Kinks Artwork Credit

Joining Glyn Wilton‘s weekly ‘Mixed Music Bag’ for the first time today.
Thanks for the opportunity, Glyn!

This month, we are asked to highlight music from artists whose names start with ‘K’ or ‘L’. My choice is British rock band, The Kinks (1964 -1996). And, because summer is finally getting underway here, I’m featuring their 1966 hit ‘Sunny Afternoon‘.

MIXED MUSIC BAG: 🎼 A SUNNY AFTERNOON IN JUNE ☀️ #dogladysden #musicblogs #rockchickbliss Share on X ►
the kinks sunny afternoon album cover
Image Credit

‘Sunny Afternoon’ was written by The Kinks’ frontman Ray Davies. Released as a single on June 3, 1966, it went to number one on the UK Singles Chart, remaining there for two weeks. In America, it peaked at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart in early autumn. The track later featured on the Face to Face album and is also the title track for their eponymous 1967 compilation album

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Like its contemporary, “Taxman” by the Beatles, the song references the high levels of progressive tax taken by the British Labour government, although it does so through the lens of an unsympathetic aristocrat bemoaning the loss of his vast unearned wealth.  

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Its strong music hall flavour and lyrical focus was part of a stylistic departure for the band (begun with 1965’s “A Well Respected Man”), which had risen to fame in 1964–65 with a series of hard-driving, power-chord rock hits.

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More Kinks Hits:

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Other ‘Mixed Music Bag’ posts this week:

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Thanks for stopping by.
Rock On!

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  1. You write the interesting way about bands and their songs with the great videos included. 5 great videos, very good songs, very often I think bands were possibly better in 60s to 80s than nowadays.. listening to your soundcloud posts too, you perform very well as well your guests. No rush Debbie now is summer I am also quite busy and when the fall comes I will live in the studio again:) Well have a happy upcoming day and enjoy the summer. Jean

    1. “I think bands were possibly better in 60s to 80s than nowadays” I totally agree! Some of what passes for music now is terrible, but there are still talented artists around. You just have to search a little more. 🙂 Thanks again for your complimentary comments!

    1. Stephen, my friend! Patience, please. 🙂 I have lots going on outside the Blogosphere and am doing my best to keep up with comments when I can. I just replied to your previous one. Here’s another Kinks video for you:

  2. DEBBIE ~

    In my teens, I was into quite a few English Rock bands (e.g., The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc., etc.) But as I aged, I liked them less and less. However, I still like stuffs by The Kinks (and some Pink Floyd, too). My favorite Kinks album was always ‘Sleepwalker’, but ‘Low Budget’ was another one that I liked quite a bit.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Getting impatient in your old age, Stephen? 😆 Was there no checkbox that says “save my information for next time”? Or maybe it’s not working? Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do about that. (And I edited your name. A little decorum, please! 😉)

      I still like all the bands you liked as a teenager (well, Pink Floyd only selectively) and of course, The KInks, too. Here’s a number to put you in a better mood:

  3. I love The Kinks and Sunny Afternoon is one of my favorite songs by them, Debbie. Perfect timing because it’s a sunny afternoon in my neck of the woods with 89F.

  4. That Kinks’ record was so popular here. I was 14 at the time, and bought a copy on release. It continues to endure, regularly played on the radio during the summer season. As a bonus, it is sung in Englsh accents, which is very pleasing to a Londoner like me.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I lived in Germany at the time and listened to British Forces Radio, read Rave magazine, etc., so I was immersed in the British pop culture of the day. Love the accents! 🙂

  5. Very interesting… I guess I never realized the squeeze was from the tax man….

  6. This looks like a fun music meme. Is this a monthly event? Great artist/song pick for your first post! Here’s to a beautiful sunny afternoon!

    1. Hi Cathy! 🙂 I just stumbled upon this today. Apparently, there’s a monthly alphabetic theme (June is K and L, so I assume July will be M and N), but the host posts every week on Tuesdays. Not sure whether or not I’ll keep it up on a weekly basis, but I think it’s a casual thing (in other words, join in when you feel like it. 🙂 ) Yes, those sunny afternoons are life affirming! 💖

      1. Thanks for the info, Debbie! I’ll keep it in mind. While I’m on break this summer I will try to resist jumping in on the action. That would defeat my plan to maintain a low profile in Blogosphere. It sounds like an A2Z music hop, except they run a letter all month. I considered doing something like this with 4M, except weekly change the alphabet and it still might be worth pursuing down the line. We’re getting plenty of sun this week and with it very warm temperatures (in the 90s). I’m trying to not complain with the quick change in seasons anymore but I’m sure I’ll have moments where I’ll be sobbing over the heat. 🙂

  7. That was definitely not what my ears imagine when I think of The Kinks. I’d never heard the track before so it was fun to listen to something different from them. Thank you so much for the new tune. I always appreciate being exposed to music I haven’t listened to before. 🥳