Bonus post today!
Not only is it time for Battle of the Bands, it’s also day 13 of the April #AtoZChallenge Blogging extravaganza! This contest is directly related to my other post: “M is for Miniature Poodle”.
Read it HERE.
BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings
of the same songand vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (See below for further details.)
Today, instead of different versions of the same song,
I’m going with different songs by different artists.
Either way, it’s all about:
The Poodles are a glam metal band from Sweden, but for those who don’t care for metal music, don’t be deterred. This is more like “soft rock”. Song for You is the 4th track from their 2006 debut album, Metal Will Stand Tall.
The Fabulous Poodles were a British pre-new wave band formed in 1975. Known for quirky stage antics, such as exploding ukuleles, as well as songs with funny lyrics. The Fabulous Poodles toured with Meat Loaf, Sha Na Na, Tom Petty, Bill Bruford and Chuck Berry (as backing band). The band released three albums between 1977 and 1979 on Pye Records. Pinball Pinup is the 9th track from their 1977 self-titled debut album.
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until midnight ET, Apr. 20th
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]Angels Bark / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / DC Relief BOTB / eVil pOp taRt / Far Away Series** / J.A. Scott / Janie Junebug Righting & Editing / Jingle Jangle Jungle / Mike’s Ramblings / Quiet Laughter / ReInVintaged / Sound of One Hand Typing / StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands** / Tossing It Out / / Your Daily Dose
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtag is #BOTB
Until next time.
♫♪♫♪♫ Rockchick Rapture!
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I went with the latter, the Pinball Poodles, albeit reluctantly.
Always the sign of a good battle when it’s hard to choose. 🙂 The Fabulous Poodles are running away with this one, so far.
You mean, I could win?
Oh, my…
Quite likely, this time. 🙂
Well, I like Metal, soft and hard rock, and almost everything in between. I really liked The Poodles and Song For You. The Fab was good, but between the two, I choose The Poodles. I think I’d listen to anything they sing.
I’m still on blog break, don’t bother returning the visit. Have a lovely day 🙂
Nice to see you! 🙂 Thanks for your vote. The Poodles of Sweden need all the help they can get as they’re way behind, so far. Cheers!
Fab Poodles get my vote they were Fab. I liked their song better
Thanks for your vote. Fabulous Poodles are getting most of them.
I have to go with the Fabulous Poodles because I am not one for heavy metal at all even thou this one was not as heavy as most of them are. I could hear the lyrics too.
Fabulous Poodles it is, Birgit. The first one wasn’t at all heavy to me, either and I’m a fan. Thanks for you vote! 🙂
You’re right. The first one doesn’t sound heavy metal to me (at all). I do better not watching the videos (and kinda wonder if the visuals in the first one made it seem harder). Anyway, I liked the first one better. I can see, once again, that I’m in the minority on this battle from the votes already cast. Oh well. I gotta vote likes I hears it. Chalk one for Song For You.
Didn’t sound heavy to me either, Robin. 🙂 I’m glad to see another vote for The Poodles of Sweden. They’re not getting a lot of love, so far, as you mentioned. Thanks!
This one really takes me back: As a teenager in Los Angeles we had a radio station called KROQ, and they played a lot “underground”, new bands as they first broke out of the gate. This is where I first heard Elvis Costello and The Police before they became mainstream bands on FM radio and the rest of the country was made aware of them.
Although I never bought anything by them, I distinctly remember that THE FABULOUS POODLES got a good amount of airplay on KROQ. Apparently someone at the station really liked them. They weren’t a KROQ band that made it big, but if you lived in L.A. and listened to the “underground New Wave” music as it was just starting to make a dent, then you knew who The Fabulous Poodles were.
Listening to them now, they’re way better than I remembered. I liked ‘PINBALL PINUP’, and Lee’s right, it definitely has a kind Kinks sound to it. Please give THE FAB POO my vote.
~ D-FensDogG
‘Loyal American Underground’
I’m pleased to know you’re familiar with one of these bands. Thanks for sharing the story to go along with it! 🙂 Another vote for the Fabulous Poodles. They have a substantial lead.
I’ve had two poodles over the years. Absolutely loved them to pieces! A vote for me for the Fabulous Poodles, please.
Poodles are wonderful dogs! 🙂 Thanks for your vote. Fabulous Poodles get another one.
Fabulous Poodles, because it sounded more ballad like. I love ballads!
Hi, Yolanda! 🙂 Thanks for voting. Fabulous Poodles, it is.
I gave my vote to Fabulous Poodles. Their sound was more likable.
Thank you, John. 🙂 The Fabulous Poodles have taken an early lead.
Please give my vote to Fabulous Poodles.
Will do. Another vote for Fabulous Poodles. Thanks! 🙂
Great battle featuring poodles! Clever tie-in with your A-Z post.
I’m going to go with the Fabulous Poodles. I like the Swedish group just fine but I enjoyed the Fabulous Poodles sound more. I really liked the violin. Put me down for Pinball Pinup.
Michele at Angels Bark
Poodle Pin-up it is! I thought a matchup with the A to Z would be fun, Glad you like it, too. 🙂
I’m really kind of digging the sound of the Fabulous Poodles. The Poodles were quite good as well, but when it comes down to the vote, I’m going with the Fabulous Poodles.
Another one for Fabulous Poodles. Thanks for you vote. 🙂
This is kind of tough for me. Both of these are in styles that I like and the songs are highly listenable. Based on original sound and greater eclecticism I’m going to vote for “Pinball Pinup” by Fabulous Poodles. They kind of remind me of the artsy Kinks (as opposed to the early rocking Kinks).
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
You have a point about The Kinks, Lee. First vote goes to Fabulous Poodles. Thanks! 🙂