Welcome to another edition of Photo Friday.

The weather here is often moody and we’ve had more than our fair share of rain this summer.
Stormy skies make for interesting photos, don’t you think?
towards Hamilton, Ontario
Viewed from Port Huron, Michigan. Sarnia, Ontario is on the other side
©D.D.B. 2014 “All Rights Reserved”
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Also added to the “Skywatch Friday” weekly roundup. Click on logo to view and/or participate:
Did you get a sense of moodiness from these photos?
Looking forward to your comments!
(For more “MOODY” check out my last post)
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31 thoughts on “MOODY – PHOTO FRIDAY”
They sure do Debbie. I took a picture of some clouds that were coming my way this afternoon. I posted it too and that was a first :). That sure is a great view!
Thanks for sharing! Have a great new week Debbie!
Hi Corina; Glad you enjoyed the photos. At least that’s one positive thing. LOL We are sick of all the rain here, plus it’s chilly – more like fall than summer. Not nice, considering our winter was so horrible. Here’s hoping for more sunny days in September! Thanks for visiting. 🙂
Yup! I agree – stormy skies can make some awesome pictures- like the ones you have here Debbie:-) Nothing like watching Mother Nature in all her dresses, right?:-)
Interesting to look at but all in all, I’d rather have more sunshine. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, Eli.
I love sky watching. I hear it is very cold there now, unusual for August.
I could keep on taking photos of cloudy skies!
Hi Vidya; Yes, our weather is definitely more like autumn of late. 🙁 Not nice for the middle of the summer season. Way too much rain as well. Other areas, like California are experiencing severe drought. Mother Nature sure doesn’t play fair! Stormy skies are always interesting to watch, but I’d rather have sunshine. Thanks for visiting.
L O V E L Y.
one day I shall send you a voice message above! xx
Glad you enjoyed the pics, Kim. I would love to receive a voicemail from you! 🙂 Very few people try this. I think they’re intimidated by it. LOL Thanks for visiting.
the sky does look moody and dramatic.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the norm around here this summer. 😛 Hope it’s sunny in Sydney! Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
So true, stormy clouds make very interesting pictures. Lovely pics.
Hi Suzy; Glad you enjoyed the pics. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
The first shot is indeed quite moody 🙂 Beautiful click!
Glad you enjoyed it, Beloo. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend. 🙂
Stormy skies make for awesome moody pictures, Debbie! I love that title to the post. I like clouds and rain coming in during the afternoon to cool things off. Not to mention how thirsty our drought-ridden lakes and water supplies are. Have a great rest of your Friday, our friend! 🙂
I don’t mind the rain and gloomy skies occasionally, but we have an overabundance and I’d love to send you some of our excessive precipitation! Too bad Mother Nature couldn’t distribute her rainfall a little more equitably. LOL Thanks for visiting. Hope you and Phoenix have a good weekend. 🙂
My mood would be a LOT better if we could see some of those cloudy skies. We have had record breaking heat and sun all summer and I love winter!!
Would love to trade with you, Carol. As you know, we are opposites in this regard. For me, the more sunshine the better. This is too gloomy! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
Wonderful captures, Debbie. Love the moody clouds here 🙂
They are quite dramatic, aren’t they? 🙂 Would be a lot more interesting to me, if we didn’t see this so frequently. Very wet summer here and not so warm either. Pity! Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
Wonderfully moody pics, Debbie! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed them, Laurel. 🙂 I liked your cat photo as well. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
Lovely pics, Debbie. We’ve been having stormy weather too and yesterday we had a hailstorm. At the end, we were rewarded with a lovely bright rainbow!
Hi Monica; Hailstorms – yuck! The rainbow makes it worthwhile, at least. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
Somehow that reflects my mood today too!
We’ve had many such moody days, here. Hope your mood has improved now, Bhavya. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.