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Question of the monthQUESTION OF THE MONTH, hosted by Michael G. D’Agostino was a monthly blogfest published on the first Monday. Michael’s directive:

“Your readers would like to know a little more about you. Show them who you are by taking part in the Question of the Month bloghop.”

It was discontinued after 2016. 

A musical query:

“Which kind of music best speaks to you?”

Musical bliss; a subject I could ramble on about forever!
It’s a fervent obsession spanning six decades,
but I’ll try to restrain myself.

Musical Bliss

Have you ever heard a song that gave you chills? A song that brought you to the brink of tears because you loved it so much? A song you could play over and over again without ever getting tired of it? A song that made your world stand still and nothing else mattered?

This is the type of music that speaks to me the loudest. Complex, dramatic music that triggers intense emotions. Music that makes me want to “crank it up” and “put the pedal to the metal”. Mellifluous voices, killer guitar riffs, all of that! Music is my drug of choice, a natural high. “Rock ’til you drop” and you’ll never get old!

Two chill-inducing favourites:

Practically orgasmic!
These are both covers that arguably surpass the originals.

Genre Preference:

Musical BlissMost Frequent: Blues, Blues Rock, Classic Rock, Folk Rock, Glam Metal, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal (except “Death”; keep it melodic, please!), Instrumental Rock, Prog Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Southern Rock, World Music 

Less Often: Alt Rock, Arena Rock, Boogie Woogie, British Invasion, Classical, Country Rock, Funk, Garage Rock, Indie Rock, Jazz Standards, Motown, Rock and Roll, Rythm and Blues, Smooth Jazz, Soft Rock, Surf Guitar

Rarely: Bluegrass, Country, Doo Wop, Grunge Rock, Oldies, Pop, Punk Rock, Rockabilly

No Thanks! (occasional exceptions apply): Anything that is sung in a “girly” voice or falsetto (Neil Young always excepted. His music transcends the vocals.), Bubblegum, Dance, Disco, Hip Hop, House, Gangsta Rap, Synthpop, Technopop, Trance

I fell in love with this song the instant I heard it, way back in 1967.
It remains my overall favourite:

When I’m listening to music,


Musical Bliss

More Musical Musings HERE and HERE

What’s your musical bliss?

Looking forward to your comments!


Rockchick Rapture Playlist:



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  1. Sorry for my lateness; it’s been a crazy week.
    So glad to see you enjoy music so much. I don’t see how some people live without it. Nights in White Satin is a great song. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi
    I like your presentation for this month’s Question of the Month blog. I identify with you in so many ways when it comes to music. I enjoyed listening to the music from three of them. GEMA blocked the rest, but no problem. I listened to the ones that I needed to listen too. As a singer, who sometimes sing with a band and sometimes sings vocally for others in studio, I enjoyed most of all the video with Metallica because that is the way music is recorded in studio. I love doing studio music. It is a wonderful feeling.
    Thanks for a beautiful presentation.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

    1. I think it was only Nights in White Satin that was blocked, yes? Sorry, I couldn’t find a video that was viewable in Germany, but the rest showed as unrestricted.

      You have a fabulous voice, Pat (I watched some of your videos) and are living out my youthful dream. 😀 I wanted to be a professional singer at one time but didn’t have the talent. Studio recording with a band looks like a lot of fun! There must be a real sense of camaraderie. Isn’t it a rush to be on stage too, though, in front of an appreciative audience? I’m glad you enjoyed my musings on music. Thanks for coming by and have a great week. P.S. This video should be unrestricted:

  3. While growing up, my music genres were extremely narrow: BMJ POP (aka before Michael Jackson, aka the stuff from the 70″s & 80’s that you hear on the radio under the light music formats) and 50’s rock (parents music).

    However, now it has expanded to just about every genre save country/pop (the garbage that passes for country music these days) and pop. This was directly due to listening to college radio (aka free-form non-commercial radio) as an adult (greatly expanded my horizons) and my dad, who used to play a tone o’ 60’s folk music and early country music.

    1. College radio sounds a bit like FM in the early days. 🙂 I’ve noticed that some of today’s country music has a distinct rock vibe, which I actually like. Most fans of pure country agree with you, though. Thanks for coming by, George. Have a good week.

  4. Oh boy… Nights in White Satin from Days of Future Past. There’s an album I lost and have never replaced. Takes me straight back to the bedsit at college!
    I’m off to iTunes…

  5. I love blues, rock and roll, musicals, ballads, some country western, easy tunes to sing along. It’s all about the mood we happen to be in… I even like rock occasionally, but I need to be in a convertible, popping bubble gum, and have some driver grooving into it as much as I am. lol…. What a fun topic! Love how you steer my thoughts onto new tracks! Thank you Debbie!

    1. Try not to get the gum in your hair, Angelika. 😉 I know you’re generally not a fan of hard rock, so thanks for putting up with my posts on the subject. I do try to highlight other genres as well.

  6. Oh…LOVE Knights in White Satin, in fact, love a lot of The Moody Blues. I do love Rock, blues, jazz….depends, I don’t like when I think a chimp is playing the piano. I don’t mind disco now. I used to hate it back in the 70’s but now I remember it fondly and wished I was old enough to go to Studio 54. My favourite is classical, folk music from different countries and I like Celtic music as well. I also love music from the movies which is no big surprise but I would die if I had to listen to rap, country twang, or heavy metal head banging stuff.

    1. The Moody Blues make beautiful music. ♥ We went to their 50th-anniversary concert a couple of years ago and they’re just as good now as they ever were. Some Disco wasn’t too bad, but overall, I still don’t like it much. We sure had a good time partying in those days, though. Yes, everybody wanted to go to Studio 54! There are many fabulous movie soundtracks out there. Heavy metal encompasses several different sub-genres. I bet you wouldn’t mind symphonic metal, Birgit. 🙂

  7. I’m kind of like Arlee, in that some of my likes are some of your dislikes, like synthpop and bubblegum (music of my childhood, which I didn’t like much when it was around…).

    1. The only “Bubble Gum” song I ever liked was “Dizzy”, by Tommy Roe; it has memories attached. 🙂 Musical taste is highly personal. It’s been fun to read all the different choices in this blogfest. Thanks for checking out mine. Cheers!

  8. “Nothing else matters!” So true!
    I enjoyed reading your answer and we have similar tastes. However I do like technopop.
    Slow Feet does an excellent White Room!
    And Nights in White Satin: that song always takes me far far away. I love it!
    Nothing Else Matters is such a great song too…

    Excellent answer to the Question of the Month. I should join in this blog hop…

    Have a great week Debbie~

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Michele and I was delighted to see you joined in. 🙂 Yes, we do have similar tastes. Thanks for coming by. Hope you had a nice long weekend. Cheers!

  9. Hi, Shady; I enjoy many styles of music, but these are examples of the ones that affect me the most profoundly. You’re right; they’re all epic, power ballads. 🙂 Love the drama! This is probably why I’ve preferred FM to AM radio all these years. Musical taste is a highly individual thing. That said, I try to keep an open mind and am willing to listen to everything presented by others. Sometimes, I’m even pleasantly surprised, but certain beats just get on my nerves, like the synthpop, techno stuff. I’m glad you’re getting your groove on with it, though. That’s what it’s all about, yes? Nu-disco is a genre I had to look up. Interesting that it’s European. Sample below, if anyone else is interested. Not bad! 🙂 Thanks for dropping in. Happy Labour Day!

  10. I enjoyed reading your list of music that you love, Debbie. You do love your rock. Glad it gets you all fired up and excited. Nights in White Satin is a great song. That seems mellow compared to your other favourites. What is it about it that you like so much? I’ve always been intrigued by how someone just adores a piece of music to the point of goosebumps and euphoria and it does nothing for me and vice versa. What is it about it? Is it something in our genetic makeup? Our childhood upbringings? The era we lived in? I’ve always been fascinated by the whole subject of musical taste.

    I’ve always been an old soul as far as musical tastes go. I didn’t even like rock all that much as a teen in the 70s and tended to listen to classical and softer sappy rock like Carpenters, Air Supply and Bread. I don’t like country or rap or much pop.

    These days, I still like classical and old jazz standards. I got an album of Sting’s lately called The Last Sail and loved it so much, I had to play it again and again. I’m crazy about his Winter album and this had a similar flavour. Love musical ballads with a Celtic feeling like his music and when he exaggerates his Northern England accent it’s so much fun. And love his singing as he has great diction as my choir director says. I can’t stand it when I can’t understand the words.

    Gee, I’ve blabbed on so much. I should do the challenge, eh, Debbie? I’m doing a 100 day novel writing challenge and that’s consuming all my free time at the moment. Fun but stressful meeting that Friday deadline of subbing a chapter every week. At least it’s making me do it which is what I wanted. Now I must get to work while the family is away.

    1. Hi, Cathy; I think the eras we grew up in have a lot to do with musical taste, along with our personalities. The Carpenters and Bread had some good tunes. Bread especially resonates for hubby and me, as one of their songs “Baby I’m a Want You”, was deemed “our song” in the early days. We were pretty sappy then, too. 😀 Sting has become a real troubadour since his Police days. I listened to some of that album on Youtube and agree; it’s really good! Accents are always attractive. I love Eric Burdon’s Geordie accent and John Kay’s German one. Yes, you could have added your own post, but I appreciate that you shared your thoughts here. Thanks for dropping in! Hope you’re enjoying the last long weekend of the summer. Good luck with your writing challenge! Sounds like it’s going well. A little Sting for everyone to enjoy:

  11. I am a big fan of the old jazz standards, especially music from the 1940’s. I also love classical. I own a few rock albums, but it has never been my favorite music, mostly because I studied voice for several years and I was more into singing easy listening stuff. A friend took me to a Traffic concert and I wanted to crawl up in a ball and die, lol. OTOH, I do enjoy the later music of Steve Winwood on his own. And one of the best concerts I ever attended was Santana’s comeback on 1999 for the Supernatural tour. I actually had to beg someone to go with me after being given four tickets by someone who had no interest in seeing some ‘old guys’ reunite.

    1. HI, Denise; My mother was a fan of the Big Band era and I don’t mind it. 🙂 Traffic was a good band, but if you don’t enjoy that genre of music, an entire concert would be hard to endure. Steve Winwood is a talented musician. I saw him in 2010, opening for Santana (who was fantastic, as always. How great that you attended his Supernatural tour. What a comeback! ) and again in 2015, opening for Rod Stewart. The first one was about his oldies, including Traffic songs, but the second time, he was more into the blues. Great set! I can say from personal experience that most of these “old guys” are like fine wine. Thanks for dropping in.

  12. Most of your answer works very well for me. My range of likes includes some of your dislikes. I like a lot of country and pop. And I’ll admit that I’m kind of a sucker for a lot of disco and bubble gum music.

    But the answer itself was a damn good one.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. I’m glad you liked my answer and that we have some similarities, Lee. I’ve noticed that a lot of country music these days has a rock vibe. Disco was huge and there is some that I did like, probably because of the memories attached. We had a good time in those days. 😀