21 CommentsLife, Writing/Blogging

January blues and blahsYou’d think after taking all that time off these past few weeks, I’d be excited about returning to the Blogosphere. Truth be told, the January doldrums have set in.

This part of the world gets cold and grey and dreary. Everything becomes a chore, including blogging. Is it writer’s block? No; the ideas are there in the draft folder, but there’s no enthusiasm to finish and publish them.

That’s a sure sign to step back and regroup. Add to that some niggling minor health issues, including eyestrain, and I just want to get away from it all.

Regular features will continue, but I’ll be posting less frequently for a while, especially on social media. (Automated shares will also continue.)

swampy backyard
Backyard, Jan. 17/17. Pouring all day!

Hoping for some sun and a better mood, soon!




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  1. Can’t blame you. I spend a lot of posts on walk pics, and not much to take pictures of right now- ESpecially when the local electric utility has the main trail all tore up to put in “New towers that won’t have as much of a footprint”.

  2. I know exactly how you feel, Debbie. Although it’s seventy-five degrees and sunny here, I have the blues and blahs and definitely the eyestrain.


  3. You’ve shared the perfect song for the doldrums 😉 Sending you a cyber-hug for that expression that says you need one in the new picture of you. I’ll be watching for your return. Take care!

  4. I so understand Debbie. January can be a tough month, especially after the high from the holidays. The weather doesn’t help. And sometimes folks just need a break. I’m at that point myself. I’m having the blues for a different reason, the main one being inauguration day tomorrow. I’m beyond depressed about that!
    January is a good month to take refuge in a nice warm space, curl up with a blanket and a loving dog or two (or three…) and just chill. Truth be told, that’s exactly what I’m doing today. And nothing more!
    Take good care of yourself and relish in this time of being still…

  5. I think this temperature and grays and browns is worse than having a nice crisp winter day and snow. These temps are horrible on my joints plus I miss the snow. I know, I am weird but I do miss it. I don’t miss it when it is April though:) Maybe it is time you venture to Niagara falls and go to the butterfly conservatory or the Wild Bird kingdom for some warmth and beauty??

    1. As much as I don’t like cold and snow, I agree that this is much drearier and harder on the joints. The dampness really gets in there! 🙁 Great idea about going to The Falls, but I can’t get away just now, between the dog business and various appointments. C’est la vie! A sunny day would definitely help. 🙂 Thanks, Birgit.

  6. Hang in there, Debbie. We all go through it from time to time. The universe is telling you to take a break so heed it’s warning. Hope you get back to your chipper self soon!


    1. Thanks, Bren. 🙂 Yes, when even blogging becomes a chore I agree it’s a signal to take a break, although I took one last month. Obviously, it wasn’t long enough! I’ll still be around, just not as much. My eyes have been bothered by the glare of the computer screen lately and they need a rest.

  7. Thanks 4 letting us know what’s goin on with u … but take ur time, friend … and get well … then some fine day, u will post and publish again … I know … been there done that … smiles … Love, cat.

  8. There are so many people that are saying the same thing. Seems we’re all craving the sun! 🙂 I’m taking a ‘tune out’ from all the depressing politics and the events tomorrow. Time to do some good things for myself and my community. This too shall pass, Debbie.

    1. Sunshine sure would be a mood lifter, now! I’m determined to get out more as well and away from the computer screen, which has been hurting my eyes lately. Politics certainly has been dominating the news on both sides of the border and it’s likely to get even worse, after tomorrow. 🙁 Tuning out sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Mary Lou.

  9. Oh, Debbie. I feel exactly the same. The January doldrums have set in something awful for me, too. Everything seems like such an effort and staying positive and upbeat is so challenging. Doesn’t help reading Trump posts either. Must stop doing that. It doesn’t help a bit. Thanks for the video of Here Comes the Sun. I’m playing it now for Brian and I to try and get us perked up at 551am in the morning. That and some coffee of course. Hang in there, Girl! Sorry about your health issues. I’ve had a head cold and congestion for two weeks. Not like the horrible flu I had before Christmas but just enough to drag me down and get me feeling like a limp dishrag. I keep seeking beauty at this time of year through my writing and photographing birds and reading inspiring posts.

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Cathy. Yes, this January malaise is a common affliction here in Canada. 😛 Sorry you’ve been sick and I hope your cold clears up quickly. The glare of the computer screen has been hurting my eyes lately and I need to cut back for awhile, plus just get out of the house more. Sounds like you’re doing a lot to cheer yourself up. Hope it helps! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Myke. I’ll still be around, just not as much. The computer screen has been bothering my eyes lately. Glad to know you’re not affected by the weather.

  10. Hope you experience a lifting of your spirits soon. I almost wish I could say the same about not having much will to write, but my compulsion to write on my blog is driving me for now. What I need to do is break from the blog and write other stuff.

    I know our “cold and dreary” in L.A. is not much compared to where you are, but I’ve been freezing some days and we’ve been getting an unusual amount of rain, which is a good thing for our drought, but kind of dampening (sorry) to my spirit.

    We’ll make it I guess. Hope your health issues improve and you become filled with a zest to get things done. Same for me.

    Arlee Bird

    1. I’ve heard about the unusually cold and wet weather in Calfornia, Arlee. That would be uncomfortable, as you’re not so used to it. Rain definitely dampens the spirit as well as the ground. I know what you mean about writing something other than on your blog, having been in a similar position for some time. As with most things, this too shall pass. Thanks for dropping in.