It’s a long weekend in Canada!
To my fellow Canadians:

Happy canada Day

For those who aren’t familiar, you can read about it HERE.

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We are also celebrating my husband’s 63rd birthday (June 28, 2013).
He looks about 15 years younger, but not quite this young. 😉

Hubby in 1975


So, what are you up to this weekend?  

I’d love to read all about your plans and will respond after the holiday.

Stepping away from the computer for a few days to enjoy life in the physical world.

See you soon and as “Ahnold” once said:

Debbie's signature



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  1. I see that I get quiet a few referrals to my blog from your website. Thanks so much! I’m not sure if you linked to my website or made a reference to it. Just wondering if you could provide some insight. Thanks again! Appreciate it! Hope you’re having a good summer!

    1. Hello Diane; 🙂 I was surprised to see your comment here as this is a two year old post! Honestly, I don’t know why you are getting referrals from my website, but we have obviously made contact in the past, as I am following your blog. Apologies, but I have met so many people online, it’s sometimes difficult to keep track. I’m getting old and the memory sometimes plays tricks! I see you were also a participant in the A to Z Challenge. Perhaps there’s a connection? Sorry I couldn’t shed more light, but I’ll let you know if I figure it out. Thanks for contacting me, regardless. A new reminder to browse your site. Cheers!

  2. Hope your hubby had a great day!! With a delicious looking cake like in the photo above, who wouldn’t! 🙂

  3. I’m late to the party Debbie but tell your hubby I sure hope he had a great birthday! You are so blessed to have him and I’m sure you two had a wonderful time.

    Happy Canada Day Debbie and you enjoy your weekend as well.


  4. Happy birthday to hubby!! We have been enjoying some down time too, one of our sons and his girlfriend are here visiting for a week. Tomorrow they are going to LA to do some sightseeing, so it will be a catch up day for me!

    Happy Canada Day!

    1. Thanks, Linda; We had a lovely long weekend. 🙂 Nice to have visitors, although I’m sure it is also quite strenuous. Hope you get some rest!

  5. Happy B-Day to your hubby! Love your birthday song too! I’ve never heard that version. I guess you won’t be around for Monday’s Music Moves Me. Well, I’m sure you’ll still get visitors being as you were chosen for our Spotlight Dancer today! Guess you didn’t get my e-mail either. Oh well next time. You enjoy your HAPPY CANADA DAY TOO! SOUNDS LIKE ALL KINDS OF GREAT CELEBRATION! WOO HOO!! HAVE FUN MY FRIEND!

    1. Thanks so much for choosing my blog to link to your Music Monday meme. Sorry I missed it! I’ve been offline for a few days. We did have a lovely long weekend. Have a great week. 🙂

  6. Hi Debbie

    Ah yes, I forgot about the holiday, it is so close to US holiday I sometimes forget us Canadian transplant actually did have one!

    So I guess maybe I will wait for another weekend to call my brother. Hopefully he is off enjoying himself.

    The cake looks good. It is hot here and I broke down and got some Slow Churned Drumstick Ice Cream…hurry up afternoon, so I can enjoy it.

    Have a great weekend.


    1. Hi Mary; I didn’t know you were Canadian too. 🙂 We did have a lovely weekend. Thanks for dropping in. 🙂 That ice cream sounds delicious!

  7. Hi Debbie,

    Ah…glad you are taking it easy over the long weekend, and do wish your hubby a very Happy Birthday from our side too 🙂

    Aren’t such days and weekends most welcomed and cherished? I’ve realized a lot of things after my little vacation too.

    Here’s wishing Happy Canada Day and to all those who are celebrating it too, and have fun over the weekend as well. 🙂