The continuing saga of my year at a Swiss-German boarding school, aka “Internat”


[Content removed, pending publication]

During the holidays, a letter arrived from school. This worried me,  (did they find out about our extracurricular activities?), but it was merely a note detailing room assignments. Fortunately, mine stayed the same. It was one of the biggest, with three beds.

Coming soon eventually in book form:
“INTERNAT ADVENTURES: My Crazy Year at a Swiss Boarding School”

Chapter Excerpts and Soundtrack ►►

First to arrive again, so I settled in.  Same bed, same closet and I assumed, same roommates.  Well…….

Jeannette did not return, (we never found out why), and Armida was reassigned! She moved down the hall, to share a room with Maria, from Guatemala.  One spoke Italian, the other Spanish, yet they understood each other perfectly and became fast friends.

So, who was joining me then?

Coming soon eventually in book form:
“INTERNAT ADVENTURES: My Crazy Year at a Swiss Boarding School”

Chapter Excerpts and Soundtrack ►►

haughty blonde

bloody razor blade

To be continued…………..Coming up:  Heartbreak, Torment, “Prison Riot”

© D.D.B. 2012

Coming soon eventually in book form:
“INTERNAT ADVENTURES: My Crazy Year at a Swiss Boarding School”

Chapter Excerpts and Soundtrack ►►



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  1. This is really becoming a page-turner, Debbie. I’m on my way to Chapter 6 and loving hearing about this part of your life. You’ve got a great memory and can tell your story in such an entertaining way.

  2. This is really becoming a page-turner, Debbie. I’m on my way to Chapter 6 and loving hearing about this part of your life. You’ve got a great memory!

  3. You really write good Debbie, I’ll have to go back and read the previous chapters.

    I can’t image going to a boarding school but I bet being in the Swiss Alps (?) made it a little more bearable. Sounds like some of the girls weren’t too pleasant and downright nasty at times. My goodness, such childish behavior. Shame on them.

    Will look forward to reading more of your story.


    1. Thank you for the kind words, Adrienne. 🙂 It was a fascinating experience and yes, parts were absolutely not pleasant, but it definitely contributed to my maturing process. We were still young teens; 13 to 15 years old. Never expected to get five chapters out of this, but the story pretty much wrote itself and there’s still more to come before it’s finished.

  4. That Julie sounds a real creep my great friend, I will be waiting to see what happens in chapter five buty for now let me just say how wicked this story is panning out, and I like your new set up around here too, what was it you said now, ah yes very chic 🙂 It is a shame about the heavier bars on the naughty escape route but I am sure that you girls found alternative means for excitement and I will be calling back to read all about it 😉

    I wonder if you will be purchasing the new Stones album called Grrrr, I think it is a compilation of older hits and two new one’s specially added in the studio for this release, but hey I could be wrong you know? 🙂 Great to see you back on my Space Debbie and I hope that you are having a fine and most enjoyable evening 🙂 🙂

    Andro xxx