Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!
“Dog Breeds & Anecdotes” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the participants.
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#AtoZChallenge Day 14: N is for Newfoundland #dogladysden Share on X
The Newfoundland is a large working dog with a black, brown, grey or white and black (called Landseer) coat. However, in Canada, the country of their origin, the only correct colours are black or Landseer.
They were originally bred and used as working dogs for fishermen in the Dominion of Newfoundland (which became part of Canada in 1949).
Newfoundlands are known for their giant size, intelligence, tremendous strength, calm dispositions, and loyalty.
These dogs excel at water rescue/lifesaving because of their muscular build, thick double coat, webbed feet, and innate swimming abilities.
Males normally weigh 60–70 kg (130–150 lb), and females 45–55 kg (99–121 lb), placing them in the “Giant” weight range; but some Newfoundland dogs have been known to weigh over 90 kg (200 lb).
The largest on record weighed 120 kg (260 lb) and measured over 1.8 m (6 ft) from nose to tail. They may grow up to 56–76 cm (22–30 in) tall at the shoulder. – WIKIPEDIA [photo credit]
My first (and only) encounter with a Newfoundland dog was when an existing walking client got one to keep her Alaskan Malamute company. Thunder was only two months old and the cutest, black ball of fluff imaginable!
His crate was in the finished basement where he waited patiently for his daily exercise. At first, he couldn’t manage the stairs and I had to carry him up. Thankfully, he figured it out, because he grew so fast.
Our routine was to drive to a nearby park for a rousing play session. The group, comprised of Thunder, his Malamute sister, my Dalmatian and a couple of other regulars partied hardy and went home tired and content.
Never have I seen a dog drool as much as Thunder did! Newfs are known for that, which can be an issue for some people. On the other hand, they have sweet dispositions and are truly gentle giants.

Hard-working and great with kids!
Are you familiar with this breed?
Would excessive drooling be a problem?
Looking forward to your comments!
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47 thoughts on “N is for NEWFOUNDLAND | #AtoZChallenge”
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one of these. At first I thought you were referring to those dogs you see in the cartoons rescuing people from snow emergencies. Sorry, I don’t know that dog’s breed either. I don’t know if I would be able to deal with all the drool.
You’re thinking of St. Bernards, Jeffrey. 🙂 Not that far off – those dogs actually have Newfoundland genes in them. Yes, the drool can be messy.
Awww, they look so lovely. I think I met one once, but not for long. I imagine you have to careful of them overheating with a coat like that.
Tasha’s Thinkings (70) | Wittegen Press (72) | FB3X (AC) (73)
They are sweethearts but don’t do well in the heat, especially the black ones.
Another great post. Well done, Debbie! I could fall in love with that face, I do believe.
Thanks. Mary! 🙂 Newfs are adorable. but a little messy.
Wow… You could saddle up and ride one of these big fellows… Beautiful dog!
p.s. … was not serious about the saddle and ride move; just an analogy. 😉
I knew you were joking, Myke, although it would probably work for a child. 🙂
I am much more partial to smaller dogs but this breed is beautiful!
Blogging from A-Z,
Naila Moon of:
Reading Authors-http://readingauthors.blogspot.com/
Just the Stuff Ya Know-http://yaknowstuff.blogspot.com/
Nice to see you again, Naila! 🙂 Small dogs are definitely easier to take care of. Thanks for dropping in and have a good weekend.
I’ve wanted a Newfie since I first met Nana (Peter Pan)… But it would be a cruelty to have one here in the Curaçao heat. Poor things. I know someone who moved here from Holland with their two (adult) Malamutes, and the dogs had to live indoors, with the A/C turned on full-blast, all the time. Sad, huh?
These dogs definitely aren’t suited to tropical climates. I feel sorry for those Malamutes as well. Does it cool down at all after sunset? That might be the only time to take them for walks. Swimming might be okay, but still….
I am partial to large, fluffy dogs, so I have always like Newfs. The drooling, though is definitely an issue… 😀
@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary
Newfs are sweet, yet messy. 🙂 Drool can be cleaned easily enough, but it’s the neverending supply which can be tedious.
Would need to have a handkerchief always handy! Beautiful dog! I’m still partial to lap dogs, but if he knocked on the door and said he needed a room, he’d be welcome! I’m a pushover!
Haha! Newfs are definitely not lap dogs, but they are sweet, for sure. You’d likely need a full-sized towel instead of a handkerchief, though. 🙂
I can not believe I have not found your blog sooner! I love dogs, and a newfie is definately on my list of “I want”. The husband person says I have to wait though until we don’t have two great pyrenees. Something about that being too much hair.
Adding a Newf to two Great Pyrenees would make for a crowded house! 😀 Thanks so much for visiting. Please accept my apologies for the late response, Caitlin.
My former sis in law and her hubby had a newfandlander and he was a drooly hairy beast with a kind heart. He was a pup when they got him and it was a hot day when we went camping. I was sitting by the lake and he came over and Just sat in the water. It was funny. He was a sweetheart but whe he came over to be petted he left a huge gob of spit on me every time. The hair ca,e out in gobs as well so, I probably would not get a dog this huge and this slobbery but they are sweethearts.
Hahaha! I can just picture that Newf sitting in the water to cool off! 😀 They are sweet but do create a lot of mess. Thanks, Birgit.
I’ve not heard of a dog having webbed feet until this breed. Are these dogs the only ones with that characteristic???
I can think of at least a dozen breeds with webbed feet. Here’s a list:
I’ve never met one, but they look so soft and cuddly. Babies drool, too. I’d figure out a plan. There’s only one drawback…well, maybe two, the first is My landlady – who is afraid of large dogs – and kitty. They can handle the smaller dogs, but the bigger ones, oh well. ☺
Newfs are like giant teddy bears. 🙂 Just keep a pile of towels handy.
We had a Golden Retriever who had a drooling reputation that annoyed my mother-in-law. Loved that! lol This dog would have such a hard time here in our hot, humid summers. Unless they were indoors more 😉 Beautiful breed.
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Stephanies Stuff
What’s a little drool ? 🙂 Easy enough to clean up, but I wouldn’t want to have to do it constantly.
I love these big lugs! Truly the sweetest dispositioned dogs I’ve ever met, and oh yeah, they drool good sized lakes wherever they happen to be. I’ll be mentioning a Newfie in a later post!
They are nice dogs, for sure. You need a good supply of towels around them. 🙂 I’ll look forward to your post.
I love those dogs. What’s a little drool among friends?
Meet My Imaginary Friends
They are nice dogs, for sure and the drool can be cleaned up. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in. 🙂
Could never get past the drool! Reminds me of the St Bernard.
Yes, the drool gets messy and sticky. 🙂 St. Bernards have Newfoundland genes in them, I believe. They were cross-bred a couple of hundred years ago.
This one’s an interesting breed. I didn’t know about it for sure!
Thanks for all the dog GK 🙂
There are so many different breeds of dogs in the world. Glad you’re enjoying the theme. 🙂
It has such a thick coat, like a bear 🙂 Beautiful nonetheless 🙂
A Whimsical Medley
Twinkle Eyed Traveller
That’s a good analogy. 🙂 It gets very cold in Newfoundland.
Never owned a Newfoundland dog or knew one but they do look like such sweethearts. Lovable giants. What an interesting origin they have helping the fishermen in Newfoundland. That fur coat must be so hot so it’s good that Newfoundland doesn’t get overly hot. Elsewhere would be another story. I know Loup suffers in summertime with his thick fur. Very cute photo of Thunder and Tasha! Great post, Debbie!
Yes, you would need good A/C to have such a dog. Thunder’s housemate was a Malamute with a similar coat. That photo was cropped. The original also shows his sister, Scout. She was a beauty as well! 🙂
They’re beauties for sure but I don’t think I could handle the drool! 🙂
I’ve never had a Newfoundland here. I don’t know anyone who has one.
Loved the picture of Thunder and Tasha. Dogs and their sticks!! That just cracks me up all the time…
Michele at Angels Bark
The drool is definitely an issue; you’d need to keep towels handy all the time. Your summers would be too hot for this breed. That photo was cropped from a large one of the whole group. Dogs do love those sticks! :
They look cute 🙂
They are adorable giants. 🙂
Honestly never heard of this breed. But I can imagine excessive drooling may be an issue for some.
Plus, in Indian heat, I worry that would be accentuated further.
Yes, I think Newfoundland dogs would not be happy in a hot climate. They are sweethearts, though. Thanks for dropping in. 🙂
They appear adorable despite the drools! Hank never knew Newfoundland also refers to a dog.
Dog and province of Canada. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.