MAMY BLUE | #AtoZCHALLENGE (M) #MusicalMemories

Musical Memories #AtoZChallenge 2017

Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!

“Musical Memories” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the A to Z Blog. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading!

MAMY BLUE | #AtoZChallenge
Day 13, April 15

MAMY BLUE | #AtoZCHALLENGE (M) Day 13 #MusicalMemories #dogladysden Share on X

The time: October 1971
The place: Toronto suburbs, Canada




EXT: Parking lot of the local hangout, an Italian espresso bar/billiard parlour.
It’s a sunny and mild Sunday afternoon in March 1971.

Several males and two females are engaged in conversation,
surrounded by the latest muscle cars of the era.

LAURA, a lanky short-haired blonde, is grieving the recent breakup of her relationship.

DANIELLA, of average height and build, with long auburn hair, is a free agent,
juggling several suitors and taking none of them seriously. She too has had
her heart broken recently and is determined not to get serious with anyone.

hanging out, Love and Bread, The Doglady's Den

A black Camaro pulls up and two males get out.

FEDERICO, the mustachioed driver is of medium height and slight build,
with light brown hair in a fashionable “shag” haircut.

ANTONIO, slightly shorter and more muscular, is clean shaven,
with a swarthy complexion, hazel eyes and dark, shoulder-length hair.

They join the group.

Meet my old friend from Italy. We used to play soccer together.

Hi. What’s your name?

ANTONIO replies and LAURA pulls a sour face.
That is also the name of her despised ex-boyfriend.

DANIELLA laughs (at LAURA).

ANTONIO grabs her arm, scowling.

(in a heavy Italian accent)
What’s so funny ’bout my name?

DANIELLA pulls her arm away, thinking “what an asshole!”

They glare at each other.

angry couple


This is a true story. Names have been been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty.

As mentioned in the ‘D’ post, when my husband and I first met in March (1971), it was a case of instant, mutual dislike. We became platonic friends after he offered me the use of his car to escape a barroom brawl one night in July. Imagine my surprise when he asked me out on a date that October!

I was unattached and still recovering from a trauma earlier in the year (see the upcoming  ‘R’ post on Apr. 21st), so there was no reason not to go. The rest, as they say, is history and here we still are, over four decades later!

Playing on the radio that fall was the Pop Tops’ (a Spanish band) English language rendition of ‘Mamy Blue’. It takes me back to those intoxicating days when love first bloomed:

It’s been said that the opposite of love is indifference, not hate. Do you agree?

Looking forward to your comments!


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The Doglady’s Den #AtoZChallenge 2017 Youtube playlist:

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38 thoughts on “MAMY BLUE | #AtoZCHALLENGE (M) #MusicalMemories

  1. I love this song. So soothing. I first heard it when I was in school. Very hum-mable. I’d like to see what Antonio looked like! Ha ha. Loving the music and the stories, Debbie! So wonderfully complementary!

    1. Thanks, Vidya. I’m glad you’re enjoying my theme. 🙂 ‘Antonio’ and me on my 18th birthday, 3 1/2 months after we first started dating:
      future hubby and me on my 18th birthday

  2. I do remember this song..We had the gramophone back them and my dad used to play these songs..Brought back memories..Yes i do agree opposite attract..I and my husband are totally opposite but madly in love

    Launching SIM Organics This April
    Menaka Bharathi *

  3. I agree with your statement. If you’re indifferent to someone you’re not going to have strong feelings about them either way. Nice laid-back song.

  4. Howdy, DEBBIE ~
    Greetings from Google Chrome!

    A little behind the 8 ball here (not the MAGIC 8-Ball)
    due to BOTB,
    but here I be.

    I don’t believe I’ve ever heard that song before, but I do believe that the majority of great relationships begin with the thought “What an asshole!” At least most of mine have, anyway.

    So, there you were in the middle of a barroom brawl, eh? Sheesh! Couldn’t you have at least taken it out into the street like civilized people and dogs do? (I wish there’d been a Muscle Car to whisk me away that night in Mexico.)

    OK, so let’s see how the comment situation goes this time.

    Google J. Chrome

    1. You’re not nearly as far behind as I am, Stephen! This challenge is getting away from me. 😛 Anyway, I’m glad the commenting is working okay now. That was the first time I thought ‘what an asshole’ when meeting someone new. Of course, it wouldn’t be the last. 🙂 Your comment made me laugh. Isn’t that usually the way? Intense feelings one way or the other… My date was in the middle of the brawl, not me, but I wanted to get the hell out of there. Imagine my surprise when this ‘asshole’ (who was an innocent bystander) handed me his keys and said: “Here, take my car and go home. I’ll pick it up tomorrow.” Who does that? And I had only been a licenced driver for about six months at that point. Over the years, he has surprised me like that many times. A real keeper! 😀

  5. How do you remember the songs for all these incidents in your life? If I were to put together bits like this from my life, I would not have a single song!
    I agree to your question though… opposite of love is indifference.
    Btw, I’m lagging behind. (Was unwell.) Will post my ‘L’ and catch up with your ‘L’ next Sunday. In the meantime, DO visit my ‘M’.
    Happy AtoZing!

    1. Music is one of my biggest passions and a huge part of my life, so I remember specific songs exactly. For actual dates though, I usually need a little memory boost from Google. 🙂 Sorry to hear you’ve been sick. I’m way behind too but have no such excuse. Just busy with life offline.

  6. I know I’ve heard that song before, but I don’t knowb where I heard it. I keep thinking of “Jackie Blue” by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. Joe Cocker did a cover of “Mamy Blue”; that must be the version I know.

  7. Since love and hate are often connected in some way, I guess indifference would be like an opposite to either.

    I remember hearing “Mamy Blue” before, but not this version and I didn’t know what it was called.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Indifference indicates not caring one way or the other, so that makes perfect sense. 🙂 Many people have covered ‘Mamy Blue’, aka ‘Mammy Blue’over the years. Julio Iglesias did one and Paul Mauriat (instrumental).

  8. I love your story of how you and your hubs disliked each other when you first met. The stuff of romance novels. But true love prevailed and the rest is history! I remember that fun song on the radio. I always thought the words were weird and didn’t really understand it but it was catchy. So nostalgic. Great post!

  9. I’ve had friends who said things like, “I can’t that person! The name is the same as my (ex, parent, sibling, etc).” I also knew a man and woman, both named Angel, who were dating one another. It freaked some people out.

    Great post. Keep it up.

    1. Names can certainly trigger memories, good or bad. 🙂 Interesting story about the two ‘Angels’. I know a couple who have the same last name but aren’t related. Thanks for dropping in, J.

  10. The Camaro story happened in Switzerland? We don’t have many cool American cars around here. Too bad for Antonio. Except of course he’s your husband today?

    1. See top of page: The time: October 1971 The place: Toronto suburbs, Canada 🙂
      Yes, Antonio (not his real name) is my husband now. We got married in 1973.

  11. Damn. That is a good question. I think indifference is certainly unloving, but I don’t know if it’s the opposite of love. Probably not, but I’ll ponder the question a little longer. Love that Huey Lewis track from Back to the Future.

    1. I’m surprised you didn’t know it, Mary, being the resident ‘music guru’ here. 🙂 Could be it had more impact in Canada than the U.S.

  12. I remember this song well. Such a sad song though very melodious. I feel the song more these days now that I have a son and dread the day he flies the nest.

    1. I can imagine it would be bittersweet for you when thinking about your son, Suzy. Thanks for your comment. Apologies for the late response.