Welcome to the second episode of “Monday Musings of an Old Broad”, a new, semi-regular feature at the den. No telling what you might find here, as I ramble on!
I may have mentioned a time or two that rock concerts are my ‘Fountain of Youth’ and favourite pastime. 😁 Last Saturday night, we had a double dose of Metal, with Sabaton and Judas Priest! 💥🤘🎸 More about that to come.
What Made Me Sad?
On Sunday, our beloved dog Zoey was attacked by a coyote! The fault was ours, as we had been playing ‘fetch’ in the park, and she was off-leash. In our defence, we and many other dog owners frequented that area and saw no wildlife there before, other than squirrels.
The creature came out of nowhere, and before we had a chance to grab the dog, she ran after him. Suddenly, he turned back and took a chunk out of her right side! We rushed her to the emergency clinic, and they took care of it, but it’s pretty severe and the next two weeks will be difficult. Poor Zoey! 😢 And how do you explain to an active, pampered dog they can’t run in the park or jump on the furniture?
What Made A Difference?
Having an emergency vet clinic nearby certainly did! Despite the high cost (Zoey’s bill was $1000.00! 😲), it’s reassuring to know there’s help available 24/7.
What ‘F’ Word Comes to mind?
Surely, you can guess!
How would you answer these questions?
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Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
35 thoughts on “#MondayMusings OF AN OLD BROAD | EPISODE 2: WHAT A WEEK! 😀😲😢”
Hmm – Poor Zoey and wildlife appearing in unwanted places is never cool. I’m glad Zoey will be alright, after laying low a couple of weeks and wow to the $1,000.00 bill. As bad as the grocery store.
Speaking of wildlife in the wrong places, I went into the backyard and found a dead rat Friday morning. I am squeamish and was not looking forward to dealing with it, even with a shovel. It had been hot and continues to be hot and part of its head was missing. I about freaked out and decided to take the Scarlett O’Hara approach to this nasty situation and think about it tomorrow because “‘after all, tomorrow is another day.” So that was not a happy situation, HOWEVER, the following morning I went out and the rat was gone. Oh happy day but ya, my thoughts were like yours and it wasn’t “farewell my lovely.” So I fretted over what happened to the rat. Did a turkey vulture swoop down and feast on it or a rat bigger than the original rat dine on it? While I was not going to ask my neighbor to remove it – nope, not gonna do that and be all “girly” but I did call him and say “by chance did you retrieve a dead rat from my yard?” It was unlikely since the rat was not visible from his yard. His answer was “I shot a rat with my BB-gun last week and couldn’t find it, so that’s where it ended up! Sorry about that!” He added “sure rats eat other rats.”
I’ve not seen rats in my yard since 2008 when a new neighbor moved in and left his dog out 24/7/365 and we got rats in record time. We hired a pest control service and I had to stop feeding the birds/squirrels and giving them water. So I thought “here we go again” … it was quite a 24-hour period for me with a range of emotions … I do not like to think what goes on in the backyard after dark settles in. 🙂
Oh yuck! 😩 Good thing something took care of the carcass for you, but hopefully you won’t see anymore rats. I sometimes hear creatures screaming in the night and am too scared to look. Maybe cats? We have a few prowling the neighbourhood.
I have a friend who feeds and shelters ferals. She loves cats, had three at one time, but they’re all gone now. She lives near Rochester, NY and has shelter boxes with straw and heated pads from Fall through Spring and she feeds and provides water … in Winter, she uses heated dishes for them. She has mentioned the screaming cats in the middle of the night and she lives on the edge of a wooded area, so it’s not unusual to look in her backyard and see a herd of deer resting or eating the cat food and drinking the water.
What a great thing for your friend to do! 💖 Years ago, a feral cat gave birth to kittens under our garden shed. I fed them for weeks, then rounded them up and brought them to the Humane Society. They were all adopted out. 🙂
Yes, she loves those kitties like they were her own. And she worries about them all Winter. A few have had the feline leukemia virus and she was able to trap them (since they were weak/feeble) and took them to the vet and they were euthanized. She got them cremated and brought them home and buried them in the yard alongside her three beloved cats. You probably had a difficult time giving them up eventually.
$1,000 doesn’t surprise me, sadly. Most of my co-workers own dogs and emergency care, if it’s on weekends or off hours is scarce and expensive. But a coyote now to be afraid of – please be very careful. They have them even in my native New York City. They’ve been sighted in Manhattan and even at LaGuardia airport. So – happy – Blues on the Bridge and hearing a wonderful guitarist at 3pm who normally performs at night. Sad-what I blogged about today. F word – the one usually associated with F as in “how did I f-ing break my favorite bowl today?”. We had had it for years. Glass, of course.
Oh yeah, I knew it would be expensive, so I wasn’t too surprised. Thankfully there are three emergency vet clinics in our area. Coyotes in New York City? I never would have expected that, with so many people around. Your Blues on The Bridge Festival sounds grand and I hope it was a bit of a mood lifter. So sorry about your favourite bowl! 🥺
Hi Deb, many thanks for sharing my post and answering my questions! I love hearing about the lives of others and your week sounds very interesting. The coyote attack is awful and I’m glad to hear your dog is recovering. Your F word is spot on for your week 🙂
Deb, oucho about your dog. Boy, do we hear a LOT about coyotes in North York and Thornhill. Always warnings about being careful in walking trails. It’s like an apocaplyse of another kind. Perfect use of the F word, lol. 🙂 xx
They are invading more and more residential areas here too, but we never saw one in that park until last week. I remember reading an article about coyotes attacking people in Burlington! 😲 Yes, it’s been a ‘F’ word kind of week…
Thankfully, when we encountered our coyote (s), Misty Bug was content just to stand and stare, and the Yote was content to continue on her way. Poor Zoey! Let’s see: Happy this week- the Kids came over. Sad- the fact that there’s enough hate in this world that now a second nutcase has taken a shot at Trump- and one woman’s response was, “Relax, no ears were harmed.” How disgusting a human being do you have to be? Made a difference: As usual, another excellent message by Pastor Josh Sunday. F word? Many come to mind but the top one would be “finished”, as in “my computer speakers are”, so no M10 this week…
You are lucky that Misty didn’t want to give chase! Zoey has a strong prey drive (we think she’s part lab, part mountain cur), but her recall with squirrels and dogs has been good. Apparently, not with coyotes! 😢 People shouldn’t joke about serious things like assassination attempts. 😩 Sorry your computer speakers crapped out. Do you have a smartphone? Maybe you could use that instead?
Very sorry to hear the bad news about Zoey. But definitely NOT your fault as you had no forewarning whatsoever. (Growing up we had several dogs, but our favorite was definitely “Yoey”. And that’s dern-close to Zoey.)
… “WTF”
Employing my psychic ability, I am going to confidently state that it stands for “What The Fu-uuuu-dge!” (Hopefully you’ve seen the movie ‘A Christmas Story’.)
Thank you, Stephen, but if we had kept her on the leash, this never would have happened. Thing is, it’s a large green space, mostly unoccupied, and many people run their dogs there. Never a coyote sighting until that day! 😲 Haha! I have seen ‘A Christmas Story’ but don’t believe in using weak substitutes for powerful language. ‘Fuck’ is a perfectly good English word, applicable to many situations. 😉
Oh, no! How shocking! I’d never expect a coyote to run out at a park. I know they’re around but they usually steer clear of humans. Princess would chase a coyote, too. I know emergency vets are very expensive. What made me happy? Gosh, I can’t think of anything because I’m too upset about Zoey, and it’s definitely what’s making me sad. I agree with you on the F word.
Yes, we were completely shocked by the whole thing! It’s been a stressful week, but hopefully, things will be okay eventually. Thank you for caring, Janie! 🌹💖
Yes, vet bills are equally high here in Canada, but we do what we have to. Years ago, when our previous dog was old and needed lots of medical attention, I prioritized that over getting a sorely needed newer car. I was driving around with rusted out floorboards, but she came first. 💖
Oh how awful for your poor little dog! I hope she recovers and feels better soon. I also hope that fox didn’t have rabies!
Make a wish that this week will be better. 🙂
I enjoyed your answers. Great idea for a blog post. If I had a blog, I’d do mine, too. Haven’t blogged in ages, just Facebook.
Glad you got to see those concerts and enjoyed them, Debbie.
OMG! Your poor dog being attacked by a coyote. That’s so awful! That coyote sure was brazen to do that in the daylight.
Good you were able to get emergency help right away for poor Zoey. Aren’t vet bills the worst? UGH! And yet, what else could you do, eh? They want $1500 to clean tartar off Kobie’s teeth and $800 to address Graydie’s sebaceous cyst. I’m still thinking about it and probably won’t pursue either thing. Too expensive and they are fine and not suffering in the meantime.
All the best to Zoey in her recovery. You made me laugh about WTF! I use that one a fair bit, too.
I remember your blog, Cathy! It was very creative. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, we were shocked to see the coyote and I’m still upset with myself for not keeping Zoey on a long leash. She’s good with recall for squirrels and other dogs, but coyotes are a whole different category! 😲 I knew the bill would be high, but, as you said, there was no choice. More bills yet to come… Oh yikes! $1500 for teeth cleaning? That seems like a lot. Do they have dental treats for cats like they do for dogs?
Thanks for your good wishes. It’s been a stressful week! Yes, WTF is common around here. 😆
35 thoughts on “#MondayMusings OF AN OLD BROAD | EPISODE 2: WHAT A WEEK! 😀😲😢”
Hmm – Poor Zoey and wildlife appearing in unwanted places is never cool. I’m glad Zoey will be alright, after laying low a couple of weeks and wow to the $1,000.00 bill. As bad as the grocery store.
Speaking of wildlife in the wrong places, I went into the backyard and found a dead rat Friday morning. I am squeamish and was not looking forward to dealing with it, even with a shovel. It had been hot and continues to be hot and part of its head was missing. I about freaked out and decided to take the Scarlett O’Hara approach to this nasty situation and think about it tomorrow because “‘after all, tomorrow is another day.” So that was not a happy situation, HOWEVER, the following morning I went out and the rat was gone. Oh happy day but ya, my thoughts were like yours and it wasn’t “farewell my lovely.” So I fretted over what happened to the rat. Did a turkey vulture swoop down and feast on it or a rat bigger than the original rat dine on it? While I was not going to ask my neighbor to remove it – nope, not gonna do that and be all “girly” but I did call him and say “by chance did you retrieve a dead rat from my yard?” It was unlikely since the rat was not visible from his yard. His answer was “I shot a rat with my BB-gun last week and couldn’t find it, so that’s where it ended up! Sorry about that!” He added “sure rats eat other rats.”
I’ve not seen rats in my yard since 2008 when a new neighbor moved in and left his dog out 24/7/365 and we got rats in record time. We hired a pest control service and I had to stop feeding the birds/squirrels and giving them water. So I thought “here we go again” … it was quite a 24-hour period for me with a range of emotions … I do not like to think what goes on in the backyard after dark settles in. 🙂
Oh yuck! 😩 Good thing something took care of the carcass for you, but hopefully you won’t see anymore rats. I sometimes hear creatures screaming in the night and am too scared to look. Maybe cats? We have a few prowling the neighbourhood.
I have a friend who feeds and shelters ferals. She loves cats, had three at one time, but they’re all gone now. She lives near Rochester, NY and has shelter boxes with straw and heated pads from Fall through Spring and she feeds and provides water … in Winter, she uses heated dishes for them. She has mentioned the screaming cats in the middle of the night and she lives on the edge of a wooded area, so it’s not unusual to look in her backyard and see a herd of deer resting or eating the cat food and drinking the water.
What a great thing for your friend to do! 💖 Years ago, a feral cat gave birth to kittens under our garden shed. I fed them for weeks, then rounded them up and brought them to the Humane Society. They were all adopted out. 🙂
Yes, she loves those kitties like they were her own. And she worries about them all Winter. A few have had the feline leukemia virus and she was able to trap them (since they were weak/feeble) and took them to the vet and they were euthanized. She got them cremated and brought them home and buried them in the yard alongside her three beloved cats. You probably had a difficult time giving them up eventually.
Oh that wasn’t nice and 1000 bucks, but really good that she got help and is getting better now. Say hello to her🐕
It was an awful experience and it’s been a stressful week. Thank you, Jean. Zoey loves people. 🙂
$1,000 doesn’t surprise me, sadly. Most of my co-workers own dogs and emergency care, if it’s on weekends or off hours is scarce and expensive. But a coyote now to be afraid of – please be very careful. They have them even in my native New York City. They’ve been sighted in Manhattan and even at LaGuardia airport. So – happy – Blues on the Bridge and hearing a wonderful guitarist at 3pm who normally performs at night. Sad-what I blogged about today. F word – the one usually associated with F as in “how did I f-ing break my favorite bowl today?”. We had had it for years. Glass, of course.
Oh yeah, I knew it would be expensive, so I wasn’t too surprised. Thankfully there are three emergency vet clinics in our area. Coyotes in New York City? I never would have expected that, with so many people around. Your Blues on The Bridge Festival sounds grand and I hope it was a bit of a mood lifter. So sorry about your favourite bowl! 🥺
I’m so sorry about Zoey. That is terrible and frightening. A bit can take a long time to heal.
Thank you, Mary! It’s been a stressful week and I know it will be a long haul.
Hi Deb, many thanks for sharing my post and answering my questions! I love hearing about the lives of others and your week sounds very interesting. The coyote attack is awful and I’m glad to hear your dog is recovering. Your F word is spot on for your week 🙂
Interesting but stressful! 🥺 The F word definitely fits. Thanks for giving me the idea for a post, Deb.
Deb, oucho about your dog. Boy, do we hear a LOT about coyotes in North York and Thornhill. Always warnings about being careful in walking trails. It’s like an apocaplyse of another kind. Perfect use of the F word, lol. 🙂 xx
They are invading more and more residential areas here too, but we never saw one in that park until last week. I remember reading an article about coyotes attacking people in Burlington! 😲 Yes, it’s been a ‘F’ word kind of week…
Thankfully, when we encountered our coyote (s), Misty Bug was content just to stand and stare, and the Yote was content to continue on her way. Poor Zoey! Let’s see: Happy this week- the Kids came over. Sad- the fact that there’s enough hate in this world that now a second nutcase has taken a shot at Trump- and one woman’s response was, “Relax, no ears were harmed.” How disgusting a human being do you have to be? Made a difference: As usual, another excellent message by Pastor Josh Sunday. F word? Many come to mind but the top one would be “finished”, as in “my computer speakers are”, so no M10 this week…
You are lucky that Misty didn’t want to give chase! Zoey has a strong prey drive (we think she’s part lab, part mountain cur), but her recall with squirrels and dogs has been good. Apparently, not with coyotes! 😢 People shouldn’t joke about serious things like assassination attempts. 😩 Sorry your computer speakers crapped out. Do you have a smartphone? Maybe you could use that instead?
Very sorry to hear the bad news about Zoey. But definitely NOT your fault as you had no forewarning whatsoever. (Growing up we had several dogs, but our favorite was definitely “Yoey”. And that’s dern-close to Zoey.)
Employing my psychic ability, I am going to confidently state that it stands for “What The Fu-uuuu-dge!” (Hopefully you’ve seen the movie ‘A Christmas Story’.)
Thank you, Stephen, but if we had kept her on the leash, this never would have happened. Thing is, it’s a large green space, mostly unoccupied, and many people run their dogs there. Never a coyote sighting until that day! 😲 Haha! I have seen ‘A Christmas Story’ but don’t believe in using weak substitutes for powerful language. ‘Fuck’ is a perfectly good English word, applicable to many situations. 😉
Oh, no! How shocking! I’d never expect a coyote to run out at a park. I know they’re around but they usually steer clear of humans. Princess would chase a coyote, too. I know emergency vets are very expensive. What made me happy? Gosh, I can’t think of anything because I’m too upset about Zoey, and it’s definitely what’s making me sad. I agree with you on the F word.
Yes, we were completely shocked by the whole thing! It’s been a stressful week, but hopefully, things will be okay eventually. Thank you for caring, Janie! 🌹💖
So sorry to hear about Zoey. Good to hear her injury was not fatal.
Thank you, hena. We are taking it day by day.
Poor Zoey. Prayers for quick healing. So frightening.
Have a blessed day and week, Debbie. Hugs to you and healing hugs to Zoey. ♥
Thank you, Sandee! 💖 It’s been a rough week, but we’re muddling through.
Vets bills are extremely high over here in the UK. Our pets are part of the family, so it’s well worth it.
Yes, vet bills are equally high here in Canada, but we do what we have to. Years ago, when our previous dog was old and needed lots of medical attention, I prioritized that over getting a sorely needed newer car. I was driving around with rusted out floorboards, but she came first. 💖
I love it!
I’m so sorry for your dog and hope he is on the mend for a full recovery.
Thanks, Kymber. She’s doing as well as expected. It’ll be a long haul…
Coyotes are frequent around here and my son’s dog was attacked in the driveway. He survived. Sorry about your dog getting bitten.
In the driveway?! 😲 Yikes! I’m glad your son’s dog survived. Zoey will too, but it’s a long recovery.
Oh how awful for your poor little dog! I hope she recovers and feels better soon. I also hope that fox didn’t have rabies!
Make a wish that this week will be better. 🙂
It was awful, and the recovery will be slow. 😢 Good thing Zoey’s rabies shots are up to date! Thanks for your good wishes. 🌹
I enjoyed your answers. Great idea for a blog post. If I had a blog, I’d do mine, too. Haven’t blogged in ages, just Facebook.
Glad you got to see those concerts and enjoyed them, Debbie.
OMG! Your poor dog being attacked by a coyote. That’s so awful! That coyote sure was brazen to do that in the daylight.
Good you were able to get emergency help right away for poor Zoey. Aren’t vet bills the worst? UGH! And yet, what else could you do, eh? They want $1500 to clean tartar off Kobie’s teeth and $800 to address Graydie’s sebaceous cyst. I’m still thinking about it and probably won’t pursue either thing. Too expensive and they are fine and not suffering in the meantime.
All the best to Zoey in her recovery. You made me laugh about WTF! I use that one a fair bit, too.
I remember your blog, Cathy! It was very creative. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, we were shocked to see the coyote and I’m still upset with myself for not keeping Zoey on a long leash. She’s good with recall for squirrels and other dogs, but coyotes are a whole different category! 😲 I knew the bill would be high, but, as you said, there was no choice. More bills yet to come… Oh yikes! $1500 for teeth cleaning? That seems like a lot. Do they have dental treats for cats like they do for dogs?
Thanks for your good wishes. It’s been a stressful week! Yes, WTF is common around here. 😆