PURPLE #SundayStills (On a Wednesday) #Photography #ColourChallenge

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s blogfest theme this week is the monthly colour challenge:
Diamond, Quartz, Crystal and/or
(I’m narrowing it down to one.)

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PURPLE #SundayStills (On a Wednesday) #Photography #ColourChallenge #WordlessWednesday #dogladysden Share on X

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Rose of Sharon bushes in the backyard, with hibiscus-style flowers in shades of white, pink and mauve.
(They bloom from July to September.)


But of course! 😀


purple scroll


Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday.

talk soon new bitmoji
Debbie signature transparent background



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32 thoughts on “PURPLE #SundayStills (On a Wednesday) #Photography #ColourChallenge

  1. Wow, this purple theme is great, very good pictures. You have enjoyed very many concert nights. The satin dress picture is cool, love it:)

  2. Purple is so gorgeous! And for some reason, I’ve always associated it with the idea of magic, mystery, and fantasy worlds. I feel as though I could dive into it and swim around forever!

  3. When I was a young girl purple was my favorite color. In the 5th grade, I had this dress…maybe it was a skirt and a blouse, but anywho it was purple and I loved that dress. That year, I started a new school because the school I was going to closed so we got bused to a nearby school. I wore that purple dress to school my first day and I remember this girl calling me “Purple Girl”. That was the funniest thing and has stuck with me all these years. Sadly the girl who called me “Purple Girl” killed herself shortly after graduation. You never know what another is dealing with, do you? Anyway, I have that fond memory of her. We weren’t super close in school, but we did interact on occasions and I always thought of her as a friend. I hope she’s at peace! Brilliant purple photos!!

    1. Hi Cathy, sorry to have missed your comment before. I’m trying to catch up now. Sad story about your friend! I bet you looked grand in your purple outfit. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks!

  4. Very nice, DEBBIE!

    Deep Purple in purple – WOW! – what a concept! 😉

    When I was in 5th & 6th grade, purple was my favorite color. Eventually that changed to green. (Not sure how purple changes to green, but life is full o’ mysteries.)

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Your post beautifully celebrates the color purple! From the vibrant flowers to the atmospheric concert lighting, each photo captures its essence. Your personal memories add a lovely touch. Thanks for sharing your Sunday Stills on a Wednesday with us! 💜

  6. Love purple, my 2nd favourite colour after blue. These pictures are great. Your outfit is right in keeping for the 80s and I like it. You arev5alented…I could never sew that.

    1. Thank you, Birgit! 🙂 Seriously, not that talented, though. The purple suit was one of my few successes as a “seamstress”. Mostly, I had to rip things apart and make corrections. 😛 I gave up sewing after that one. 😆

  7. I love purple very much and you captured purple very well. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs. ♥

  8. Hi Debbie, you couldn’t have chosen a better color to display than all these shades of purple! I love all the purple flowers. Concerts sure love to use purple in their lighting, must make the aging musicians look and feel younger, LOL! Love that handpainted rock, and BTW, you look so much like Ann Wilson in that picture of you.