Joining Glyn Wilton‘s weekly ‘Mixed Music Bag’ once again.
Thanks for the opportunity, Glyn!

This month, we are asked to highlight music from artists whose names start with ‘K’ or ‘L’. My selection today is Canadian rock band, KLAATU (1973-1982). Rumour had it, they were really the Beatles, recording under a different name! The song that sparked the rumour? ‘Sub-Rosa Subway’!

Also joining the #4M gang for ‘Monday Music Moves Me’, where the topic this week is our choice.

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MIXED MUSIC BAG: 🎼 A MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR 🪄🪄#dogladysden #musicblogs #MMB #4M #rockchickbliss Share on X ►



Klaatu was a Canadian rock group formed in 1973 by the duo of John Woloschuk and Dee Long. They named themselves after an ambassador from an extraterrestrial confederation who visits Earth with his companion robot in the film ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still‘.

After recording two non-charting singles, the band added drummer Terry Draper to the line-up; this trio made up Klaatu throughout the rest of the band’s recording career.

In Canada, the band is remembered for several hits, including “California Jam” (1974), ‘Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft‘ (1976) and ‘Knee Deep in Love’ (1980). In the U.S., ‘Calling Occupants’ backed with ‘Sub-Rosa Subway’ was a minor double-sided hit and their only chart entry, peaking at No. 62 in 1977.

Internationally, the group’s pop-influenced style of progressive rock has led to them being known as the ‘Canadian Beatles’ forevermore.

Sub-Rosa Subway is the 4th track from Klaatu’s debut album, ‘3:47 EST‘ (re-titled ‘Klaatu’ for the U.S. market). It describes the efforts of Alfred Ely Beach to create the Beach Pneumatic Transit, precursor to the New York City Subway His work is described as secretive (hence sub rosa).

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Released in 1976 as the B side of a single featuring ‘Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft‘, the song peaked at no. 62 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1977.

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Two minutes and fifty seconds into the song, a long message in Morse code plays in the background. John Woloschuk, in an article in the fan magazine The Morning Sun, finally provided a translation of the code:

“From Alfred, heed thy sharpened ear — A message we do bring — Starship appears upon our sphere — Through London’s sky come spring.” 

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The harpsichord sound on the song was created by recording a tack piano with the tape recorder running at half-normal speed.

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More Beatlesque Klaatu Tunes:

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Klaatu recorded five studio albums from 1976 to 1981, and released six compilation albums from 1981 to 2009. They issued 18 singles between 1973 and 1988. Six of them charted in Canada and two in the U.S.

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Other ‘Mixed Music Bag’ posts this week
will be added here as they become available.

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Thanks for stopping by.
Rock On!

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  1. Thanks for the introduction! I’d never heard of Klaatu before, but they certainly have an interesting backstory and musical style. I love the Sub-Rosa Subway album cover!

  2. Interesting! Not familiar with Klaatu (other than the movie reference), although I can hear some similarities to the Beatles when I listen to their music.

  3. Not only do I remember the controversy- I thought at the time it was a complete PR gimmick. I never thought they sounded much like the Beatles. I think I have Sub-Rosa burned onto a disk around here somewhere…

  4. I liked it a genuinely bizarre sort of way, and I can definitely see why people associated it with the Beatles — but not why they would’ve thought it WAS the Beatles. People are so weird. I also enjoyed the article. Thanks for sharing, Debbie! 🌺

    1. Wishful thinking, I’d say! 😀 I actually considered it for a (brief) moment, but logic intervened. 😆 Glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks for coming by.

  5. I always thought Klaatu were a 70s Prog Rock band. 🙂 The video was an interesting read.

  6. That was a great blast from the past, Debbie, and a terrific idea for a K/L post!
    I remember reading something about the ‘Paul is dead’ controversy which said “every (conspiracy) theory is believable if it’s presented well.” That’s true. If we really want to believe something, there’s little that can change our mind.
    Fascinating read.

  7. I hear the similarities but I can Klaatu is not the Beatles. Too bad their secretiveness didn’t pay off for them in the end. They do have a nice sound and I rather like the mystery built around the band. 🙂 I guess Beatle fans and the media were just too disappointed when the truth was finally revealed. What a shame!

    1. It was a fascinating rumour at the time! You’re probably right. I remember being disappointed as well, when the truth came out. 🙂

    1. Klaatu isn’t that well-known, so not bigger than ‘Paul is dead’, but yes, definitely interesting. I think there are many similarities to the Beatles, too. 🙂

  8. DEBBIE ~

    That was an interesting video. I knew of Klaatu, but wasn’t aware of all the “Beatles” speculation behind them. And just a couple weeks ago I rewatched the movie ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’. (Essentially a 92-minute Rod Serling ‘Twilight Zone’ episode.)

    Wasn’t there even a conspiracy theory that Dee Long had actually died in a car crash and was replaced by a fake Dee Long, who’s real name was Dee Lite? (Oh, wait!… I think I just confused Dee Long with Paul McCartney.)

    Oddly, The Carpenters actually recorded a cover of ‘Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft’. It had to be the most un-Carpenters-like recording they ever did. I don’t know what they were thinking. As much as I love Karen, I really have to work at it in forgiving her for that bizarre misstep. WTH?!!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. I’m surprised you hadn’t heard the Beatles’ rumours about Klaatu since you knew the band. Haha! Yeah, the ‘Paul is Dead’ theory lasted much longer than Klaatu’s. 🙂

      I read about The Carpenters’ cover and thought it was a strange choice for them. 🤔 Your video only reinforces my opinion! 😆

  9. I really don’t feel the resemblance to the Beatles. Maybe some of the vocals in Sub Rosa Subway Maybe some of the vibe in Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft (a song that I instantly fell in love with). Dear Christine, to me not Beatles at all. But I love the name of the group. I remember the impression The Day the Earth Stood Still made on me when I saw it for the first time on TV in, I think, 1962.

    1. I thought there were several similarities, but that may also have been wishful thinking at the time. 😆 I agree, they chose a cool name for the band. Thanks for coming by, Alana!

    1. Yes, I read that and thought it was an odd choice for them. Stephen shared that video with his comment. Thanks for coming by, John! 🙂

  10. They are one of my all time favourites. I love Klaatu. I have, at least, 2 of their albums. Makes me want to take them out and listen to them.

    1. I guess they weren’t that big in England, unlike The Beatles. 🙂 I’ve actually heard several people say they aren’t Beatles fans. I like a lot of their music, but not everything.

  11. I wonder and admire your knowledge of music and bands, you know about these really much, very interesting videos. I must also say that you have made very impressive site, are you a pro in that field? Great post:)

    1. Such wonderful compliments! Thank you, Jean. 🙂 I love music and do a lot of research. Plus, I’ve been around a long time and lived through all these different musical eras. As for the website, everything I’ve learned how to do is by trial and error over many years, and Google. (It seems to know everything about all subjects!) Self-taught, not a pro by any means. I’m delighted you think that, though. Thanks again!

      1. I have forgotten the name of one band which sounded really much like beatles, it wasn’t this band but at that time the same things was written about that band. It was from UK they never got famous but their music sounded awesome and also their live performances were one of the bests I have ever heard. Unfortunately I was so young back then that I do not remember even the band’s name.