#MondayMusings OF AN OLD BROAD | EPISODE 5: IN THE YEAR 2025…🔮🤖 #MusicMonday #4m

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Welcome to the fifth episode of “Monday Musings of an Old Broad”, a semi-regular feature.

No telling what you will find here, as I ramble on!

#MondayMusings OF AN OLD BROAD | EPISODE 5: IN THE YEAR 2025…🔮🤖 #dogladysden #randomthoughts #BlogDelurkingWeek #bloggingcommunity #MusicMonday #4M

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Can you believe the new millennium is already a quarter of a century old?! 😲 When I hear “2025”, my thoughts turn to a favourite song from 1969. Note the lyrics. Given all the future ramifications of artificial intelligence, etc., don’t you think they’re a little chilling? 😟

Did you watch The Jetsons cartoon as a child? And have you ever wondered why those flying cars never materialized? They might be helpful in solving our nightmarish traffic congestion, which has been ranked worst in North America. Well, check this out! It’s a start, anyway…😁

This week (January 5-11) is International Blog Delurking Week, where silent readers are encouraged to comment, subscribe, etc. I’d love to know who you are, so I can thank you in person! And, if you’re a fellow blogger, please leave your link for a return visit. 👌

Comments are king in the blogging world, fostering a sense of community and building friendships. Don’t be shy! If you’re pressed for time, click the button (shortcut to the comment form). Better yet, read the rest of the post first, then scroll down and say “Hello”. 😀

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Got the January blues? The “most depressing day of the year”, also known as “Blue Monday”, falls on January 20th this year. IMO, the entire month is a washout! And February is no better. 😩

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I wrote a poem about this S.A.D. situation a few years ago:
(right-click to open in new tab)

To top it off, I’ll be entering my eighth decade at the end of the month! 🤯 On the upside…

“70 is the new 50”
(Feels like that on good days!)

“Embrace ageing. It is a privilege denied to many.”
(It certainly beats the alternative!)

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Joining the #MusicMonday #4m gang this week. Click on the image (opens in new tab) to view all participants and/or add a post of your own. 🎼

How’s your new year so far?

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42 thoughts on “#MondayMusings OF AN OLD BROAD | EPISODE 5: IN THE YEAR 2025…🔮🤖 #MusicMonday #4m

    1. Yes, those self-driving cars have had a lot of mishaps, so far! I don’t think we’ll have flying cars that soon. Too much can go wrong, still. Thanks for coming by, Lee! 🙂

  1. Debbie, it’s hard to believe a week ago right now 2024 was waning and 2025 was waiting in the wings. I remember the song and how eerie it was back then. I remember The Jetsons too. I think we will have futuristic cars that hover over traffic bottlenecks soon – maybe they will be like oversized drones … BTW, what happened to all the drone stories we were hearing about over here the end of last year? You don’t look like you’re going into your 80th decade and that is as bad as me turning 50 many moons ago and saying (maybe muttering) about being a half-century old. I don’t want to get to be a century old, or be like the nun who is now the oldest person alive in the world at 116 years old. I have no desire to live until 90 to be honest. Wow, Rod Stewart still has his hair and I remember when I first started listening to him, probably on a transistor radio. Now I just dated myself. 🙂 I had a friend who had SAD really bad. He researched to find the sunniest place in the U.S. for the most days in the year (which I thought was San Diego) – it was Las Cruces, New Mexico. He was self-employed, a writer and he did some marketing, but his wife still worked onsite as a PR Specialist at a big hospital in Detroit. He went to Las Cruces and spent one Winter there, renting an apartment and paying a woman to tutor him in Spanish. He said he felt better than he had in years – no SAD at all. It was sunny and hot, but dry heat. His wife joined him for a couple of weeks and she liked Las Cruces, so they bought a house and she retired and they arranged to sell their Michigan home and ship the furniture. He sent me pics of the house and was happy for “no grass to cut” – he had pebbles for grass and cacti for flowers. Unfortunately not long afterward, he had a stroke, ended up in a rehab facility where he got COVID and passed away.

    1. “Oversize drones” is a good description for the flying cars as seen on The Jetsons. I’m not so sure they are imminent, though. Would be a great idea to combat the current traffic gridlock! 😆 As for the New Jersey drone story, apparently it was blown out of proportion, according to this article:

      Thanks for the age-related compliment, LInda! 😘 I’m not usually bothered by the number, but this one is a little more significant, and yeah, I also muttered about reaching the half-century mark. 😆 Don’t know whether or not Rod Stewart’s hair is natural (hairdressers can work wonders!), but I’ve been a fan of his since he was starting out in the mid-60s.

      I remember that story about your friend who moved to New Mexico. How sad that he didn’t live to enjoy it! 😔 My parents moved to San Diego in the ’70s, and I always tried to visit in winter, to get a healing does of sunshine.

      1. Debbie, I read this earlier in my e-mail, then didn’t come over here … getting used to a new keyboard and finally using the Windows 11 100% now, having migrated everything from Windows 10 over the weekend. Anyway, that was interesting about the drones because I just figured the holidays with the last-minute shopping and traveling was all the news was about, then New Year’s festivities and what happened here on New Year’s Day.

        Well a half-century seemed old to us since we lived through the 60s and early 70s with the “don’t trust anyone over 30” attitude.

        Rod Stewart has looked the same to me as long as I can remember – (“Maggie May” I’m thinking), so yes a good hair stylist likely.

        (I’ll save my reply in case I can’t comment like what happened with the black-and-white post and I’ll try tomorrow.)

  2. Rod Stewart…
    I always wondered what Maggie’s story happened to be.
    Why did Rod wait to get back to “school”?
    Was she a younger woman? Older woman?
    What gives?

      1. Thank you so much for the answer. I am fortunate to know Rod’s music by the grace of my mother who owned many 8-tracks. I am happy to hear that Rod is still with us. Long may he live.

  3. I remember the Zager and Evans song well, and I expected to be driving a flying car and holidaying on The Moon by 2025. The predictions let me down! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

  4. I certainly don’t think of you as old, Debbie. Of course, you’re not much older than I am. I turn 66 in Feb. I am SAD. My psychiatrist told me to let as much natural light into my house as possible. He also suggested getting a light that helps counteract SAD so I’ll probably invest in one of those before long. I remember the flying cars from The Jetsons. I’m afraid flying cars would lead to people smashing into each other in the sky instead of on the ground!


    1. Thank you, Janie! 🙂 Are you Aquarius too, or Pisces? I’m surprised you feel the effects of S.A.D. in the sunshine state, but those lights do help. I have one too and they’re not that expensive. Good point about the flying cars!

      1. I’m a Pisces. You’d probably be surprised by all the dreary days we have in the sunshine state. Maybe it’s sunnier in the southern part of the state. During the summer we go through a period with thunderstorms almost every afternoon. We had a lot of foggy days recently, and today it’s raining and very dreary. I’m grateful for the sun when we have it.

  5. Fun post Deb. We are definitely due for the Jetson transportation in this city. 🙂 And the January blues are real. It’s so damned cold! <3

  6. Hey, I heard Trudeau stepped down. I keep thinking, ” Be careful what you wish for, people.” I pray Pierre Polyp doesn’t get in. I wish, too, someone would tell Yrump to f off with the 51st state crap or we will have to burn down their white house again:))

    1. Sadly, he had no choice, and I fear, no matter who the Liberals elect as leader, asshole Pierre will win. Let’s hope for a miracle, Birgit! 🤞As for Trump, it’s going to be a rocky four years for all of us! Doug Ford made a similar wisecrack about burning down the White House. 😆

  7. I’m 73 and I can so relate. A fun post. I’m embracing growing old with hubby.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Big hug. ♥

  8. So far, my new year is cold and it’s not expected to get any better. I’m so over it already and we’re just barely into winter. I thought about your opening song recently. It’s so interesting to live to see what was written about in songs/movies. Things are bad but not as awful as this song makes you feel. I remember watching The Jetson’s as a kid. I loved the video calls and flying cars. FaceTime is a common thing for many, but we still haven’t fully integrated using it much in our lives and I wonder if we ever will. That’s alright. It’s nice knowing we can do it if we want. As for flying cars. I don’t think I like that idea. People can’t control themselves on the road, so I don’t think they’ll do any better if they’re flying over my head. It’s probably best if the idea of flying cars stay grounded for everyone’s safety. 🙂 Thanks for joining the 4M party, my dear. Here’s to entering a new milestone in your life at the end of the month. Have a boogietastic week, my friend! xo

    1. We’ve had a cold spell recently and now that it’s “warmed up” a bit, there’s more snow. Sigh… Spring can’t come soon enough! The song exaggerates, but the future is a little scary, IMO. Good point about the flying cars! Wouldn’t want one to fall on me. 😆 Thanks for running this link party and for your good wishes, Cathy! 🙂

  9. Love these songs especially the last one. I heard Frank Sinatra sing this and I like the melody of it.
    Right this moment, I’m at work, pain is bad and I am dozing off, so tired. Lol.

    1. Yes, Frank recorded it originally. Rod added a verse to reflect his personal life, which I think is cool. Sorry you’re in pain, Birgit. Hope you get some rest after work.

        1. Birgit, as much as i DON’T like Ford, I like his stance against Trump. It takes one bully to deal with another one! As for Poilievre, I think it’s inevitable… 😩

  10. Age is just a number. You are and forever will be THE rock Queen! – Man, I remember listening to 2525 when I was younger always wondering is that the way it’s really going to be? The whole no eyes no mouth thing scared me! I’m happy we still have those! – And as for the Jetsons. I am pissed off every year that goes by that we are not living that way! I wanted that make-up thing Jane had that just came down and covered her face for a minute and then she was perfect. Lol. The flying cars would be so cool and I really hope I’m around to see those!

    1. Thanks, Karen! 😀 I loved The Jetsons too and want my own Rosie the Robot. Housework is such drudgery and I wouldn’t have to pay her to do it. 😆

  11. I read a lot of science fiction growing up and loved In the Year 2525. Now, in my 70’s, and not having heard it in a long time, I definitely have a different perspective. Mandolin Wind was new to me. May the 70’s be kind to you, Debbie Doglady. Aging is a privilege but it can be so, so hard at times. And rewarding other times.

    1. I know what you mean about the song, Alana. The future is a little frightening and so is hitting the “big 7-0”. Thanks for your good wishes! 🙂

  12. AI has been on my mind, too. I read a lot of science fiction when I was younger. It’s a bit scary, isn’t it!

    I love Rod Stewart…

    1. Yes, the possibilities of misuse with AI are staggering! Rod Stewart has been a favourite of mine since his early days with Long John Baldry. He just turned 80 on Jan. 10. 🥂