Dear Webmaster 300px
As I mentioned awhile back, this website’s theme is outdated and needs an overhaul. To that end, I have plunged head first into the world of web design. This was supposed to be a side project, but it’s proving to be a lot more complicated than I bargained for (due to lack of formal training, so basically, trial and error. Great way to learn, but a huge time-suck.) It’s pretty much all-consuming at this point because I’m stubborn and determined to figure it out for myself (with plenty of help from Google, that is).

Since I can’t work on the re-design, publish new posts, interact in the blogosphere, run my offline business, take care of daily life stuff, give hubby the attention he deserves, etc. etc. ALL AT THE SAME TIME without my head exploding, I’m putting this blog on hold for awhile.

That feels better, now!

Apologies for skipping the usual activities, like BOTB. I’ll miss you!!

Stay tuned for THE DOGLADY’S DEN 2.0

 Thanks for your patience and understanding!



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