Joining Glyn Wilton‘s weekly ‘Mixed Music Bag’ once again.
Thanks for the opportunity, Glyn!

For October, we are asked to highlight music from artists whose names start with “S” or “T” My selection today is a musical history lesson, told by Swedish metal band, SABATON

MIXED MUSIC BAG: 🎼 A HEAVY METAL HISTORY LESSON 🎸 #dogladysden #musicblogs #MMB #rockchickbliss #Sabaton Share on X ►



“To Hell and Back”, deemed Sabaton’s best song in the video above, is the 5th track from their 7th studio album, “Heroes”, released in 2014. It is about Audie Murphy, the most decorated American combat soldier of World War II. Suffering from PTSD (previously known as “shell shock” or “battle fatigue”) after the war, he became addicted to sleeping pills. To conquer this addiction, he locked himself in a hotel room with a gun under his pillow, almost committing suicide before he detoxed.

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Audie Murphy wrote a bestselling memoir, To Hell And Back, and starred in the movie of the same name. Interesting to note: the “hell” he goes to and comes back from is not in reference to the war itself, but to his addiction and trauma. He also wrote a famous poem, The Crosses Grow on Anzio. Sabaton incorporated some of those lines into their song.

The intro reminds me a bit of “Ghost Riders in the Sky”. 🙂 Frontman Joakim Brodén thought it would be fun to mix heavy metal with spaghetti western soundtrack music (à la Clint Eastwood, Ennio Morricone). The other band members thought it was a stupid idea until they heard the finished composition. It became one of Sabaton’s most popular songs!

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Cliffs of Gallipoli, 2008, Album The Art of War
The Red Baron, 2019, Album The Great War
“Soldier of Heaven”, 2022, Album “The War To End All Wars”
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Sabaton’s electrifying live concerts, combining accomplished musical performances with energy and comedy (yes, they have a sense of humour! 😃), includes a full-sized tank drum-riser!

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Other ‘Mixed Music Bag’ posts this week
will be added here as they become available.

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Coming Soon:

Thanks for stopping by.
I’d love to know what you think of this band.

Rock On!

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  1. Yes, Paul is sagging badly. 🙂 Ringo looks a lot younger and seems more energetic. I watched a video of him for a monumental birthday and a party he had for himself – this was awhile ago – he was jumping all over the place, like Mick Jagger. Mick Jagger looks good for his age, yes a bit wrinkly like a Shar Pei, but he follows a healthy diet and works out. Yes, Sharon was a bit “out there” on the Judy thing, but I forgot to mention that she said I was Joni (for Joni Mitchell) and insisted on calling me Joni. I found a new friend shortly thereafter.

    1. Yes, I love Ringo! 😀 And Mick has an amazing amount of energy as well, despite the “Shar Pei” appearance. Good line! 😆 Nice chatting with you, Joni. 😉

  2. I am sure the price of one concert today is the equivalent to what my friends and I paid for our annual lawn seats at Pine Knob in the mid-70s. Yes, it is sad about Linda Ronstadt for sure – I loved her music and had all her albums back in the day, though not any of her albums celebrating her Mexican heritage. I think Linda Ronstadt has a cookbook celebrating her heritage if I’m not mistaken.

    1. Concert tickets for big names range anywhere from $150 ea. to well over $1000 ea., depending on how good the seats are, and that’s not including all the fees they pile on top! 😲 Most expensive concert for us this year was Nickelback, at $275 ea., fees included. Had great seats, though! 😀 Yes, I checked her website, and Linda does have a cookbook:

      1. Wow – I had no idea on ticket prices. It’s been a while since I went to a concert. Thanks for the link to Linda’s cookbook Debbie. I thought I read/saw she had authored a cookbook. I was reading a lot about her recently because Trump was having a rally in an auditorium named for her and she put out a statement on Twitter that said she was in no way associated with him and he was just renting that auditorium. She was pretty adamant about how she felt about him in that statement. So I have to say that anyone who commented on her Tweet (or whatever you call it now – “post” I guess, did not disparage her but instead dredged up some old videos of her singing and an interview with Dan Rather and a woman reporter who interviewed her as well – she is the one that Linda R discussed the cookbook with, but she conceded she was not a great cook, but they were all simple meals that she grew up eating … you and Linda R have something in common with your cookbooks.

        1. Most people find Trump distasteful, so I’m not surprised Linda said that. 😆 That’s not my cookbook. It was written by my dear friend (and maid of honour at my wedding), who lives in Italy now. She’s an amazing cook, while I barely get by.

  3. Well I had to share this with you Debbie. I was on YouTube to get the evening weather report and this popped up. I said I’d not seen KK when he was that gray, but look at Art Garfunkel here … I would not have recognized him and I forgot to mention the other day, I did like Simon & Garfunkel. I am getting old too at 68, but wow. I have not seen Judy Collins since she had long, long hair maybe the 60s and would not have recognized her. I was not that familiar with the group CSN&Y:

    1. Thanks for sharing that video, Linda! It is a bit of a shock to see these music icons appear so old and frail. I’m pushing 70, but they must be all at least a decade older. I Googled them. Judy Collins is 85! Graham Nash and Art Garfunkel are both 82. It’s nice to see them still paying tribute to John Lennon four decades after his death. Crosby, Stills, Nash (and sometimes) Young put out some excellent music as well. We actually saw Crosby, Stills & Nash open for Tom Petty in 2010.

      1. Yes, even seeing Paul McCartney with gray hair and a sagging chin when he did the Jimmy Buffet tribute made me feel old, but Art Garfunkel sans his wild hair and walking with a cane made me really feel old a nd I think of them, like KK as the last time I saw them on an album cover or music video. Judy Collins that old – OMG. In junior high I had a classmate with long blonde hair and she played a folk guitar and thought she was Judy Collins. She would play in the student talent show and she sounded like her in “Both Sides Now” – looked the part and insisted on being called “Judy” not “Sharon”.

        1. Paul has definitely not aged well! 😩 Your classmate took being a fan to a whole other level! 😆 It’s one thing to look and sound like someone, but to insist on using their name as well? 🤔

    1. 😆 No worries, Linda! I’m a music fanatic and didn’t know much about this band, either. They were the opening act at the Judas Priest concert last month and I loved every minute of their performance, even better than the main attraction! What kind of music do you like? Maybe I can do a feature. I wrote one for my blogging buddy Pete, who likes soul music. 🙂

      1. Good – I was feeling my age. I can’t really think of any particular genre of music I listened to – I don’t listen to music all that much now, unless I turn on an oldies station. I wish I’d seen the Eagles as I always liked them … Glenn Frey was a local guy, but I didn’t find that out til after he died. His son has taken his place in the “new” Eagles and I understand from another blogger they are not as good as they once were, very high priced and don’t do as many songs/encores, etc. My favorite female artist is Linda Ronstadt, who, as you probably know, has Parkinson’s Disease and announced that diagnosis about a decade ago. I loved her music, knew all her songs by heart back in the day.

        1. Concert prices are insane now, after the Pandemic drought, and we can’t afford to go to as many as we would like. A blogging friend went to an Eagles concert not too long ago and said it was a great show, so you never know. Linda Ronstadt was a talented singer and it’s sad she has to deal with this horrible disease! 😢 I’ll work on that feature – could be a while, though.

          1. I am sure the price of one concert today is the equivalent to what my friends and I paid for our annual lawn seats at Pine Knob in the mid-70s. Yes, it is sad about Linda Ronstadt for sure – I loved her music and had all her albums back in the day, though not any of her albums celebrating her Mexican heritage. I think Linda Ronstadt has a cookbook celebrating her heritage if I’m not mistaken.

  4. Sadly, I have never been a fan of Heavy Metal, not even lightweight Metal. 😉 Or for that matter, Heavy Rock. However, if any music delights you, then that delight passes on to me, even if I don’t listen to it. Let’s celebrate diversity, and different tastes in music! 🎸
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Haha! I was pretty sure you wouldn’t be interested in this, Pete. 😆 I do like some of the same music as you, though. Just not as much as the heavy stuff. Love the drama! 💥 Diversity in tastes of all kinds, be they music, food, fashion, etc. keeps life interesting. Cheers to that! 🥂

    1. They’re good, aren’t they? 😀 I didn’t have any of their albums either, but I’ve been listening to them on Spotify since last month’s concert. Believe it or not, I liked their stage show even better than Judas Priest’s (the headliner)!

  5. Brilliant Debbie, I had not heard of them but they certainly give it their all… I should think the live performances are electric… no pun intended. thanks for sharing ♥

  6. Hey Debbi: My reply to your email was undeliverable so I’ll just answer you here. My son is still very much a metal head but fell in love with opera. His wife is a singer as well and they’re hoping their little daughter will be able to at least carry a tune! My husband and I have loved metal since 1968 and the early days of the Unholy Trinity … Deep Purple, Sabbath & Zeppelin. We were so lucky that we got to see a lot of the big name groups live. The Hu are incredible. What a trip! That really should be a great show! I hope you write about it. 😎

    1. Sorry you had trouble with email! Was it a problem at my end? If so, I’ll look into it. I bet your granddaughter will inherit music ability, since both of her parents have it. 🙂 I love those bands too! We saw Deep Purple three times and Black Sabbath (with Ozzy) twice. I remember you talked about going to Led Zeppelin concerts and The Beatles. I’m envious on BOTH counts, since I never had the chance. For sure, there will be a write-up of the Iron Maiden/Hu show I’m pretty excited about going! And, we’ll be attending the two night M72 Metallica experience next April. I love them too and finally saw them for the first time in 2017. We’re making up for lost time! 😀 In our younger years, we were busy with other things and didn’t get to that many concerts. And then there was the long Pandemic drought. I was having withdrawal pains!

      1. No idea what happened first time around; seems to be working fine now. All those concerts! The feel like a lifetime ago but I will never forget the fun we had and the great excitement level. Looking forward to your Maiden/Hu write-up. 😎 🤘🏼

  7. I’ve heard of Sabaton but have not listened to much of their music. What you are presenting here sound pretty good to me. Perhaps I should listen to them more and perhaps I should paid more attention to them considering they are Swedish. Very interesting stuff. I listen to some heavy metal but not a whole lot.

    1. I knew little about this band until we saw them perform live last month. Their show was fantastic and I love the music! It’s all about history, told in a wonderful dramatic fashion. They even performed one song in Swedish! Although I didn’t understand the words, I enjoyed the performance.

      1. I like the song/music but I am not sure about the seemingly heroic portrayal of Karl XII. I view Karl XII as a narcissitic war king who caused a lot of destruction both to Swedes and other countries. Before Napoleon did, Karl XII invaded Russia twice and lost both times. Maybe I should write about that on my blog?

        1. Interesting! I know nothing about Karl XII but am eager to learn more, and would certainly read what you have to say on the subject. He does sound a lot like Napolean.

  8. Wow, Debbie! This is totally awesome! I remember these guys; I used to call them the Swedish Iron Maiden! Our younger son is a big fan of Sabaton. After he moved out of the house, our son would visit us on Sundays to watch football and do his laundry; I can still remember hearing him singing along to some of these great metal songs. Well, he’s now the librarian for our local library while moonlighting as the lead tenor for Taconic Opera in NY. I like to think he got his start in my laundry room listening to Sabaton! Thanks for a great post and many memories! Rock on! 🤘🏼

    1. That description fits well! 🙂 I knew little about Sabaton until we saw them perform last month in Niagara Falls, opening for Judas Priest. They were even better than the headliners! 💥 How cool that your son evolved from metal head to opera singer. Classical and metal music are definitely related. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Nancy! 😀

      P.S. We’re going to see Iron Maiden in 3 weeks. Should be another great show! With special guest The Hu. 😎

  9. Well, this post was chock full of sound! After I read it, I had to stream more tunes to keep the afternoon lively.

  10. I guess I didn’t scroll down far enough, and I won’t make that mistake again. I enjoyed your post about a band that I never heard of before. Metal music has never been my thing, but I did enjoy To Hell And Back.

    1. Thank you so much for coming back and trying again! 🌹 I know, not everyone is into metal, but this band is truly unique. I’m glad you like “To Hell And Back”. 😎

    2. I run a music challenge every Sunday called Song Lyric Sunday and the theme this week is to find a song by a band you wish were still together, in case you decide to join in.

      1. Yes, I’ve seen that on John Holton’s and a few other blogs. Looks like fun, but I rarely like to blog on weekends, except for the odd photo essay. Maybe I could defer it to a weekday? Thanks for the invite, though. I’ll figure something out. 🙂

  11. Excellent music! I liked all of these. I’d heard one before, Soldier of Heaven, and put it in my favorites folder. I love the sound and the videos were so good. I do like how they used movie clips, and are singing about true things. Honestly, being a military family (retired) it sure brings out the emotions with these songs. They also remind me of Disturbed, and Volbeat. I like them too. 🙂

    1. Thanks. Barbara! 🙂 I didn’t know much about this band, other than their name, until we saw them opening for Judas Priest in September. We LOVED their show, even more than the main attraction! My father was career army (Royal Canadian Regiment) and a Korean War vet who suffered from PTSD, so I can relate to these songs as well. I remember you mentioned Germany before. Whereabouts were you stationed? Disturbed has some great tunes as well, but I’m not as familiar with Volbeat, although I have heard of them.

    1. Awesome, Patrick! 🙂 I’m actually MORE of a metal head now than I was in my younger years, but I always went for the hard rock and metal sound.