“not being motivated to write but feeling guilty about not writing… Use the remaining time to write about what you’d rather do than sit at home and type. “
Well, let’s see… As I mentioned previously, hubby and I are both retired now. Unlike me, he has no interest in anything computer-related, but we enjoy spending time together.
We exercise our energetic rescue dog, Zoey (and ourselves in the process), 2-3 times a day (more about her coming soon), go to movies and concerts, watch TV, dine out occasionally and, this being summer, lounge in the backyard. It’s our Shangri-La!
And, let’s not forget those mundane household chores that need to get done every once in a while. 😕
Summer heat lends itself to languor, and I have spent most of my online time on less taxing pursuits like word games, kibitzing with friends on Facebook, scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. Speaking of social media, connect with me on these sites if you’re there too. Let’s be friends! 😀
Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
A lazy summer? Good for you, dear lady! Mine has been a bit like a package of pop-rockets dropped in a water-filled parfait glass. But it’s been amazing too. While my grandson grew four inches taller, I seem to have lost a couple! At this rate, I really will know what knee-high to a grasshopper feels like 😉 Our much-anticipated monsoon season is fantastic! Such a thrill to watch the clouds gather into massive happy-hour cloudbursts. Cheers to you in your backyard paradise!
Thanks for stopping by, diedre, especially since you’ve been so busy! ? It’s amazing how quickly time passes and your grandson is a testament to that. 🙂 Yeah, my pant hems seem to be longer now. Shrinking violets we are not, though! ? We need more rain here. Enjoy your monsoon. Cheers! ?
You’ve had a way more productive summer than I have; truthfully, your summer’s been more productive than my entire 2022 so far. I’ve never learned or lived the relaxation thing all that well, so I pretty much work or think about work for most of my day, even when I’m walking. I’m trying to learn how to sleep better and longer, and I’m also working on making my relaxation day, which is supposed to be Friday, be an actual relaxation day, even if I don’t go to the casino. Some habits are hard to break.
Sounds like you truly enjoy your work, Mitch, but you know what they say about all work and no play! 🙂 I was a corporate workaholic for 20 years and ran a 7-day-a-week business for 27 years after that. So, you could say I’m retired with a vengeance now. 😀 Thanks for coming by!
First, Burton and Randy lose the name The Guess Who due to attrition, then Cummings acquiesces top billing to Bachman. These are crazy days.
It is wonderful to hear from you, Debbie. I am glad you are still connecting with your crowd. Continue (both of you) to be active and healthy, and if and when the blogging bug resurfaces, we are all here.
Losing the name was a blow, and the current “Guess Who” band must be a disappointment to those buying tickets. (Not everyone knows the history.) The same thing happened to Steppenwolf! John Kay started touring in the 80s (as John Kay & Steppenwolf) to rebuild the band’s reputation. I’m guessing the billing for this tour was in alphabetical order. 😀 In any case, I’m so happy they reunited! Thanks for your support, Myke. 🙂
have missed your brighty-sprity posts. This one made up for it though.
I loved Elvis too and totally agree that its 100% oscar worthy.
Did you watch Top Gun- Maverick too, yet?
Definitely worth a watch but in the big screen.
Gosh you are gonna see the Scorpions perform!! I can’t wait to see the pictures and videos.
Thank you, Natasha! 🙂 Elvis was an excellent movie, but such a sad story! ? We haven’t seen Top Gun yet. Thanks for the recommendation!
Scorpions have one of the best live shows and we have seen them a few times before. Always stellar! ⭐ I did a photo spread of their concert in 2015. Here’s the link:
Hi Debbie – life is life … and it’s for living, as too remembering our happy times. Excellent your hubby is home with you now – and Zoey encourages you both to go for walks … it sounds like you’re having fun – with enough going on … I’m just tottering along and getting on with things that need to be done! Enjoy – cheers Hilary
Oh, I’m right there with you!! My muse has taken some time off and I’m having a hard time getting her back on track. My motivation is hit and miss and I understand about feeling guilty about not posting and visiting other bloggy friends’ sites. Looks like you’ve been having a great time being gone from the blogosphere! ?
Hi Lisa, “hit and miss” describes it perfectly! 🙂 It always amazes me how some people can knock out daily blog posts with ease and still carry on an active life offline. My time-management skills are sorely lacking! 😛 But, then again, I am retired, so… 😀
Good to see what you’ve been up to. The concert with Burton Cummings and Bachman must have been good. I remember seeing Burton on a talk show after he left Guess Who. Playing piano and singing – he is so talented! He talked about different singers who play the piano and he illustrated with a bit of music like each entertainer. Take care and enjoy the summer days of leisure.
Thanks, Carol! 🙂 Yes, the Bachman Cummings concert was excellent! We’ve also seen Burton’s one man show, just him and his keyboards, where he did those singer impersonations. Lots of fun! 😀
I’ve been taking a lot of blog breaks lately, plus neglecting other online projects. 😛 Guilt does creep in, when I promise something and don’t deliver! Oh well, one of these days. Thanks for coming by, Deb. 🙂
No need to feel guilty about not being in Blogosphere. Just do what you enjoy and go with the flow. Life is too short to do otherwise. Cold weather will return before you know it and that’ll be a good time for you to busy yourself in cyberville. I’m not a huge fan of comic heroes films. We’ve seen a few over the years and while we enjoyed them, it never really dug deep into our brains to want to keep watching those kinds of movies. The clip looked interesting, though. Have a good week, my friend!
Hi Cathy, yes, the cold weather will return, all too soon for my liking! 😛 You’re right, life is short and “go with the flow” has been my mantra for years. I did promise that podcast though, which is where the guilt comes from. Oh well, one of these days! Some superhero movies are better than others, but hubby really loves them. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your summer! ☀
Mostly been chilling, between twice daily walks (once on Saturdays) and writing (three completed manuscripts and a 4th partial) and blogging once a week. Right now, my blog titles start with “Dad” and get progressively sillier.
Wow – 3 completed manuscripts! That’s quite an accomplishment. Sounds like you’re on a roll, GB. 🙂 Your “Dad” posts are fun and I try to check them out when I can. Thanks for coming by!
Compared to you, we have done very little. A couple of restaurant outings, and a lot of sitting around feeling too hot. The weather has been record-breaking in England, and we are not used to such heat. As a result, we only go out when we have to, and regret that we have no aircon in the house. (It is not normally hot enbough to warrant the expense of installation)
Best wishes, Pete.
Yes, I’ve been reading about the European heat wave, and you have my sympathies! A/C is commonplace here and we are definitely spoiled. 🙂 Perhaps a portable unit would suffice? You can move it from room to room. Due to climate change, I believe conditions are only going to get worse! 🙁 Thanks for coming by, Pete.
Too loud? ? I guess we’re used to it. I have seen a few people at concerts wearing earplugs. Thanks for coming by! ? Have a good Sunday. Still hot there? It is here too!
Well done, D! 🙂
Wine and cheese, very European, I approve!
Can’t wait to hear about the Scorpions concert. I had no idea they – and other great bands – still performed.
Thanks, Tamara! ? Can’t get more European than a German and an Italian. ? Scorpions put on a great live show (we have seen them 3 times before), as do the other old rockers. ? Fountain of youth! ?
28 thoughts on “LAZY SUMMER”
A lazy summer? Good for you, dear lady! Mine has been a bit like a package of pop-rockets dropped in a water-filled parfait glass. But it’s been amazing too. While my grandson grew four inches taller, I seem to have lost a couple! At this rate, I really will know what knee-high to a grasshopper feels like 😉 Our much-anticipated monsoon season is fantastic! Such a thrill to watch the clouds gather into massive happy-hour cloudbursts. Cheers to you in your backyard paradise!
Thanks for stopping by, diedre, especially since you’ve been so busy! ? It’s amazing how quickly time passes and your grandson is a testament to that. 🙂 Yeah, my pant hems seem to be longer now. Shrinking violets we are not, though! ? We need more rain here. Enjoy your monsoon. Cheers! ?
You’ve had a way more productive summer than I have; truthfully, your summer’s been more productive than my entire 2022 so far. I’ve never learned or lived the relaxation thing all that well, so I pretty much work or think about work for most of my day, even when I’m walking. I’m trying to learn how to sleep better and longer, and I’m also working on making my relaxation day, which is supposed to be Friday, be an actual relaxation day, even if I don’t go to the casino. Some habits are hard to break.
Sounds like you truly enjoy your work, Mitch, but you know what they say about all work and no play! 🙂 I was a corporate workaholic for 20 years and ran a 7-day-a-week business for 27 years after that. So, you could say I’m retired with a vengeance now. 😀 Thanks for coming by!
First, Burton and Randy lose the name The Guess Who due to attrition, then Cummings acquiesces top billing to Bachman. These are crazy days.
It is wonderful to hear from you, Debbie. I am glad you are still connecting with your crowd. Continue (both of you) to be active and healthy, and if and when the blogging bug resurfaces, we are all here.
Losing the name was a blow, and the current “Guess Who” band must be a disappointment to those buying tickets. (Not everyone knows the history.) The same thing happened to Steppenwolf! John Kay started touring in the 80s (as John Kay & Steppenwolf) to rebuild the band’s reputation. I’m guessing the billing for this tour was in alphabetical order. 😀 In any case, I’m so happy they reunited! Thanks for your support, Myke. 🙂
have missed your brighty-sprity posts. This one made up for it though.
I loved Elvis too and totally agree that its 100% oscar worthy.
Did you watch Top Gun- Maverick too, yet?
Definitely worth a watch but in the big screen.
Gosh you are gonna see the Scorpions perform!! I can’t wait to see the pictures and videos.
Have a gorgeous weekend!
Thank you, Natasha! 🙂 Elvis was an excellent movie, but such a sad story! ? We haven’t seen Top Gun yet. Thanks for the recommendation!
Scorpions have one of the best live shows and we have seen them a few times before. Always stellar! ⭐ I did a photo spread of their concert in 2015. Here’s the link:
Oh, I definitely understand your need for a break Debbie! Enjoy your break!
I hope you can get a break, soon, Damyanti. As for me, I take a lot of them. 😉 Thanks for coming by!
Hi Debbie – life is life … and it’s for living, as too remembering our happy times. Excellent your hubby is home with you now – and Zoey encourages you both to go for walks … it sounds like you’re having fun – with enough going on … I’m just tottering along and getting on with things that need to be done! Enjoy – cheers Hilary
Yes, life is for living, especially in the summer! Thanks, Hilary. 🙂 I hope your heat wave is easing off by now. Cheers!
Oh, I’m right there with you!! My muse has taken some time off and I’m having a hard time getting her back on track. My motivation is hit and miss and I understand about feeling guilty about not posting and visiting other bloggy friends’ sites. Looks like you’ve been having a great time being gone from the blogosphere! ?
Hi Lisa, “hit and miss” describes it perfectly! 🙂 It always amazes me how some people can knock out daily blog posts with ease and still carry on an active life offline. My time-management skills are sorely lacking! 😛 But, then again, I am retired, so… 😀
Good to see what you’ve been up to. The concert with Burton Cummings and Bachman must have been good. I remember seeing Burton on a talk show after he left Guess Who. Playing piano and singing – he is so talented! He talked about different singers who play the piano and he illustrated with a bit of music like each entertainer. Take care and enjoy the summer days of leisure.
Thanks, Carol! 🙂 Yes, the Bachman Cummings concert was excellent! We’ve also seen Burton’s one man show, just him and his keyboards, where he did those singer impersonations. Lots of fun! 😀
I hear you Deb. I’m just about there. Sometimes we just need a blog break. Take how long you want. Be guilt free! 🙂
I’ve been taking a lot of blog breaks lately, plus neglecting other online projects. 😛 Guilt does creep in, when I promise something and don’t deliver! Oh well, one of these days. Thanks for coming by, Deb. 🙂
No need to feel guilty about not being in Blogosphere. Just do what you enjoy and go with the flow. Life is too short to do otherwise. Cold weather will return before you know it and that’ll be a good time for you to busy yourself in cyberville. I’m not a huge fan of comic heroes films. We’ve seen a few over the years and while we enjoyed them, it never really dug deep into our brains to want to keep watching those kinds of movies. The clip looked interesting, though. Have a good week, my friend!
Hi Cathy, yes, the cold weather will return, all too soon for my liking! 😛 You’re right, life is short and “go with the flow” has been my mantra for years. I did promise that podcast though, which is where the guilt comes from. Oh well, one of these days! Some superhero movies are better than others, but hubby really loves them. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your summer! ☀
Mostly been chilling, between twice daily walks (once on Saturdays) and writing (three completed manuscripts and a 4th partial) and blogging once a week. Right now, my blog titles start with “Dad” and get progressively sillier.
Wow – 3 completed manuscripts! That’s quite an accomplishment. Sounds like you’re on a roll, GB. 🙂 Your “Dad” posts are fun and I try to check them out when I can. Thanks for coming by!
Compared to you, we have done very little. A couple of restaurant outings, and a lot of sitting around feeling too hot. The weather has been record-breaking in England, and we are not used to such heat. As a result, we only go out when we have to, and regret that we have no aircon in the house. (It is not normally hot enbough to warrant the expense of installation)
Best wishes, Pete.
Yes, I’ve been reading about the European heat wave, and you have my sympathies! A/C is commonplace here and we are definitely spoiled. 🙂 Perhaps a portable unit would suffice? You can move it from room to room. Due to climate change, I believe conditions are only going to get worse! 🙁 Thanks for coming by, Pete.
The last concert I physically went to, I think I ended up with a mild concussion from the music, lol! But I know what you mean.
Too loud? ? I guess we’re used to it. I have seen a few people at concerts wearing earplugs. Thanks for coming by! ? Have a good Sunday. Still hot there? It is here too!
Well done, D! 🙂
Wine and cheese, very European, I approve!
Can’t wait to hear about the Scorpions concert. I had no idea they – and other great bands – still performed.
Thanks, Tamara! ? Can’t get more European than a German and an Italian. ? Scorpions put on a great live show (we have seen them 3 times before), as do the other old rockers. ? Fountain of youth! ?