Welcome to the inaugural episode of “Monday Musings of an Old Broad”, a new, semi-regular feature at the den. No telling what you might find here, as I ramble on!
What do you think of designated “National Days”? Apart from birthdays, anniversaries and statutory holidays, I’ve always disdained the idea, preferring to celebrate what I want when I want. (And yes, that includes Valentine’s Day – king of the fake “Hallmark” holidays).
On the other hand, life has been (and still is, to some extent) difficult these last few years, and finding something to celebrate is surely a good thing!
Topic suggested by the #4M #MusicMonday group. Click HERE ► to view the other participants’ entries. You’ll find mine further down the page.
Want to know what day it is? There’s a calendar for that!
Created in the late 1990s to celebrate the impossible. The phrase “when pigs fly” is often used to describe something that will never happen, so this day is a great chance to have some fun and be creative!
Created to honour those of us who are just a little different and embrace our unique quirks. So let your freak flag fly, be proud of who you are, and show everyone why it’s great to be a weirdo!
This Austrian dish (named after the capital city Vienna, Wien in German) dates back over 200 years and is made from veal pounded thin, breaded, fried and usually served with a wedge of lemon. While today it’s an iconic dish in Austria, Germany and many other European countries, there are also variations all around the world with different proteins like pork or chicken. Here’s a fun novelty song:
This is a Dutch song (which I don’t speak), but the chorus is German: “One, Two, Three, I want a Wienerschnitzel with curry sausage on the side.”
What are YOU celebrating today? 🎉
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Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
It’s an intriguing question. These days I don’t celebrate anything in this country anymore. What I do is commemorate a few days that touch me: Mom passing away, Dad passing away, and September 11, 2001, when I was prepared to drive to NYC to try to help, only to learn before I left that they’d closed all the bridges and tunnels. It’s interesting how things have changed as I’ve gotten older; I think I need some dessert…
Personal commemorations have much more meaning than any made-up holiday. Sept. 11 is a sombre day. Everybody remembers exactly where they were when they heard the news. May we never forget! 🌹
Hi Debbie – I couldn’t view your national days calendar due to my ad blocker, but I followed a blogger on WP that did a similar national days calendar, but he/she stopped at WP, but sent me a link to follow by e-mail which I do now, so I did know it was Wiener Schnitzel Day (one of my favorite German meals, next to a Wurstplatte, potato pancakes or bratwurst and kraut).
When we lived in Germany, my parents, grandparents and I went out for dinner (main meal at midday) every Sunday. Wienerschnitzel mit Zitrone, Rotkohl und Pommes Frites was my favourite meal, washed down with schwarzer Johannisbeersaft. (My spell check is going crazy right now! 😆) (That’s schnitzel with lemon, red cabbage and french fries. Black currant juice cocktail on the side – it looked like red wine.) I love the other stuff you mentioned too – especially bratwurst with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. Now I’m hungry! 😀 Do you have good German restaurants where you live? We used to have a couple, but they’re gone now. There is Denninger’s though, which is a German deli. Thanks for coming by, Linda! 🙂
My father used to make potato pancakes several times each Summer. He’d make them outside in the electric frying pan – otherwise we’d smell them in the house for the next week. I did love those with applesauce. We had a couple of great German butcher shops which sold the wonderful Dimpflmeier rustic breads, (which are actually made in the Toronto area) and they had various German lunchmeat which we got along with sausages. They have all closed up shop though. We had one German restaurant, Richter’s Chalet, in Dearborn, about 10 miles from here. They have also closed down, but their food was very good and we used to go there to buy Christmas stollen. You’d have to order it in advance as it went fast. The owner and his wife ran the restaurant. Roland Richter had been a pastry chef in one of the big hotels in Downtown Detroit and after opening the restaurant he made all the desserts.
What a fun post Deb. You are so right. Everyday on fakebook it’s international something day. I think overkill! And I love ‘when pigs fly’. I first heard that expression on an old show called Alice, lol. Although I think Flo may have said ‘when donkeys fly’. Lol 🙂
Yup, every day! 🙄 The concept of ‘When Pigs Fly Day’ is good, though. Apparently. “when donkeys fly’ is also a popular expression. And I used to love ‘Alice’. Flo was such a character! 😀 Look what I found!
I learned about When Pigs Fly today on our local 6am news broadcast and how, on this day, you are supposed to think outside the box and open yourself up to new experiences. So how interesting that you included a song called When Pigs Fly. Speaking of new experiences, that German song was kind of strange until the singer emerged from the hot tub…then it was pretty funny. No language barrier there.
Here’s to the Freaks and Geeks that I love to be and to be with. My hubby would fall under the bad crowd…the stoner jackets but he had the Gene Simmons Kiss boots. Now, if I saw him back then, I probably, would have laughed as we are 7 yrs apart. I love the bad boys. These are great songs. Love the Pigs Fly song. The last one..Holy Bobcat Goldthwait! His voice and his style made me think of that comedian. I’m just not into wienerschnitzel. I keep thinking of the little calfs..poor things plus I am not for the taste. I will eat this over sausage any day. Yuck!
Gene Simmons KISS boots? That’s a look! 😆 Yes, cheers to us all. 🥂 Watching the Wienerschnitzel guy, I kept thinking he reminded me of someone. You nailed it, Birgit – Bobcat Goldthwait! 😀 A lot of places substitute pork for veal these days. I understand how you feel about it.
I’ve run into a few boxed wines that weren’t so bad. I think all these national days are just advertising gimmicks. And some are excuses to be silly. I never need an excuse to be silly!
Definitely advertising gimmicks. 🙂 Boxed wines are catching on, probably because they cost less. Wine prices have skyrocketed since the pandemic and even some European brands are embracing the idea. 😲 I agree, no excuses needed to be silly or to celebrate. Cheers! 🥂
Some of these so called holidays are so funny, and totally not needed. But they do bring some humor and conversation to the table, so to say. haha
I thought Weiner Schnitzel day meant hot dogs. oops! It is the other kind. Yes, I’ve had the real schnitzel in Germany, and it is so good! Nothing like a hot dog. 🙂 I like the weirdo day too. I’d fit right in.
Weirdos unite! There’s something for everybody. 😀 I’ve not heard of hot dogs referred to as wienerschnitzel but I can see the connection. Hot dogs are sometimes called wieners, yes? And look what I found! 😆
National Weirdos Day…now that’s different. You did a fantastic job coming up with music that works and I had to giggle over When Pigs Fly. You’re so creative, girl! Have a boogietastic week, Debbie!
Well yesterday, well actually two days ago now, 9/7-2024 was National Beer Lovers, which I appreciated. However, there is a national or international something every day and it is a little much.
32 thoughts on “#MondayMusings OF AN OLD BROAD | EPISODE 1: WHAT DAY IS THIS? 📅 #4M #MusicMonday”
It’s an intriguing question. These days I don’t celebrate anything in this country anymore. What I do is commemorate a few days that touch me: Mom passing away, Dad passing away, and September 11, 2001, when I was prepared to drive to NYC to try to help, only to learn before I left that they’d closed all the bridges and tunnels. It’s interesting how things have changed as I’ve gotten older; I think I need some dessert…
Personal commemorations have much more meaning than any made-up holiday. Sept. 11 is a sombre day. Everybody remembers exactly where they were when they heard the news. May we never forget! 🌹
Hi Debbie – I couldn’t view your national days calendar due to my ad blocker, but I followed a blogger on WP that did a similar national days calendar, but he/she stopped at WP, but sent me a link to follow by e-mail which I do now, so I did know it was Wiener Schnitzel Day (one of my favorite German meals, next to a Wurstplatte, potato pancakes or bratwurst and kraut).
When we lived in Germany, my parents, grandparents and I went out for dinner (main meal at midday) every Sunday. Wienerschnitzel mit Zitrone, Rotkohl und Pommes Frites was my favourite meal, washed down with schwarzer Johannisbeersaft. (My spell check is going crazy right now! 😆) (That’s schnitzel with lemon, red cabbage and french fries. Black currant juice cocktail on the side – it looked like red wine.) I love the other stuff you mentioned too – especially bratwurst with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. Now I’m hungry! 😀 Do you have good German restaurants where you live? We used to have a couple, but they’re gone now. There is Denninger’s though, which is a German deli. Thanks for coming by, Linda! 🙂
My father used to make potato pancakes several times each Summer. He’d make them outside in the electric frying pan – otherwise we’d smell them in the house for the next week. I did love those with applesauce. We had a couple of great German butcher shops which sold the wonderful Dimpflmeier rustic breads, (which are actually made in the Toronto area) and they had various German lunchmeat which we got along with sausages. They have all closed up shop though. We had one German restaurant, Richter’s Chalet, in Dearborn, about 10 miles from here. They have also closed down, but their food was very good and we used to go there to buy Christmas stollen. You’d have to order it in advance as it went fast. The owner and his wife ran the restaurant. Roland Richter had been a pastry chef in one of the big hotels in Downtown Detroit and after opening the restaurant he made all the desserts.
What a fun post Deb. You are so right. Everyday on fakebook it’s international something day. I think overkill! And I love ‘when pigs fly’. I first heard that expression on an old show called Alice, lol. Although I think Flo may have said ‘when donkeys fly’. Lol 🙂
Yup, every day! 🙄 The concept of ‘When Pigs Fly Day’ is good, though. Apparently. “when donkeys fly’ is also a popular expression. And I used to love ‘Alice’. Flo was such a character! 😀 Look what I found!
I learned about When Pigs Fly today on our local 6am news broadcast and how, on this day, you are supposed to think outside the box and open yourself up to new experiences. So how interesting that you included a song called When Pigs Fly. Speaking of new experiences, that German song was kind of strange until the singer emerged from the hot tub…then it was pretty funny. No language barrier there.
Weird is the word for National Weirdos Day! 😆 I love the idea of Pigs Fly Day. 🐷 Thanks for coming by, Alana.
I remember the height of this topic being when they came up with National “National Day” Day….
Well, that figures! 😀 What day is that?
No idea… thought I’d try a quick google, but it wants you to search the National day calendar, ain’t nobody got time for that!
Love the Wienerschnitzel song!
Yup – no translation needed! 😀
Here’s to the Freaks and Geeks that I love to be and to be with. My hubby would fall under the bad crowd…the stoner jackets but he had the Gene Simmons Kiss boots. Now, if I saw him back then, I probably, would have laughed as we are 7 yrs apart. I love the bad boys. These are great songs. Love the Pigs Fly song. The last one..Holy Bobcat Goldthwait! His voice and his style made me think of that comedian. I’m just not into wienerschnitzel. I keep thinking of the little calfs..poor things plus I am not for the taste. I will eat this over sausage any day. Yuck!
Gene Simmons KISS boots? That’s a look! 😆 Yes, cheers to us all. 🥂 Watching the Wienerschnitzel guy, I kept thinking he reminded me of someone. You nailed it, Birgit – Bobcat Goldthwait! 😀 A lot of places substitute pork for veal these days. I understand how you feel about it.
I’ve run into a few boxed wines that weren’t so bad. I think all these national days are just advertising gimmicks. And some are excuses to be silly. I never need an excuse to be silly!
Definitely advertising gimmicks. 🙂 Boxed wines are catching on, probably because they cost less. Wine prices have skyrocketed since the pandemic and even some European brands are embracing the idea. 😲 I agree, no excuses needed to be silly or to celebrate. Cheers! 🥂
Some of these so called holidays are so funny, and totally not needed. But they do bring some humor and conversation to the table, so to say. haha
I thought Weiner Schnitzel day meant hot dogs. oops! It is the other kind. Yes, I’ve had the real schnitzel in Germany, and it is so good! Nothing like a hot dog. 🙂 I like the weirdo day too. I’d fit right in.
Weirdos unite! There’s something for everybody. 😀 I’ve not heard of hot dogs referred to as wienerschnitzel but I can see the connection. Hot dogs are sometimes called wieners, yes? And look what I found! 😆
haha That was a funny video, and also kind of gross watching those people eat hot dogs. 🙂
I don’t know what I’m celebrating, but I’m just thankful to be here. LOL 😀
And, that is enough cause for celebration! 🙂
Very nice playlist. Love it.
Glad you enjoyed! 🙂
National Weirdos Day…now that’s different. You did a fantastic job coming up with music that works and I had to giggle over When Pigs Fly. You’re so creative, girl! Have a boogietastic week, Debbie!
Thanks, Cathy. 🙂 Sept. 9 is a fun day all around!
You know about really many things. I did not know that there are so many days😊 Very cool videos👍Great post! Have a great new week Debbie!!
I don’t know all that much, but am good at doing research. 😉 Glad you enjoyed the post, Jean. Thank you!
Well yesterday, well actually two days ago now, 9/7-2024 was National Beer Lovers, which I appreciated. However, there is a national or international something every day and it is a little much.
Some days are worth celebrating, but, yes, this is definitely overkill.