Welcome to another edition of Photo Friday.

camera photo friday
The objective is to post your own images, based on a prompt provided by the Photo Friday staff.



[Click on image to enlarge]

Portrait of mother 1945 GermanyPortrait of my mother, taken in Germany, Oct. 1945, age 21.

She had spent the last year of WWII incarcerated for her refusal to work with the Nazis.  After the war, there was absolutely nothing available and she made her suit out of old curtains, just like Scarlet O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind” (another devastating war story).

portrait of mother, july 1954Mother, age 30.  Portrait taken in Germany, July 1954.  
Times were better by then.

portrait of mother, age 70Mother, age 70.  
Portrait taken in San Diego, USA, 1994


My mother is 90 now and still going strong!

 ©D.D.B. 2011-2014  “All Rights Reserved”

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18 thoughts on “PORTRAIT – PHOTO FRIDAY

    1. Hi Teresa; Thanks for the compliment! I always thought I look more like my father though. That first photo reminds me of Rita Hayworth. 🙂 My mother’s story would make a great book, but unfortunately, she doesn’t want to talk about her war experiences very much. Understandable, of course. Thanks for visiting and apologies for the late reply. Summer is not a good time for blogging duties.

  1. She’s beautiful, Debbie – a real stunner in looks and spirit! When I saw the first photo, I thought it’d make a great cover for a historical fiction about a woman in WWII era.

    Great idea to feature her as your portrait subject.

    1. That first photo always reminds me of Rita Hayworth. 🙂 My mother’s true story would be better than fiction and I’ve been trying to convince her to record her memoirs, so I can write a book about them. Unfortunately, she’s reluctant to do so, but hopefully, she will before her time runs out.

  2. Absolutely, Profoundly Beautiful.
    Your mother is a Movie Star!!
    I’d so much appreciate knowing more about her.
    For example, about her time incarcerated. Amazing.
    She is a HERO. xx

    1. Hi Kim; That first photo always reminds me of Rita Hayworth. 🙂 I’ve been trying to convince my mother to record her story, but, so far, no luck with that. It would make a great book, but she says it’s too painful to talk about. She did tell me a bit about her time incarcerated. She had boarded a train, hoping to flee into Switzerland, but was arrested at the border and shipped off to a women’s prison that was a former insane asylum. Apparently, the top floor still had patients in residence and they did horrible things like bathing them in ice water and giving them electro-shock treatments. Helluva a place to spend your 21st birthday!
      Thanks for visiting and apologies for the late reply.

  3. What a story those pictures tell, Debbie. Your Mom must be treasure of stories given all the times she’s lived through and the hard experiences. Her story would make a great book, I think!

    1. Hi Corinne; Yes, my mother has plenty of stories, but unfortunately she is reluctant to talk about the war and I only know a few things that she did share over the years. I agree, this would make a great book and we even discussed that, but I can’t force her. She has a cassette recorder in her room, ready and waiting, if the mood ever strikes.

  4. Oh my gosh your mother is sooooo beautiful in every picture, Debbie! Over the years has she been willing to talk about her experience during the war? I know many want nothing to do with that dialogue. I would sure love to talk with her as you know of my interest! Thank you for sharing this with us! 🙂

    1. Hi Mike; Yes, she was a great beauty in her day and still looks good, compared to others her age. Unfortunately, she has only told me a few things about her war experiences. We discussed writing a memoir fairly recently. She was enthusiastic at first, and I sent her a cassette recorder but she is suddenly reluctant to proceed. Pity, because those stories would make a fascinating book! Can’t force her, though. My father was career military and a Korean War vet. He refused to ever talk about anything to do with the war and even left the room if we were watching M*A*S*H on TV. Thanks for dropping by and apologies for the late response.

  5. Hi Debbie,

    Your mom is a beautiful woman….now I know where you get it from hun. 🙂

    I think it’s awesome that your mom was so courageous to refuse to work with Nazis. I’m sure she took a lot of flack for that but I admire her strength!

    I love the picture when she was 21-years old….so classy but what I love most is she still classy to this day! I so want to be her when I’m 70!

    Have a fabulous day and enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks Corina, although, people have said I look more like my father. 🙂 I’m hoping to look that good when I’m 70 too! That’s only 10 1/2 years away. YIKES!! Sorry for the late reply and have a great rest of the week.

  6. Your mother is absolutely beautiful. Those must be tough times, I can’t even imagine what it must be like. She has experienced so much.

    1. Thanks and yes, my mother and grandparents had a terrible time during the war. I am trying to convince her to record her memoirs, but she is reluctant to do so. Too painful, perhaps.

  7. I absolutely love the portraits of your mother at different ages, Debbie. What a beauty! And what an amazing story about her refusing to cooperate with the Nazis in WW2. How great she is still going strong at 90. Good for her!

    1. Thanks Cathy. 🙂 I keep trying to get her to record her memoirs on tape, because it would make a fascinating book, but she doesn’t seem to want to do that. Pity, because, I’d like to know more of her wartime struggles as well. Luckily, old age runs in the family.