ODDBALLS, WILD AND WEIRD 🙃 #SundayStills #Photography #WW 📷📱

Terri Webster Schrandts blogfest theme this week is:


Some oddities I found in southern Europe…
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ODDBALLS, WILD AND WEIRD 🙃 #SundayStills #Photography #dogladysden #wildandweird #travelogues #WordlessWednesday #WW Share on X ►


Towel art is practiced by cruise ship cabin stewards all over the world. We liked this one so much; we left it hanging for the entire trip. 😄 There was a different animal every day. Read more: (right-click to open in new tab)


RIGHT: El Cap de Barcelona (The Head of Barcelona) is a surrealistic sculpture created by Roy Lichtenstein for the 1992 Summer Olympics.

BELOW: Whimsical buildings and sculptures in Park Güell, designed by famed architect Antoni Gaudi.

Read more:
(right-click to open in new tab)


One of these years days, I’ll get around to writing the travelogue!
In the meantime:

There’s a giant lamp for shade! 😆 In front of the clock tower (below) sits the “Pillar of Shame”, a place of punishment in the Middle Ages. Offenders were chained to it and humiliated by the public. And what the heck is THAT on the bottom, right? 🤔

Magnifying it didn’t help much, did it? 😆


Elephant Fountain in the Piazza del Duomo

[right-click to open in a new tab]

Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday, as well as:
Gay NYC Dad, Keith’s Ramblings and bethere2day

Have YOU seen anything wild or weird lately?

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28 thoughts on “ODDBALLS, WILD AND WEIRD 🙃 #SundayStills #Photography #WW 📷📱

  1. What a fun collection of oddities! The towel monkey is super cute, and I love the Lichtenstein sculpture in Barcelona—so cool! That giant lamp/bench in Kotor looks like a great spot to chill, and the “Pillar of Shame” sounds intriguing. Thanks for sharing these awesome pics! 🌍

    1. Gaudi’s designs are fascinating, aren’t they? As for the mystery in Montenegro, I’ve been trying to remember what I saw when I took the photo, but it was six years ago… Possibly the back end of a donkey, draped in black fabric. At first, I thought there was some type of metal rod sticking out of it, but now I believe that’s a tourist standing behind it. 😆

  2. What a fab post and photos I been to Barcelona but years ago and the family next to me are from Montenegro lovely they are too 👍

    Have a traveltastic week and thanks for linking up 👍

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Steve! 🙂 Barcelona is a beautiful place, isn’t it? We were also very impressed with Montenegro.
      Thanks for hosting the link party!

  3. Lovely photos. Barcelona is one of my favourite cities. We should have been going there at the end of the month, but unfortunately had to cancel. I enjoy the towel animals. When we sailed for our wedding anniversary last year we had two swans on the bed. The bed was also covered in fresh rose petals. That was very special. We always take a photo of our Angel boys with us, we always did when they were still here. One day a few years ago and the steward had made a towel mouse and left it in front of them.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos, Jackie. 🙂 What a shame you had to cancel your Barcelona trip! 🙁 A cruise is a lovely way to spend your anniversary and the rose petals were a nice touch. Cute story about the towel mouse!

  4. I love the towel animals. When we cruised to Hawaii and back we saved every single one. Our suite was filled with towel animals. Such fun.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs/ ♥

    1. Yes, those towel animals were so cute. 🙂 The monkey stood out, because it was hanging up instead of sitting on the bed. I bet that cruise to Hawaii was wonderful! Thank you for hosting Wordless Wednesday, Sandee!

  5. Debbie, the towel art was very cool. I’ve been on three cruises and never had a steward do that and I’d have saved that towel monkey too. 🙂 You’ve been to some unique places and always managed to capture a unique picture for that place – the lampshade is a really a novel idea.

    1. Thanks Linda! 🙂 I guess the towel art is something recent? I know several people who took cruises, and they had the same experience. Our cruise was in 2018 (Mediterranean and Adriatic, out of Barcelona). Yes, we have seen some fascinating places. I like to look for things out of the ordinary.

  6. Deb, what a fun post! I love your little travel tours. And I enjoyed hopping over to your Barcelona post and watching Flamenco vid. Thanks for your fun tours. <3

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Deb! And thanks for checking out the Barcelona travelogue as well. 🙂 We loved the Flamenco show – and the tapas.

  7. I LOVE the towel art, Debbie! Someone just shared their seal towel from their Alaska cruise—weird that I’ve seen two in two days. See how the universe works? I like that tiled frog or gecko, too! Seems like artists create some very oddball sculptures. That lamp is crazy, thanks for sharing your oddballs with us this week!

    1. We didn’t get a seal towel – I’d love to see that one! 🙂 “El Drac” is a big attraction at Park Güell, but the whole place is a giant, colourful playground. The shady lamp is a pretty “cool” idea, yes? 😀 Glad you enjoy these oddities, Terri. Thanks for the prompt and link-up!

  8. That was a lot interesting and weird things. It is terrible how it was in medieval times with pillars of shame and public humiliation. It is one of the many reasons I think mid-evil times is a good misspelling for that time period. I think the Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway is pretty weird. We were there last week.

  9. I have no clue what that is or represents. Yes, those sculptures are suggestive but I like them. I love Gaudi and hope to see his one day.

    1. The seaside sculptures certainly are interesting. I read Sicily has several of these scattered about. 🙂 Gaudi’s style was so unique! The cathedral is a jaw-dropping sight in person. I hope you get the chance to see it, Birgit.

  10. The wildest and weirdest thing I’d see would probably be my own dogs since I rarely leave the house anymore. Back in the days when I traveled a lot by car, I never went looking for strange things, so it was always fun to be driving through a place like Minnesota and see the Jolly Green Giant towering over the farmland. Or driving down an interstate in Alabama and passing the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile. =)

    1. Dogs can be goofy and provide lots of entertainment. 😀 It would be fun to see the Green Giant statue and the wiener mobile. I love road trips! 🙂