Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!
“Dog Breeds & Anecdotes” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the participants.
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#AtoZChallenge Day 19: S is for SHETLAND SHEEPDOG #dogladysden Share on X
(aka Sheltie)
You might think you’re seeing double after yesterday’s post. Not quite. Read on:
The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, is a breed of herding dog. The original name of this breed was Shetland Collie, but this caused controversy among the Rough Collie breeders at the time, so the breed’s name was formally changed.
This small dog is intelligent, vocal, excitable, energetic and willing to please and work hard. The Shetland Sheepdog’s early history is not well known.
The Sheltie is a descendant of small specimens of the Scottish Collie and the King Charles Spaniel. It was developed to tend the diminutive sheep of the Shetland Islands, whose rugged, stormy shores have produced other small-statured animals such as the Shetland pony.
Today it is raised as a farm dog and family pet. They were originally a small mixed-breed dog, often only about 8 inches to 12 inches in height at the shoulder, and it is thought that the original Shetland herding dogs were of the Spitz type, and were crossed with Collies from mainland Britain.
In the early 20th century, James Loggie added a small Rough Collie to the breeding stock, and helped establish what would become the modern Shetland Sheepdog. – WIKIPEDIA [photo credit]
I’ve had two of these pretty little dogs as houseguests. Both of them were sweethearts and contrary to popular belief, neither one barked excessively.
My first-ever Sheltie client was about 6 years old and belonged to an elderly lady. Sophie’s legs were a bit short and her coat was incredibly poofy. We fondly referred to her as a “walking footstool”. She was calmer and quieter than most.
Shelby was a younger dog (about 2 years old) who spent an entire month with us one summer. She loved to run after the squirrels and always tried to herd the other dogs into a circle.
Are you familiar with these little cuties? Want one?
Looking forward to your comments!
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32 thoughts on “S is for SHETLAND SHEEPDOG | #AtoZChallenge”
My late aunt had a Shetland Sheepdog, and it was the sweetest little dog. My grandparents loved it. Hers was white with gray, and I remember she had the softest coat (the dog, not my aunt).
I’ve never had one of these dogs but always love seeing them as they are so cute and so beautiful. The two little girls who stayed with you were clearly adorable. <3
Sophie and Shelby were both sweeties and I would love to have another Sheltie, anytime. 🙂 Thanks for visiting. Have a great week!
Now, she’s a beauty. She would probably eat up my total budget because of her appetite, but she is a doll. It amazing how close the looks are between the Rough Collie and The Shetland Sheep Dog. The only different is their size.
Love this one.
Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.
Patricia @ EverythingMustChange
I don’t think these dogs have voracious appetites, like Labs do, for instance. Shelties are the “mini-me” versions of rough collies. 🙂
I have not seen one of these up close, but would love to. Gorgeous dogs.
They are beauties, for sure. Lovely personalities too, from the ones I’ve met.
They are cute. We had a border collie and my mom had an Australian shepherd mix. Both herding dogs. The border collie was the sweetest dog. Just the sweetest. The other one was very high strung. I think having a herding instinct with nothing to herd… well, it’s hard to be a working dog with no work.
You’re so right, Robin! If working dogs have no work (or not enough exercise), they will become restless and nervous. Those are both highly intelligent breeds and equally adorable. 🙂
Have never had, but an Uncle did, he named him Shep a lovely friendly guy. Such beautiful animals!
Shep the Sheltie; has a certain ring to it. 🙂 They are sweeties, for sure.
Shetland ponies I had heard of but not these Shetland sheepdogs. I learn something new each time I read you posts, Debbie. Lovely pics!
Glad you’re enjoying the theme, Monica. Thanks for visiting. Into the last week now. Yay! 🙂
These are such beautiful dogs! We had one one on the ranch named Sadie. She belonged to the sheep-owners down the road but seemed to like us better as she was always over at our place 🙂 Naturally she went along on a fishing trip once and imagine how awkward it was when her owner’s boat pulled along side ours! Our dogs became excited and Sadie tried to hide. It was the best ever feeling when the owners moved away and left her with us:-)
That’s a great story with a happy ending! 🙂 Sadie ended up where she was meant to be.
When you wrote about Collies, I commented about our Shelties. They are still one of my favorites but at my age, I don’t ever want to do “shedding hair” again. I like not having to vacuum twice a day.
Yes, I read that. Thanks for sharing your story, Carol, sad as it was. The hair can be a bit overwhelming, for sure.
I look at the one picture of the collie with the sheltie and I think of mini me. I have never had one but they are so pretty
That was my first thought, too. 🙂 Shelties are sweethearts.
Shelties. Yes. As you know, since you read the book, Melody LOVED her little Sheltie. She was so loveable and that inner clock she had worked to perfection. She was also quite trainable, even though she sometimes(?) thought we were absolutely nuts about what we were trying to teach her to do – like the time the kids in the neighborhood thought we could have a circus in our backyard and we tried to teach Missy to “leap” through a hula hoop and jump over an obstacle (she thought it was much more intelligent to just walk around both items, and much easier, also ☺). She went berserk when one of the kids brought his little kitten. Oh well. She was pretty old when my step-mother decided to “put her out of her misery”. I’m still not quite sure what misery she was in, since she seemed quite happy right up to the day she “disappeared.”
Missy was obviously a smart girl. 🙂 Tasha felt the same way about learning tricks. Dogs will usually let you know when they want to go. As long as they’re still eating and enjoying a good quality of life, I wouldn’t make such a decision.
I know its not but this looks so similar to Lassie’s breed 🙂
It’s a “mini me” version. Just as pretty, but less than half the size. 🙂
Such beautiful animals. Another one of the few dogs I’d consider getting if I had room for one.
They are sweet little dogs. 🙂
Awww – I love Shelties – every one I have met has been lovely. “Walking footstool” – lol.
Tasha’s Thinkings (70) | Wittegen Press (72) | FB3X (AC) (73)
They are sweeties! Sophie moved slowly and was low to the ground. 🙂
I love the Shelties! I’ve had a few stay here with me and one was a fairly regular visitor (who we recently lost to old age). 🙁 She was a real beauty and I can truly say she was one of the more gorgeous dogs I’ve ever seen. With a sweet disposition too. She was soooo soft too! And she didn’t bark at all. I don’t think I ever heard her bark. She loved to be outside and just liked to wander the yard and lay in the sun. I miss her.
I would consider having a Sheltie I think. Although I doubt I’ll ever have any other breed besides the Greyhound…
Michele at Angels Bark
Always sad when these dogs pass away. 🙁 So sorry, Michele. I didn’t notice much barking either, so maybe it’s not really inherent in the breed. Shelties are sweet but the grooming would be a bit of a chore, I think.
Beautiful breed, I would love to have one for sure 🙂
Totally cute Shelties! No haven’t seen these either! But I am sure they’ll be adorable!
@KalaRavi16 from
These are mild-mannered little dogs and I didn’t notice excessive barking at all. 🙂