28 CommentsCreative Writing, Life, Music, Nature, Poetry, Weather

Happy Summer Solstice!

Anyone who knows me is aware of my distaste for cold weather. The main reason is a mild case of Raynaud’s disease, which means I lose circulation in my hands and feet when the temperature dips below 15C (59F).

Once my body gets cold, the only thing that brings it back is a long, hot shower. I count the days, weeks and months until spring.

Summer is even better! While others wilt in the heat and humidity, I welcome the warmth. It eases my arthritis pain, making me feel 10 years younger.

Getting out and about is so much quicker and easier. No heavy coats, boots, mitts, scarves, etc. Bring on the flip-flops!
  Flip Flop Season, Ode to Summer

Summer’s here

Let’s give a cheer

The sun is hot

I love it a lot!


I sit out back

Enjoy a snack

A drink on ice

It’s paradise!


Such vivid colours

If I had my druthers

The heat would stay

Keep winter at bay!

sun and flowers in the meadow butmoji, Ode to Summer scroll divider


Summertime Playlist scroll divider

What’s your favourite season?

Talk Soon bitmoji Debbie signature style 5

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podcasts by debbie d. 

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28 thoughts on “ODE TO SUMMER

  1. Thought to comment here Debbie, …I’m on WordPress again, only smaller and hopefully better formed, …rehashing old poems and mixing with new, …a sort of smoothie, …I’m locked out of my old site, far too long i’ve been away, can’t remember passwords or have my old emails, ..so , …less bother this way, …(LadyP or Pen is now Pennsivity or Penn, … blimey your blog is enormous, …’twill take me ages to catch up, …but hi and be good, ..or at least be good at being naughty…✨Penn✨

    1. Oh, my goodness! I’m SO thrilled to see you again, Lady P! 😀 For a Long time, I would visit your old blog and leave a comment, in hopes you would return. A pity you can no longer access it, but I have subscribed to your new site, so I won’t miss anything.

      I have been blogging since 2009, so yes, there’s a lot of material here. Sadly, the blogging mojo has waned and I only post sporadically now. Hoping to do better in the future, but you can find me all over the internet, especially Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

      Welcome back, old friend! 💖

      1. Thanks for dropping by Debbie, and your comments, …it’s as if the time has melted away, ….all good wishes and we’ll stay in touch, …I’ll keep dropping by…and I’m following you too,…✨🙏✨🌹✨


    This is an excellent Summer playlist (even if it hasn’t yet been scientifically proven by NASA to prevent snow from falling outta the sky. 😉

    Particular favorites for me are ‘Hot Fun In The Summertime’ and ‘Summer Breeze’. Wow! Those two really carry a load of sweet old memories for me!

    Also, another one is War’s ‘SUMMER’ which Chris Martin mentioned. That’s another memory-packed Summer-themed song for me. And I like seeing my old stomping grounds, Venice Beach, in that video. That seems like another lifetime ago when I nearly lived on Santa Monica and Venice Beaches.

    Janis Joplin’s ‘Summertime’ always immediately makes me think of that powerful scene in the animated movie ‘American Pop’, and that movie always reminds me of my acting buddy, Marty, who was killed in 1989 by a car thief. That’s a bittersweet rendition of that song for me.

    Really top-notch list, Debbie. Those songs and some Cruzan Black Strap Rum might help make your next Winter a bit more bearable.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  3. We definitely live this particular season differently. My favorite temperature runs between 60° and 72°F, though I don’t need a lot of days at the high limit. I can’t say that I totally thrive in colder weather, but I’ve lived in cold climates for most of my life, and I’ve always found it easier to get warm than it is to cool off. A nice, warm electric blanket always feels better than air conditioning. 🙂

    1. Hi Mitch, yes, that is the opposite of me. Although, 60-72 isn’t bad, either. Certainly better than anything colder! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂 I’ve not been able to keep up in the Blogosphere once again. Hard to do in summer, when offline activities beckon.

  4. What an absolutely refreshing ode to the summers. Glad life ain’t no longer a bummer.

    That drink looks delectable Debbie, and the poem is the sweetest of all.

    Ever considered shifting to the tropics, you will be saved of the painful winters.

    Lovely playlist. Enjoying vibing to it.

    Have a delicious week ahead! <3

    1. Thanks, Natasha! 🙂 I love my country and the (link) many pros of living in Canada far outweigh that one con, so I’m not going anywhere else. 😀 That said, if Canada were to purchase a tropical island, I’d be first in line! ? I’m glad you like the playlist. Happy Summer! ?

  5. Love the music! I heard Byonce has another dingle out and I heard it. Ughhh….this music is far far better. I love spring with the bright greens, flowers…. it’s not stifling but comfortable. This past weekend was great. I can’t breathe in the heat nor do I sweat normally. Actually, its hard for me to sweat hence I overheat. Funny how we love or hate the season for what it does to our health.

    1. Hi Birgit! 🙂 I searched for Beyonce’s new song and agree with your assessment – UGHHH! ? Late spring and early fall are lovely. Humidity (+ poor air quality) makes it a little hard to breathe, but I prefer that to shivering. I can’t imagine not being able to sweat properly! No wonder you hate the heat. ? I’m glad you like the playlist. Yes, definitely better than some of the crap that passes for music now.

  6. I’m a fair weather gal too. I don’t like the cold and I can deal with the hot.

    Have a fabulous day and a wonderful summer, Debbie. Big hug. ♥

    1. Good thing you live in California, Sandee! If I could afford it, I’d buy a winter home in San Diego, where my parents lived. Alas, those lottery numbers aren’t coming up. ?? You have a wonderful summer too. The boating life sounds grand. Cheers! ?

  7. Hi Debbie – I prefer our English summers … if it gets too hot, I feel really uncomfortable … but a beautiful summer’s day – there’s nothing like it … great selection of music too. I feel for you with Raynauds … take care and cheers from here – Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary, when I lived it Germany (1960s) the winters were relatively mild and rainy, not too different from the summers. ? It never got overly hot. Is that similar? I’ve been dealing with the Raynaud’s since childhood, but thankfully it’s a mild case. My mother suffered severely and moved to southern California because of it. I’m glad you like the playlist. Cheers!

  8. I had Raynaud’s Disease also but it stopped being bothersome when I stopped smoking. I do need to wear socks to be sometimes if it is really cold because if I can’t get my feet warm, I can’t sleep. Love your summertime playlist and will listen while I’m working in the studio today! Happy summer.

    1. You are lucky the Raynaud’s stopped for you when you quit smoking! I gave it up years ago, but my condition is getting worse with age. 😛 Wearing socks to bed is normal most of the year for me. Living in California surely helps. My parents moved to San Diego in the 1970s because my mother had such a severe case of the disease. I’m glad you like the playlist. 🙂 Happy Summer to you too, and happy concert-going! We have Bachman-Cummings (former Guess Who frontmen) up next. How about you?

  9. I love the song ‘Summer Breeze’. The original you feature, and the Isley Brothers cover version too. You wouldn’ want to live here in Beetley, as despite some warm weather at the moment, (70F) it is usually much colder.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I didn’t know the Isley Bros. did a cover of Summer Breeze, so I looked for it. They gave it a funky flavour! 🙂 (Added below) You’re probably right – 70F (21C) isn’t all that warm for a summer day, here. Right now we’re having a heatwave, 33C (91.4F) with a humidex of 44C (111F). A bit much, even for me! ? Thanks for coming by, Pete. 🙂

  10. My circulation isn’t good in my hands or feet but like you, but I do understand how painful that is. I’m sorry that it effects you so badly and you poor thing have arthritis, too. I understand why you like the summer heat. Have you all considered moving to a warmer climate? Sometimes we talk about moving to Florida because we don’t like the cold but then that far south the heat will kill us. That might change the older we get and might welcome it someday. For now, we’ll stick things out here. The best part I like about summertime is the extended daylight hours. I just love how it stretches on well into the evening and cotton candy colored clouds against a blue sky! 🙂 Thanks for the wonderful playlist of summertime inspired tunes. Feel free to join the 4M linky party. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

    1. Hi Cathy, I’m sorry you have circulation problems as well. Not fun! If Canada ever buys a Caribbean island (there was some talk about Turks & Caicos a few years ago, but sadly, nothing came of it), I’d be lining up to move there. 🙂 If I could afford a winter home in San Diego (where my parents lived), I’d do that too. Yes, the extended daylight hours are wonderful, along with the sunsets. Wish they would keep Daylight Savings Time year ’round! Thanks for the invite, but I just finished a major blogfest (see previous post) and don’t have the time to do another one right now. I’m glad you like the playlist, though. Happy Summer! ?

  11. Hi Debbie, I thought dry weather was good for arthritis not humidity, no? However, definitely warmer weather helps it and many things. Nothing better than some sunshine for our bones 🙂 Happy Summer!

    1. Hi Lisa, that is likely true for most people (my husband agrees with you!), but I find the heat + humidity rejuvenating. ? Cold + humidity (dampness) definitely makes it worse. And yes, sunshine fixes everything. 😀 Happy Summer to you too.