Welcome everyone, to the#AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!“Musical Memories” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the A to Z Blog. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading! ♥

QUESTION | #AtoZChallenge 2017 (Q) Day 17 #MusicalMemories #dogladysden Share on X
The time: Spring, 1970
The place: Toronto suburbs, Canada
If you read the ‘N’ post, then you’ll know how much I love The Moody Blues. In April of 1970, their new single, ‘Question’, was getting extensive airplay. I was in love with Steve (from the ‘C’ post) and life was good.
Steve lived across town. Neither one of us had a driver’s licence, so our relationship involved a lot of walking. The warm, sunny weather gave us a serious case of spring fever.
We spent many hours picnicking and making out down by the marina, where a large houseboat was moored. We fantasized about living on it and sailing away.
This idyll would end badly several months later (back to the ‘C’ post). Some of the lyrics from ‘Question’ seem prophetic, now:
It’s not the way that you say it
When you do those things to me.
It’s more the way that you mean it
When you tell me what will be.
And when you stop and think about it
You won’t believe it’s true.
That all the love you’ve been giving
Has all been meant for you.
Have you ever had spring fever?
Looking forward to your comments!
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39 thoughts on “QUESTION | #AtoZCHALLENGE (Q) #MusicalMemories”
I was spared the heartaches of young love. Or maybe I should not have missed it, I don’t know. Either way, it is what it is.
Life as They Said It
My spring fever consists in missing California, particularly San Diego.
You know San Diego, Tamara? My parents moved down there in 1974. It’s a real paradise, isn’t it? I love it there, too! 😀
Yes, it is my favorite place on earth and second home, Debbie
What a coincidence! I felt the same way about it or did. Now that my parents are gone, there’s less occasion for me to visit. Never say never, though. 🙂
This is a totally new song to me..But the lyrics have so much of profound meaning and makes one to enjoy it
Launching SIM Organics This April
Menaka Bharathi *
Thanks for reading my A to Z entries, Menaka. Best wishes for the success of your launch!
Love this song! I have this album and listened to all my Moody Blues albums last summer….so great! It sounds like there will be a kaboom to this story
The Moody Blues are amazing, aren’t they? 🙂 I still have all of their albums. The ‘kaboom’ for this story was already revealed in the ‘C’ post. (Cherry Hill Park).
This song is unfamiliar to me. I don’t remember ever hearing it before. Fun to hear about young love and making out down at the marina by the houseboat. I liked how you thought of living on it and sailing away. So romantic and adventurous. Too bad it ended badly but that’s often the way in young love. Sniff! Good one, Debbie! Enjoyable as always. I struggled on Q today and just did one of my silly poems that I whip up when I can’t think of anything else. Spring Fever? Oh yes! I do believe I have it now! So glad spring is here! Woohoo!
I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts, Cathy. 🙂 Thanks for your support! I have spring and summer fever every year and an ever-present spirit of adventure. Your poems are always fun and well written. Don’t sell yourself short by calling them ‘silly’.
Spring fever? Yes, every year when I lived in Michigan. I would walk around my house, waiting for the flower bulbs to peek through the snow. My mind would race with ideas of what to do when warm weather returned.
Thank you for the memories!
It’s like that here in southern Ontario as well. I also get summer fever. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in, Cheryl.
Hahahaha I’m surprised I didn’t think of this one myself being as my last name is Moody… hahahaha.. Great choice. Thanks for sharing.
That would have been a good choice. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in, Marie.
Spring Fever? Definitely yes. And it’s even better (worse?) when you catch it in some other season of the year–like the halcyon days of Summer. Question was one of Russ’ favorite Moody Blues’ songs.
I have spring fever from April to October. 🙂 I remember well how much Russ loved The Moody Blues. ♥
I should have died several times from terminal cases of spring fever, and don’t get me started on puppy love…
I love Moody Blues!
Spring fever comes around every year. 🙂 The Moody Blues are fantastic, even more so in concert.
Same period (wouldn’t you know it), same scenario with a few differences. Lakeside, pick up some doughnuts and a coffee or milkshake, down by the lake with an unmistakable convertible… hanging out, talking about our future, not doing much ( I was more naive than a 12 year old today, wouldn’t you believe it!) except delighting in just being together.
The memories of those days is poignant–bittersweet. I remember almost every dress I wore ( I also remember making every dress I wore, from remnants from the textile store on Kerr St. (no such thing as maxi Fabricland), and remember making every dress with one goal in mind—to be liked by that one special person.
My songs were more “bourgeois”–Simon and Garfunkel, a lot of Presley, the BeeGees. Then as now, I wasn’t into the “real” rock. And of course, the Italian pop singers.
So, there goes a trip down memory lane for me.
We were “nodding acquaintances” back then, if even that! I think we hit it off just that spring.
Ah…for the good times!
Yes, we also picked up doughnuts at the downtown Tim Horton’s! Sadly, it has been razed to make way for more bloody condos. 😛 Lakeside Park is still there, at least. The gazebo has been refinished. 🙂 I remember your talents as a seamstress and still have the black maxi cape you made for me. I don’t think we met until that fall when I started going out with Eric. Thanks for the nostalgia blast. 😀
We also spent a lot of time at the lakeshore down from the cemetery across from Perdue. That was a favourite place in winter. Also the water plant at the end of Kerr St. I think it was.
Our doughnuts came from The Doughnut Shop on Lakeshore! Remember Thula and her beehive blonde hairdo?
And another accompanying memory is the smell of lilacs and orange blossoms. And the smell of fresh cut grass!
I must say that the convertible was great for slow rides!
And I do remember the black cape…I made myself one too, remember? Mine had red lining, I don’t remember yours, though.
I loved sewing. I made quite a few dresses for friends…including Mary Lou’s wedding dress!
Thula, the lovely, statuesque Greek woman! Of course, I remember her. 😀 That place was like a home away from home. There’s a Harvey’s Hamburgers in that spot now. I remember your cape too and the red lining. Mine is black inside and out. Yes, you told me about Mary Lou’s wedding dress also. The bottom of Kerr Street was a popular place. In later years, we took the dogs down there.
This was a new to me song. Great one.
It is! 🙂 Thanks, Susanne.
We never gave thought about using our feet tp get us where we needed to go as a kid. Even when I was in college I relied on city transport and my feet. I never complained. When our kids were at home they hated to take the bus or to walk anywhere. They just had it too good and a bit spoiled, which we certainly didn’t advocate but they picked up these undesirable traits from their friends. Anywho, interestingly enough you’re the third person today to feature The Moody Blues “Question”. Until this morning this was a new-to-me song. Yes, I’ve had a case of “spring fever” on more than one occasion. It’s a condition that plagues me still and the best way to overcome it is to give in even if it’s for a short time spent in the warmth of the sunshine, relaxing, breathing, soaking up the moment before resuming my daily routine. I don’t think I’ll have to worry with this today with thunderstorms and dark skies overhead. 🙂
Yes, walking everywhere was the norm in those days. A habit I should get back into, but it takes too long that way. Spring (and summer) fever hits me every year too. Winter is my LEAST favourite season! 😛 Thanks, Cathy. Hope you get some beautiful spring sun very soon.
Ah, young love. It feels like it’ll last forever at the time, doesn’t it?
It certainly did, for awhile. That was a magical spring. 🙂
One year we had an extremely brutal winter. I was so anxious for spring to arrive. I decided that for Easter dinner I was doing barbecued chicken on the grill with all the Southern trimmings to go with it. Fortunately the weather cooperated. Yes, spring fever had definitely hit me.
I’m always happy to see the end of winter, too. We have a covered deck and barbecue all year. 🙂
Those lyrics are profound! Much enjoyed the music. As for the spring fever, mine is all year round more or less 🙂
Okay, it’s just me again. I’ve been listening to your playlist while reading the day’s A-Z posts, so much lovely music! thought I’d just say thanks for putting it together. Thank you!
You’re welcome! 😀 I’m thrilled that you like the playlist. I got that idea from Mary over at Jingle Jangle Jungle
I lose mine in the winter. 😛 I’m glad you enjoyed the song, Nila. 🙂
Hi Debbie – you are certainly recalling your early days … and yes I’d say a few … but they went by the board … Spring Fever, Summer Fever … all good times, til the ‘rug’ was pulled – cheers Hilary
Getting the rug pulled is never pleasant! 😮 Spring and summer fever hits me every year. 🙂 Thanks, Hilary.
I know that feeling of wanting to run away with the one you love (and then being ever so grateful that I didn’t). Question is making an appearance in my post as well today. Q was a bit of a tough one!
Yes, that would have been a disaster! 🙂 I think a few people used ‘Question’ for their Q posts.