still going strong, even without K. K. Downing. Rob Halford is in fine voice and their new album, “Invincible Shield” is excellent.

  4. I first saw Judas Priest in the Plaza cinema in Truro, Cornwall about a year or two before they made it big. They had released their first album ‘Rockarolla’ if I remember?

    1. That must have been a fabulous concert, Glyn! 🙂 Yes, Rocka Rolla was their first album, released in 1974. Rob Halford is still in fine voice and their latest release, “Invincible Shield” is worth listening to. Good stuff!

  5. What fun you have and the shots are fabulous. You rock.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs. ♥

    1. Yes, I’m aware, Pete. 🙂 Judas Priest is an important band in the evolution of hard rock/metal in the UK. One of the pioneers! Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks!