One of the greatest things about blogging is meeting interesting people all over the world. I first encountered Angelika Schwarz in Jan. 2015, when she commented on the post “Home Again After 41 Years”, about returning to my birthplace in Germany. She said:
Hi Debbie, I had fun browsing around your blog. We have a few things in common. I was born in Germany, my parents moved to the US when I was a baby, and now I’m back in Germany. You can read about that in my blog, under About Me. ? I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. Waving to you from across the pond. Angelika
Thus, an online friendship was born. At that time, Angelika was readying her first novel for publication and it was released last fall. Since then, she has published two more books in quick succession. More about those in a minute, but first, let’s hear from the author, herself:
Hello, dear Reader. Thanks for dropping by. During the summer and autumn months, I can be found camping with my husband somewhere on the European continent in our caravan – Moby Dick. That’s when I hike or bike, take photographs and gather ideas and inspirations for my upcoming novels. When the sun begins to set, I build a little writing nest in our home on wheels, sip ice tea (or maybe something stronger), put my tired feet up, and let my fingers do the walking, (or flying) over my trusty laptop’s keyboard. I write the kind of books I love to read. The kind that grabs you right from the start and keeps you captivated and entertained to the very end.
My first book, “Wings on her Heels”, came to life 15 years ago, with many pauses in between. That was a time when I deeply missed America, friends and family. Leaving a home country is similar to uprooting a grown tree. I thought writing about my homeland might ease my heartache; thus, the first chapter stems from my own life. It includes my experiences as a stewardess, working as a personnel counselor and accepting a temporary job in Germany. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end. (Thank goodness… you’ll see why!) After the first chapter, my fantasy took over, which isn’t — in my case — unusual. I’ve always been known as the story telling lady. Up to now I’ve been active behind the scenes, whether it was writing school plays, comedy skits or entertaining children with fantasy tales.

Angelika was kind enough to send me a paperback copy of “WINGS ON HER HEELS” and I was hooked from the first paragraph. If you’re interested in romantic suspense thrillers, you will love this book!
Read more reviews HERE
Book Trailer:
Not one to rest on her laurels, Angelika soon published two volumes of short stories and poems,
“Brighten a Senior’s Day”, I and II.
“Delightful books to read or be read to for our senior family and friends. These light-hearted, uplifting – easy to read- collections of rhythmic poems and entertaining short stories will surely bring a smile to your dear ones. The suggested topics for discussion following each short story, encourage the readers to share their own stories as well.”
What a wonderful and entertaining idea! Could be a real mood lifter.
Angelika’s books are all available from Amazon worldwide, in paperback and ebook versions.
Disclosure notice: If you purchase the books from using these links I may get a minuscule commission. (Nothing so far, in three years, so don’t think you’re making me rich. 🙂 ) There’s no extra cost to you and any amount will contribute to the expenses of running this website, which is self-hosted. Thanks for your support!
I asked Angelika what future literary delights she was planning to publish. Her response:
What future literary delights are you planning to publish? Heh heh… love your choice of words. I started a novel about a refugee child. It will be a book full of emotions, …. and suspense. I’m on the 11th chapter. I guarantee – there will be surprises.
Angelika Schwarz lives in Bavaria, Germany with her husband, children and grandchildren, but she grew up in Arlington, Massachusetts. A former flight attendant and real estate broker, writing was always in the back of her mind. She’s also a perennial traveller, photographer and hobby artist but her first love is painting images with words. You can connect with Angelika here:
Angelika would be happy to chat with you and answer any questions.
Looking forward to your comments!
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It was nice of you to feature your friend in this way.
She’s a talented writer and I enjoyed her mystery novel. 🙂 Books make great gifts (hint, hint 😉 ) Thanks for dropping in and have a good weekend.
Debbie did such a terrific job on marketing, I can’t thank her enough. Thanks for stopping by Myke! 🙂
Angelika is also a talented painter and photographer. Enjoyed the book – read while on vacation.
She certainly is! 🙂 I’m glad you liked the book. Thanks for dropping in, Gordon.
Hey Gordon! So nice of you to stop by and comment. I have to share that Gordon is my ‘baby’ brother…( now over 60) and he hardly ever reads books… so the fact that he actually read mine is officially the 8th wonder of this world. Love you Gordon!
Nice to see the family coming out in support. 🙂
Hi Angelika,
So nice getting to know you via Debbie’s post! I LOVED your book trailer…especially the tension and suspense build-up in the music. The music was fabulous and the images captivating! I definitely want to read your book now. It’s on my ToBeRead list for sure.
How fun that you travel in an RV and have your very own writing spot set up. It’s important to have a special spot for writing where you can get in the zone and tune everything else out.
Sounds like you have a fabulous life! Congrats on your published works. That’s a dream of mine…but it seems so far away…
Thanks Debbie, for featuring Angelika! Was a fascinating read.
Michele at Angels Bark
Hi Michele,
I just visited your blog, and enjoyed reading about your dad and the beautiful relationship you have. Hope your mother is recovering well from her heart operation.
I also read your – About You – and laughed at the visual of your Grey Hounds lying lazily around. Never thought Grey Hounds could be lazy.
Every time we travel in our RV, I’m surprised how pleasant life can be, even in small quarters. This coming winter we plan to take off for Spain to escape the cold. Yeah! – new blog material!
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, and have fun reading my book!
Thanks for dropping in, Michele. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Angelika will be happy to know her trailer was a success, too.
It’s all about timing. I love hearing writer’s journeys like this. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Stephanie. I just visited your blog. You have quite an impressive author record! I love your book covers. I would like to write a children’s book too. My grandchildren are my best critics.:-) Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for dropping in, Stephanie. 🙂
Angelika, I can relate to what you said about having to wait before you could concentrate on writing. Now is the time. I think writers can really appreciate that. Wings may have been a long time coming, but it was well worth the wait. It’s an interesting story full of twists and surprises.
I can also relate to your RV escapades as I had one once many years ago. Makes me want to write some Long, Long Trailer stories. 🙂 Happy writing my friend.
Hi Lina! You are one of the great examples of connecting through internet. We even met up in person! What a great day that was, and with our grandchildren too! Thanks so much for commenting, and I would just love to read a Long Long Trailer story! Happy writing to you too my friend.
Thanks for dropping in, Lina. Nice to meet you. 🙂
It is so nice to meet another American author who is living in Germany. Sometimes, I feel like the lone ranger over here. I haven’t read your book yet, but it is now on my TBR list at Goodreads. Wishing you all the best in your travels and I just know you are enjoying Bayern.
Thanks also Debbie for introducing Angelika.
Shalom aleichem,
Hi Pat! You Lone Ranger… me Tonto… lol…. I know what you mean. It’s not as easy to connect over here like it is in good old USA. The only way German folks seems to connect is by joining clubs. I’m even thinking of starting my own English speaking book club. Too bad you are on the other side of Germany, I would love to do that with you. I checked your blog: WIPpet I love your writing style! Oh and Pat if you should decide to purchase one of my books, please purchase it through Debbie’s site. It costs the same. Thanks so much, and happy reading!
Thanks for dropping in, Pat. 🙂
Here’s a lovely comment from someone on Facebook: 🙂
I just have to plug Georgia’s book. It’s the perfect book to put on your night stand, and ready for you to read till you laugh yourself to sleep.
Debbie, maybe you can add Georgia’s book to the amazon books you sell. Oh, and by the way,… she’s crazy about dogs.
Thank you Georgia for your sweet words. I woof you!
I can tell it’s funny, just by the title. 🙂 Georgia sounds like my kind of woman! If anyone is interested in Georgia’s book, please click on the image.
Wow this is so great… how we are all connecting! Georgia is the funniest person I know.
Oh I almost forgot.. Georgia sent me a message, and in the last part she wrote:
Please tell Ms Debbie I will be reading more about her in the near future. Sending a big old Southern Smug (that’s a Southern hug with humidity, it’s hotter than Hades down here)
Nice! 🙂 I was looking for a Kindle version of Georgia’s book, but didn’t see one; only paperback. Could you ask her if she plans to offer it as an ebook? Thanks.
We do meet so many different people through our blogs and sometimes even form deep bonds…
Angelika’s writing nest on her home on wheels makes me wistful …I too want a snug little place to just write, write and write,,,But with a baby and the job, I wonder when this will become a reality! sigh! All the best for your novels though 🙂
Thanks for coming by, Nabanita. Angelika certainly does have a lovely set-up. 🙂
….And I’m so glad Hubby wears earphones when he watches his football games. 🙂
Good thing! 🙂 Close quarters can be difficult to manage.
It’s either earphones or a baseball bat. lol … just kiddin’ I love my partner in crime.
Hello Nabanita, Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I just visited your blog, and know exactly what you mean when you say ‘writing is a passion, a compulsion’. I’m pretty much the same way, and don’t believe I have ever experienced a writer’s block.
I had to wait till my children were grown and close my business till I could concentrate on writing. But those years that you don’t write, you still do in a way. You collect impressions, you gather ideas, and you jot them down till the day comes when you write that very first sentence in your book, and you know that –now- is the time.
I joined your site, after reading several of your poems. I’m look forward to reading more of your works.
Shady’s place is a Wonderland! 🙂 You said; “it’s quite a challenge to write books and keep up a blog.” I can attest to that! My books never get completed for that reason. LOL
Our pleasure, friend Shady! 🙂 Thanks so much for joining the conversation.
I’ve run across some interesting encounters with blogging and comments left on my own blog–people from my past, some who knew people I had written about, and those with a strong interest in something which I had written about. How cool that you, Angelika, and Debbie have made your contact through blogging.
I totally agree with your philosophy of writing books you yourself would want to read. That’s probably the best way to write passionately about your topic and enjoy what you are writing. If you’re not enjoying what you do in life then it can make for some real tedium and an unfruitful life. Best wishes with your writing and all of your travels. You are living one of my dreams.
Arlee Bird
Hi Arlee, thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I have the feeling, after visiting your fantastic blog – this could be the beginning of another wonderful blog friendship.
My book, Wings on her Heels, probably goes more under the gender of woman’s literature. But I have written two books with a collection of short stories and poems that all genders can enjoy.
I don’t know which dream you mean, but if it so happens to be writing, well – if I go by your entertaining blog, I sure hope that doesn’t remain a dream.
Writing is certainly part of the dream, but I was thinking of that whole package you describe–mostly the traveling. I love traveling–used to enjoy camping though I’ve gotten out of the feel for that and my wife would take some convincing. I’ve been hoping to find a RV show in our area to take my wife to so she could she some of the nice options in “caravans” or other recreational vehicle options. She’ll be retiring in a few years and if we have the health remaining in us I’d love to gallivant around North America like I used to in my younger days. That is the dream!
Taking your wife to a RV show is a brilliant idea. I have to think of the movie The Long Trailer with Lucille Ball… haha… that’s how Lucy wrapped Ricky around her little finger.
The primary reason we go RVing is that it’s so much cheaper than hotels! If you travel in the off season … well, here in Europe we can overnight for just 15 Euros, including electricity and water. But so far, this year, the weather in Europe is just terrible… and in that case we prefer to stay home.
Wishing health to you and your wife to enjoy many wonderful retirement years.
Whether you go by foot, bike, or on RV wheels! ( a smiley is needed here.)
Arlee’s blog is a great place to hang out, Angelika. 🙂 He is also the mastermind behind the April A to Z Blogging Challenge which I participate in every year.
Wow, that is impressive. And Yes… Mastermind…. is a good way of putting it. I participated once too, and had a great time. Hope to join again.
Blogging is full of surprises! Connecting with people worldwide is so amazing, isn’t it? Thanks for coming over today, Lee.
Hi Angelika…I had already left this comment, but it doesn’t appear to have appeared, so I’ll try again. As you know, I read your book, Wings on Her Heels. What you might not know is that I was anxious about “having” to read it, because it had been many years (for many reasons) since I had been able to concentrate enough to read an entire novel. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to finish it, thereby letting you down. So I was delighted – and surprised – when I began reading Wings – and couldn’t put it down!! It grabbed me from the very first page and kept me enthralled from cover to cover. It’s the first book since reading the Harry Potter series many years ago that I’d been able to finish. Your book was such a good – wonderful – experience, that it gave me the courage to try reading again. Since Wings, I’ve been able to read several other novels, which as a reader yourself, is great cause for celebration to the once-avid reader that I used to be, and hopefully will be from now on again.
And I mean it with heart and gusto when I say that the book I most look forward to reading now is your next one! You’re a gifted writer, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
Hi Sharon, I think this is the biggest compliment any writer can get. And the fact that you are sharing this with others,… well I can’t thank you enough. You always believed in me, and at times when I was about to give up, you were there motivating me on. It wasn’t the writing that caused so many problems, but getting it published from overseas. But once that barrier was broken, there was no stopping me. Lol. I felt like I was suddenly unplugged! Thank you for taking the time to comment. You are the best friend ever!!! Every writer needs friends who believe and support. Without them, it’s a tough writer’s road ahead.
Angelika, as you know, I read Wings when it first came out. What you might not know, is that I was afraid to read it…I haven’t been able to read an entire novel for years, for various reasons. So I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to finish it, thereby letting you down. So I was delighted when I began to read it…and then couldn’t put it down!! It grabbed me right from the first page and I enjoyed it from cover to cover…and then wanted more. Since then, I’ve read several more entire books, and continue to be hungry for more. So I attribute my newfound ability to read again to you and your Wings. Thank you! And I eagerly await your next book!
Sharon, my friend. You commented twice… which is so sweet of you. Double is always better. Thank you, and I replied to your second comment too.
Welcome to The Den, Sharon. 🙂 Glad to know Angelika’s book helped you get your reading mojo back! I hardly read books anymore either, (comes from spending too much time in the blogging world) but also couldn’t put “Wings on Her Heels” down. Thanks for coming by today.
I just noticed the time difference. It’s 12:03 here in Bavaria, Germany. I assume everyone is still sleeping in your neck of the woods, but I will check in regularly.
There’s a six-hour time difference between Toronto and Bavaria. Everybody here should be up by now.
Meet my good friend, author, photographer, artist, traveller, ANGELIKA SCHWARZ. If you’re looking for something interesting to read, we can help. 🙂 Books are available right here!
Thank you so much for devoting your time to this event, Angelika! ??
Thank you so much, Debbie, for creating this introduction page. I’m a lot happier to be here than where I was just 5 minutes ago! I have just climbed up from our deep garden well, helping Hubby fix the water pump… or rather handing him the screwdrivers, hammer and kleenexes ( he has an allergy). lol.
While I was ignoring Hubby’s curses and grunts, I got a great new idea for my upcoming book. And no it has nothing to do with a well. … :). Odd how the mind works.
So how are you today Debbie?
It’s my pleasure, Angelika. 🙂 You are a true writer – always thinking of a story line. Good luck with the well! I’m doing great! We are having beautiful summer weather here. My favourite season.