(Brit/Cdn English idiom)

1. To act in a disorganized, chaotic, or irrational manner.
“Roger seems to have lost the plot ever since his wife died.”
“I’m sorry about last night. I had one too many drinks and just lost the plot.”

2. To lose focus on one’s primary objective, principle, or task.
“Our co-op had a promising start, but we eventually lost the plot, thanks to too many distractions.

From September 2021 through January this year, I managed a decent clip of at least one post a week, but then…

Out of Gas bitmoji

It’s been a long, harsh winter, and the usual blues associated with that (aka S.A.D.) have set in. Then, there was the anarchic mobocracy of the Canadian trucker convoy, which wreaked havoc on our economy as well as our “nice” reputation.

sad canaduan flag

We forgot about that soon enough, due to the horrific assault by Russian megalomaniac Putin on the brave people of Ukraine!


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Despite all that, I couldn’t ignore Spunky Old Broads Month or the opportunity to participate in another #WEP writing challenge:

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As for the podcasts, there was no episode 7, but hopefully, you will see and hear it in March.

Other things I’m working on (dates TBA):

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Apologies to my blogging friends for not replying to your lovely comments in a timely manner! I have read them all and fully intend to respond.

(Multi-talented! 👍 Click on links to view their sites.) 

Cathy Kennedy Cathy Kennedy / Eugenia Eugenia / Hilary Melton-Butcher Hilary Melton-Butcher / Sandee Sandee
christopher martin christopher martinMyke Todd Myke ToddNatasha Natasha / Shannon Lawrence Shannon Lawrence
Anstice Victoria Brown Anstice Victoria Brown / Bernadette Bernadette / Birgit Birgit /Damyanti Biswas Damyanti Biswas
Denise Covey Denise Covey / Elephants Child Elephants Child / Jamie of uniquely maladjusted but fun Jamie of uniquely maladju… / Jemi Fraser Jemi Fraser
Kalpana Kalpana / L.G. Keltner L.G. Keltner / Magical Mystical Mimi Magical Mystical Mimi / Michelle Wallace Michelle Wallace

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Many Thanks! ten years akready?! as the blog turns!

talk soon bitmoji

Debbie signature style 5

Buy Me A Sandwich

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14 thoughts on “MONTHLY ROUNDUP – FEB. 2022

  1. You have both educated and enlightened me, with “losing the plot.” That is quite brilliant, and I cannot recall ever seeing or hearing the phrase. Thanks for sharing!

    I am sorry you have the blues, Debbie.

    1. It’s one of those colourful phrases with several meanings. 🙂 My lethargy will surely dissipate when the weather improves. Thanks for dropping in, Myke!

  2. Debbie,

    No apologizes are ever needed in my opinion. We all get like this at one point. Sometimes we bring on ourselves and other times, it’s just circumstances. I’m feeling the heat from both scenarios and am now at the cross road on what to do about next month’s big blogfest. Normally, I find a way to rally my spirit or determination to fling myself into creating 26 posts for April’s challenge. We’ll see what Monday brings as I plan to announce my decision one way or the other. Oh well, here is to looking forward to the return of spring. It’s a beautiful day here in East Tennessee and we’ll have temperatures to match! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 I see you’ve decided to join the A to Z Challenge again this year. You’ll no doubt ace it, as always. Enjoy! As for me, I’ll just plod along at my snail’s pace. Not feeling motivated, yet. 😛

  3. I hope you will start to feel better if we start having warmer days in March. March can be a humdinger with weather. The morons at Truckers.dumbass should have been kept all in jail. I bet they would run home to mommy if Putin tried to take our country. We had some convoy of cars here on Sunday with the Canadian flags and their horns. I gave them the Trudeau salute (you know-dad’s not the current kid). Putin needs a blowdart in his neck because he will not stop. If, somehow, he does, he will try to tell everyone at the peacetalks that he wants to keep what he took which will mean Kiev. I would not accept that. I watched an excellent episode on Putin from “The Nature of Things”. It was a repeat but how it tells about who Putin truly is.

    1. I’m with you about the truckers, Birgit! 😛 Pierre was definitely more formidable than Justin, and this whole situation deserves a big FUDDLE DUDDLE! Putin is a maniac, and I hope someone does bring him down. Where are the CIA assassins when you need them, eh?

  4. With all that is going on in the world and the cold weather, it is difficult to focus. Hopefully, the arrival of spring will help get rid of the winter doldrums and breed new ideas. Stay safe and warm.

  5. Hi Debbie – I suspect it’s the way with many of us … I’m trickling along – but definitely trickling. Take care and as the lighter and warmer days are coming I’m feeling more hopeful for myself … all the best – Hilary