Musical Memories #AtoZChallenge 2017

Welcome everyone, to the#AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!

“Musical Memories” is my theme. Click HEREto see all posts and HEREto view the A to Z Blog. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading!

Day 14, April 17

NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN | AtoZChallenge 2017 (N) Day 15 #MusicalMemories #dogladysden Share on X

The time: December 1967 to the present
The places: Germany, Switzerland, Canada

Concert program 2009, Original single & LP from 1967, Tickets for upcoming July concert

Here is a song I fell in love with at first listen and still consider my all-time favourite. For Christmas 1967, one of my aunts (we were living in Germany then, close to my mother’s family) gave me The Moody Blues‘ new album, ‘Days of Future Passed’.

It was the masterpiece that turned me on to progressive (prog) rock. ‘Nights in White Satin’, followed by the spoken word poem ‘Late Lament’ still give me chills, along with much of this band’s music.

I was disappointed they left the recitation off the single version. Those were the days of Top 40 AM radio and songs had to be short. As FM stations became more popular, so did album cuts.

NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN | #AtoZChallenge | Musical memory of trip to Konstanz

October 1968: My mother whisked me away from school (in Switzerland) for a weekend visit with a friend who lived just over the German border in Konstanz, a beautiful city right on the Bodensee (aka Lake Constance in English).

While the two of them caught up, I amused myself by playing the records I had packed, including ‘Nights in White Satin’.

The views from the 14th-floor condo were spectacular, especially at night.

August 12, 2009: Hubby and I were enjoying our second Moody Blues concert in Toronto (the first one was in the ’70s). Floating on a concert high as usual, it all came crashing down when we returned home to a phone message, telling us our good friend Tony had died that evening.

Irrational or not, I felt guilty for going out and having a good time, as he took his last breath.


August 9, 2014:
For our 41st anniversary, we helped The Moody Blues celebrate their 50th at an out of town venue. ‘

Nights in White Satin’ was one of the highlights. This band is like a fine wine; aged to perfection!

We’ll be seeing them again in Toronto this July,
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ‘Days of Future Passed’.


Do you have a favourite song or band you just can’t get enough of?

Looking forward to your comments!


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55 thoughts on “NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN | #AtoZCHALLENGE (N) #MusicalMemories

    1. It’s a great song and poem, isn’t it? No, I never had a chance to get close enough tho the Moody Blues to talk to them, but that’s okay. I have my pictures and videos. Looking forward to seeing them again in the summer! 😀

  1. I have always liked this song! I never liked many people or groups enough to buy and listen to a whole album. No one all time favorite, but three of my “mostest” favs are Too Much to Lose by the Kentucky Headhunters, I Wish it Would Rain by The Temptations and Everbody’s Talkin’ by Nilsson. Any of these I can put on and listen to over, and over and over.

  2. I found an original copy of “Days of Future Passed” a few decades ago in a used record store. Favorite song from the album is “Forever Afternoon (Tuesday)?”

    Favorite band while growing up was AC/DC. Couldn’t get enough of them, but my interest waned after their album “Flick of The Switch” came out.

    Now, not so much favorite bands anymore. Tastes are a bit more eclectic these days. More like favorite genres.

    1. Tuesday Afternoon is a great song, too. 🙂 I always liked AC/DC’s music. but the vocals, not so much. Thanks for dropping in, George.

  3. So exciting to know that you’ll be attending a live performance by The Moody Blues! This song has many memories for me, too! 🙂 And i get what you are saying about feeling guilty after you heard the news about Tony when you returned home! Hugs! I am sure I have the tape of this album in my collection still!.

    1. I’m really looking forward to it! 😀 The Moody Blues always put on a good show and age hasn’t slowed them down at all. Yes, that was quite a sad ending to a good night, but knowing Tony, he would have been glad we enjoyed the concert. Thanks, Vidya! ((HUGS)) back.

  4. There’s an X-men movie called ‘Days of Future Past’. They probably got the name from that album.
    I have never seen a band perform live so far. I do have some favorites, but none that would motivate me to expose myself to a crazy crowd. 😛
    Btw, I’m lagging behind even more. But will catch up. Do visit my N post.
    Happy AtoZing!

    1. I understand about the crowds because I get claustrophobic as well. Thankfully, my love of live performances supercedes that to some extent, but I’m always tightly gripping my husband’s arm. As you can see, when it comes to lagging behind, you’re not alone.

  5. OMG?..Love The Moody Blues and I think I felt something angelic when I heard this song. I have the album and the CD and did see them in 2005.. or was it 2004?? I’d love to see the, this summer…that would be great!

  6. Jagjit Singh is one such artist whose ghazals I can listen on a loop.
    Have a great time as you listen to your favourite band on their 50th Anniversary celebrations.

    1. There are always some artists who stand out more than others. The Moody Blues are one of my favourite bands, but I do have many others. This one song of theirs has been # 1 on my playlist for 50 years, though. 🙂 Thanks, Shilpa! 🙂

  7. Jaggit Singh is one such artist whose ghazals I can listen on a loop.
    Have a great time as you listen to your favourite band on their 50th Anniversary celebrations.

  8. Debbie, Nights in White Satin is a lovely song. I appreciated reading the history you have with The Moody Blues single and the band. I don’t think I have a band that I can’t get enough of, maybe I once did but not so much now. I enjoy a wide mix of mewsic. Thanks for sharing another mewsic memory and for your visit to see today’s post. Have a good evening!

  9. I will match all compliments given to that fine song and lp. You do know it took that song 3 trips to the US chart before it finally hit big? Love the Moodys in all their incarnations. I was playing The Story In Your Eyes over and over after Sandy Hook- “But I’m frightened for the children…”

    1. I know. The U.S. market was harder to crack. It was more popular in Europe. “Story in Your Eyes” is a fitting song for the Sandy Hook tragedy.

    1. Making memories is what it’s all about. Something to sustain me in my old age – whenever I get there. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.

  10. Oh man! I would love to go to that concert. Who knows? It could maybe (if I’m really lucky and the tickets aren’t already sold out by now) happen. I love that album–I bought it when it first came out and now I have the digital version. Russ told me he loved me for the first time with Nights in White Satin. I still sing it a LOT!

    1. What a sweet story, Mary! ♥ The Moody Blues will be at Jones Beach Theater in Wantagh, NY on July 12th. That’s less than an hour away by bus from Brooklyn. 🙂 Here’s a link:

        1. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. AND I will have money way before then. WooHoo!♪♫ I’m going to seeeeeeee the Moody Blues!♫♪ I’m nothing, if not an optimist.

  11. DEBBIE, I also dig ‘Nights In White Satin’ (I think most people must) and I owned the album ‘Days Of Future Passed’ as a teenager. Later, when I really got into Jazz, the album cover for ‘Time Out’ by the Dave Brubeck Quartet always made me think of the ‘Days Of Future Passed’ cover.

    And later, circa 1981, I really got into the Moody Blues album ‘Long Distance Voyager’. Wish I had a dollar now for every time that LP spun on my turntable.

    ~ D-FensDogG
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    1. ‘Long Distance Voyager’ was the Moody Blues’ second # 1 selling album in the U.S. ‘Seventh Sojourn’, from 1972, was the first. I was surprised ‘Days of Future Passed’ only made it to #3.

  12. Nights in White Satin is a special song to me. I can’t even remember how I came across it. I thought it was being played in “New York Stories” but upon googling it, it turned out I’m mixing it up with “a whiter shade of pale” which is great, too.
    So sorry about your friend Tony. I’m sure he didn’t mind, but of course I would feel guilty myself as well.
    Apart from ABBA I don’t have a band that sticks out over so many years. My favorite “active” band is Coldplay. Very, very cool music!

    1. ‘Nights in White Satin’ appeared in the movie ‘A Bronx Tale’, so you were close. The Bronx is a suburb of New York City. 🙂 Tony would have wanted us to enjoy ourselves, but it was unfortunate timing. Coldplay has some good songs, but I always prefer music from the old days.

  13. Wow, you do love that song, don’t you? I enjoyed this day’s trip down memory lane with you. I like that song, too. I’d never heard the poem narration part as well. Love those British accents! Cool stuff! Another great one, Debbie. Thanks for sharing the memories!

  14. Another great song. Well done. It’s been years since I heard the poem with the song.

  15. I’ve been trying to think of any group I have seen in concert more than once. The best I can do is Sonny and Cher in 1973? in Windsor and then I saw Cher in her ‘farewell’ concert in 1999. And I’ve seen Barry Manilow twice. Kinda hard to remember after so many years. Oh, and I heard the song NIWS, but could not tell you who sang it.

    1. Sonny and Cher put on a good show (we saw them twice in the 70s) and so did Cher (also two concerts) alone. She’s pretty amazing! 🙂 The ‘farewell’ concert idea is used by so many artists, but they always change their minds, it seems. Good way to sell more tickets!

  16. My brother was a big Moody Blues fan. Me not so much – I think I was a bit too young for that – but Nights in White Satin I did like.

  17. I love that song but the funny thing is that in my head I always hear “Knights” in white satin and have valient men on horseback wearing white satin under their chain mail float through my mind! I can’t believe they have been around for over 50 years – I must be getting old!