whats your name ed gellock

Meet Lynyrd Skynyrd, a cute little Puggle, belonging to Ed Gellock. He’s so cute in fact, that Ed captured his antics on camera and turned them into a book:

What’s Your Name? Life as a Rock ‘n’ Roll Dog.

Interesting title, don’t you think? Here’s the story behind it, straight from the author:

“My book is about our dog Lynyrd Skynyrd. Lynyrd is named after one of the most popular and successful Southern Rock Bands in history.

I have always been a fan of Southern Rock and Lynyrd Skynyrd in particular. Our Lynyrd Skynyrd is part pug and part beagle which makes him a Puggle. 

It’s a book for kids or dog lovers, which tells the story of how Lynyrd joined our family and enriched our lives.”

Ed had another motive for writing this book; to benefit a good cause:

“Help Us Help Our 4-Legged Frynds“

Proceeds from the first 1000 book sales will be donated to animal charities.

He was kind enough to send me a copy of his book and it was a delight to read. Thanks, Ed!
I’m always happy to spread the word about helping animals in need as well.

Let’s hear from Ed himself :

What gave you the initial idea to write this book?

I was compiling pictures of Lynyrd that I had on my computer into one central location (file album) and thought I could tell a story about him. After the pictures were all in one location, the words just came for the book. Granted, it’s not a novel but it is a joyful recollection of Lynyrd’s arrival into our lives.

How many copies have sold to date? 

Unfortunately, the book has only sold around 100 copies thus far. I was hoping for a better sales total; especially with the “Help Us Help Our 4-Legged Frynds” Initiative that I have created. I did this for fun and was never looking to get rich from the book, but did intend to enrich the lives of abused animals from the donations to local animal shelters from my author proceeds.

Which charities are benefitting from the donations?

Having a pet is a commitment. It’s a shame some people think it’s a hobby and when they get tired of their responsibility they just dump their animal. If that animal is lucky enough to make it to a shelter and be adopted, hopefully they will have a better life. Local animal shelters have received cash donations from my author proceeds. In addition to cash donations my wife and I always donate old blankets, towels, etc. to the animal shelters.

Whoever reads this;
PLEASE contribute locally to your area shelters or
purchase my book to 
“Help Us Help Our 4-Legged Frynds”.

Have you written any other books?

Yes, I have a book out via kindle. It’s also about our Puggle Lynyrd Skynyrd and it’s called “My Backyard Friends”. Both books can be found at Amazon.com

Does Lynyrd enjoy having his picture taken?

Lynyrd doesn’t mind picture taking at all. I just wish I was quicker with the shots because I’ve missed some classic photos.

Are you planning more books about Lynyrd in future?

Yes, I do have an Acrostic type book about Lynyrd almost completed. The book will be titled “I’m Puggle-Licious”.

Where to buy the book:


Amazon.ca    Amazon.co.uk     Amazon.in


Ed gellock, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Mindy

Ed Gellock lives on a lake in Texas with his wife, Mindy, and their loveable, memorable puggle, Lynyrd Skynyrd. Connect with him here:


And now, heeeeeere’s Lynyrd!

Please get the book and help animals in need. It’s a good thing, wouldn’t you say?
Looking forward to your comments!

Debbie's signature



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    1. Yes, it’s a great thing and here’s hoping there are more initiatives like this. I was involved in a similar project last year, as a contributor to the “Read for Animals” anthology (see related posts and footer).

  1. Hi Debbie. What a good thing for you to pass this on. Hope it helps in spreading the news on Ed Gallock’s book. Our newspapers are filled with articles on dogs who have become homeless in Ukraine, because the people simply can’t afford to keep them anymore. It’s wonderful to have spokesmen for animals who are unable to ask for help themselves.

    1. Yes, this is a great thing for Ed to do and Lynyrd makes the perfect spokesdog. 🙂 I noticed a proliferation of homeless dogs in Italy and Greece (cats as well). Too bad this problem is also affecting the Ukraine. Sad!

  2. Interesting kind of dog – Puggle – one that I have never heard of before and with such an interesting name too, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and have never heard of the band either. The dog looks cute, and I love the video of him talking too! 😉 A great and worthy cause to help abused “four-legged frynds.” 😉 <3

    1. Puggles are very popular now – half Beagle, half Pug. Lynyrd Skynyrd is a famous southern rock band, going back to the 1970s. 🙂 Hopefully the cute video will inspire people to get Ed’s book, in aid of this great cause.

  3. Hi Debbie!
    You have a great den! It’s buzzing with all sorts of goodness.
    And isn’t that doggie just cute?
    Puggle-Licious – I LOVE that word!
    It’s nice to meet you.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    See you around on the A to Z circuit next month! *waves*

    1. Nice to meet you too, Michelle and welcome to The Den. Glad you like it! 😀 Yes, Lynyrd is a cutie and a great spokesdog for the cause. Looking forward to the A to Z. Cheers!

  4. It’s great when people like Ed do their part to help animal charities and Lynyrd is really adorable. I went and checked the book out on Amazon.ca and it’s available. So anyone from Canada can also buy the book to help this cause. Have a great week ahead, Debbie! 🙂

    1. Thank you for checking out Amazon.ca, Nataly. In hindsight, I should have added those links to the post! DUH! 😛 Better late than never. The book is available in Canada, The U.K. and India. Lynyrd is a cutie, isn’t he? 😀

  5. What a cute dog! I think it’s awesome Ed is donating some of his proceeds to animal charities. I’ll be checking it out to help for sure! Hope you’re having a great week Debbie!

    1. Lynyrd is a great spokesdog, isn’t he? 😀 Glad you enjoyed this, Corina, and thanks for helping! I’ve had an “interesting” week. so far…..Stay tuned. 😉

  6. I am inspired to write my Sparky’s story, she has given us so much joy and continues to do so in-spite of being so ill. Lynyrd is adorable 🙂
    Ed is doing a great service to the society by helping the local animal shelters.

  7. Lynyrd looks so cute! I am sure my son would love reading this book! Will check it out. Thanks for sharing, Debbie and good luck to Ed for his books!

  8. Hey Debbie!

    What an awesome name for a cute puggle! This is the first of hearing of this book! I might have to give it a look. Thanks for sharing it with us!


    1. Oh yes, please check it out. Thanks, Bren! 🙂 I’m always happy to help when it comes to good causes and Lynyrd’s cute face is great PR! 😀