RAINY DAYS #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography ☔🌧️⛈️

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s blogfest theme this week is

RAINY DAYS #SundayStills (On a Monday) #photography #rainydays #dogladysden Share on X

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No matter what the weather, dogs still need to get out!



It never fails!



Sometimes, there are rewards!


Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday

Next time on #SundayStills:

talk soon new bitmoji
Debbie signature transparent background



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37 thoughts on “RAINY DAYS #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography ☔🌧️⛈️

  1. Your way to present the photos is very good, themes that is a great way. This storm and rain theme is great, excellent photos!

    1. That’s one of Zoey’s cutest pics! 🙂 I’ve heard about the overabundance of rain in the UK. We’ve had much more than usual also, but not that bad.

    1. Thanks, diedre! 🙂 I’ll bet those labs go in the water at every opportunity. Zoey is part-lab, yet she does not like that at all. She even side-steps puddles. Not a bad thing, actually. 😀

  2. A great selection from your travels, Debbie. I am so tired of all the rain here so far this year, I would find it depressing to post photos of it! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete! 🙂 We’ve had a fair amount of rain as well, but I enjoy the challenge of finding the best photos for the prompt.

  3. It’s a rainy Wednesday. Your shots through a rain-streaked windshield are nice. Every time I tried to do this, the glass is dirty and it shows. I really like the stormy lightening shot. Great photo captures!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 That lightning shot took a lot of patience to get. I was standing there for 10 minutes, finger on the shutter button, waiting for the right moment.

  4. I can’t imagine the rebellion that would take place if we tried putting Misty in ANYTHING!

  5. How fun that you’re surrounded by four legged precious pups. I’ve never had a pup or cat that liked dress up.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥

    1. That was pre-retirement. We only have Zoey now. She doesn’t like her coat, but hates getting wet even more. 😆 Thanks for coming by, Sandee!

    1. How funny about your Labrador not wanting to get wet! They’re supposed to be water dogs. 😆 Zoey is part lab and feels the same way. She even side-steps puddles. Thanks for coming by, Jacqui. 🙂

  6. Hi Debbie, I love your rainy-day images. I had to try not to chuckle at the image of the rain-soaked tourists waiting for the bus. We currently live with a wet dog and keep towels at our back door. The image with the rainy skies and lightning is awesome! Thanks for the extra shout-out for next week’s green theme 🙂

    1. Thank you, Terri! 🙂 There were so many tourists trying to squeeze into that bus shelter. 😆 The lightning shot took me ten minutes to get. I was standing there with camera poised, waiting for the exact moment. Always happy to do a shout-out. Thank YOU for running this photo fest.

  7. Love these great photos especially the eerie one and the wet tourists..hahahaa. I was thinking king of that song Rainy Days by Karen Carpenter. If it’s a warm rain I don’t mind a walk but, ., I like to be inside and making cards or watching a movie or reading

    1. Thanks, Birgit! 🙂 Those were many people, trying to squeeze into the bus shelter. 😆 A warm summer rain can be refreshing, but the chill at any other time of year is unpleasant. Your cards are beautiful!

  8. That’s right, no matter the weather, dogs need to get out. However, we have a winter coat for our Pug. The other dogs that we have or have had did not need a winter coat. Well, we live in Texas.

    1. Yes, I imagine Texas is mild enough in winter that dogs don’t need coats. Zoey has the raincoat, because not only does she hate to get wet, she also hates to be towelled off. 😆