March 1st Musings & Minutiae

Do you believe it’s already March 1st?
Getting closer to Spring!

Closer to spring! bitmoji

On this day in history:

March 1, 1692:

Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, & Tituba (a West-Indian slave) were arrested for witchcraft in Salem, Mass.

The incident began in February 1692 when a group of young girls claimed to have been possessed by the devil and accused other women of being witches.

Hysteria spread through colonial Massachusetts and a special court was convened to hear trials of those accused.

By September public opinion turned against the trials and they eventually closed early in 1693. The cases became notorious and were interpreted by later generations as a warning sign against the dangers of religious fanaticism, isolation and lapses in due process.

In 1711 the convictions of twenty-two people were reversed by the courts and their families were given monetary compensation.

Salem Witch Trials

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March 1, 1912:

Emmeline Pankhurst was among 148 suffragettes who were arrested in London
after they began breaking windows in order to attract attention.

At 6:00 p.m., the women, marching in favour of their right to vote, brought out rocks they had been carrying and attacked storefronts in Westminster.

“Never since plate glass was invented has there been such a smashing and shattering of it as was witnessed this evening when the suffragettes went on a window-breaking raid in the West End of London,” the New York Times wrote the next day.

Attacks took place on several famous streets and even at 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister’s residence. Mrs. Pankhurst was sentenced to two months in jail, along with Mabel Tuke and Christabel Marshall.

Emmeline Pankhurst in prison

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March 1, 1932:

Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr., the 20-month-old son of aviators Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh
was abducted from his home in East Amwell, New Jersey, 

On May 12, the child’s corpse was discovered by a truck driver by the side of a nearby road. In September 1934, a German immigrant carpenter named Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested for the crime.

After a trial that lasted from January 2 to February 13, 1935, he was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to death. Despite his conviction, he continued to profess his innocence, but all appeals failed and he was executed in the electric chair at the New Jersey State Prison on April 3, 1936.

Lindbergh baby kidnapping poster

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March 1, every year:

A meteorological shift in seasons:
The Northern Hemisphere heads into spring (YAY!) as the Southern Hemisphere prepares for autumn.

hemispheres and seasons

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Pisces Zodiac Sign

Births On This Day:

1994 Justin Bieber
Canadian singer-songwriter, dancer


1944 Roger Daltrey
English singer-songwriter, producer, actor


1922 Yitzhak Rabin
Israeli politician, 5th Prime Minister of Israel, Nobel Prize laureate


1904 Glenn Miller..
American Bandleader and jazz composer..


1900 Grandfather.

Opa, my german grandfather.

in Bochum, Germany. He was my grandmother’s second husband, so technically, a “step”, but the only one I knew.

My mother’s birth father was out of the picture by the time she was five years old.


home of maternal grandparents

Opa (the German term for “grandpa”) was a dentist. He and Oma (“grandma”) got married in the early 1930s and had two daughters.

They lived in the same building as his dental practice from that time until he died in 1975.


1810 Frédéric Chopin
Polish pianist, composer

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Do you recall any interesting happenings on the first day of March?

Looking forward to reading about them!

Debbie signature style 5


it's all greek to me!




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  1. Fascinating history. The witch trials were a very dark time in Salam’s history and the death of the baby makes me sad. On a lighter note, in 1864, Rebecca Lee Crumpler becomes the first African-American female to earn a medical degree (during the Civil War!); In 1872, Yellowstone becomes the world’s first national park!; In 1893, Nikola Tesla gives the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis, Missouri; and in 1936, The Hoover Dam is completed!

  2. What a collection of facts. Just goes to show that the world was always crazy!
    I’ve read some of Anne Morrow Lindberg’s books and was always sad by that terrible tragedy that befell them.

  3. Debbie,

    Fascinating stuff! The Lindbergh baby kidnapping is such a sad, tragic story. While I reading not only this account but that of the witch trials I was thinking how quick they were to not only get the trial out of the way but to execute the so-called guilty. This process has gone from being ridiculously fast to ridiculously slow. Going to trial now takes forever and many times those on death row die from something else instead of actually being executed. What a strange world we live in! I don’t have any interesting tidbits regarding March 1st but I sure did enjoy reading what you came up with! Stay safe and be well, my dear!

  4. I loved your posting about things that happened on March 1st in history, Debbie. It was fascinating and so entertaining, too. Lots of interesting things happened, didn’t they? I’m so happy spring is coming. Winter is way too long, isn’t it, especially with a pandemic thrown in the mix.

  5. I know the vernal equinox isn’t for another three weeks, but I always figure March 1 is close enough to call it the first day of spring, especially since all my Australian friends call today the first day of fall. So, happy spring!

  6. Yeah, it’s hard to believe that Spring is soon to be here. It seems like life has been basically standing still for the past year. I’m hoping that I can make a trip this summer and not have some weirdness interfering with our plans. This year needs to get better than the past year.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  7. When suffragettes were arrested, they were treated horribly! And I don’t think it was because of the violence. It was because they were women who dared to want voting rights.


  8. Hi Debbie – fun post with lots of interesting subjects – the worst being the chap electrocuted for that murder – which I feel he probably didn’t do. Spring is a much more cheerful subject to think about – and we’re sitting under sunny skies today – bliss! Longer days ahead too … Enjoy your Spring a-coming – all the best – Hilary