PINK AND RED #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography #ColourChallenge

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s blogfest theme this week is the monthly colour challenge:


PINK and RED #SundayStills (On a Monday) #photography #dogladysden Share on X

[Click on images to view original size]




(You knew these were coming, yes? 😉)


Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday

Next on #SundayStills:
Join me for a tour of UNESCO World Heritage Sites!

talk soon new bitmoji
Debbie signature transparent background


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37 thoughts on “PINK AND RED #SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography #ColourChallenge

    1. Thanks for coming by, Bernie! 🙂 Welcome to The Den. Yes, Burton’s one man show was amazing and I loved the backdrop as well. There’s something magical about sunsets (also sunrises) on water, isn’t there? 🌅

  1. Excellent choices for the Red/Pink prompt. I love flowers and sunsets. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a concert, but I must say, I like the ones you’ve been to! I appreciate that you put an extra comment on your blog to say how to comment if you’re using JetPack. I wasn’t sure how to get to your blog as I thought I was already on your blog when I viewed the post. Then I saw the word ‘comments’ and clicked on that and found my way here to comment—Dang WP and all the nuances can be frustrating. Thanks for stopping by my blog to introduce yourself and your blog! It’s fun to meet new friends here in the blogosphere!

    1. Thank you, Shelley! 🙂 I have many more concert photos, as that is my “fountain of youth” and I go as often as possible.

      My website is self-hosted, but I use the Jetpack plug-in for many things, like sharing buttons, css modifications, etc. Unfortunately, their commenting system appears to be incompatible with my theme. I’m glad you figured it out. Always happy to make new connections in the Blogosphere! 🙂

  2. Perfect colour challenge for you Deb. Stunning pinks and reds especially that first one under the camera. What is it and did you take it? <3

    1. Thanks, Deb! 🙂 Red IS my favourite colour. That image at the top was generated by AI, so I can’t take any credit for it. I’d love to hang a mural of it on my living room wall! 💖

  3. Yes, you do love your reds, Debbie! That featured image is Wonderschon! I love all the red florals. I really like your zoomed image of the pink Toronto skyline! And yes I knew those colorful concerts were coming! they all fit perfectly with the color theme this week.

    1. Yes, I adore red. 🙂 That image at the top is generated by AI, so I can’t take any credit for it. 😆 Zoom lens photos don’t always turn out well, but this particular one is a keeper. I’m glad you like my post! Thank you, Terri. Looking forward to the next topic…

  4. Debbie,

    I left a comment a few seconds ago. I did not include my email address so I don’t know if that threw mine in your spam folder but I thought I’d let you know.

      1. Thanks, Debbie! I’m changing things around on some of my sites to mask my identity. Not from friends but from data collectors. You just can’t be too safe. I think I found the reason why Gravatar didn’t port my image into my comment. We’ll see if works when I leave one this time. 🙂

          1. Maybe that’s because your site didn’t have the corrected email address associated with my Gravatar profile. Hopefully, this comment won’t need to be approved. 🙂

  5. Debbie,

    I love pictures of flowers in the winter! It won’t be long before the first signs of spring will be visible. Usually by the end of February, Tulips and Daffodils pop out. Hopefully we won’t get any unexpected winter storms to slow the normal progress of earth’s reawakening. Great concert photos, too!

    1. Yes, flowers are a bright spot in an otherwise dreary winter. You’re way ahead of us, though! We don’t start seeing spring blooms until around April. Here’s to no surprise snowstorms! We haven’t had any to speak of, so far. 🤞 Glad you enjoyed the photos! Thanks for coming by. 🙂