Welcome to Episode 16 of Instagram Roundup!
I haven’t done one of these since 2020 and thought it was time to start up again,
especially since I’ve been more active on Instagram lately.

Instagram Roundup #WW
#WW (Wordless Wednesday)
is a weekly blogging initiative where you share one or more photographs,

theoretically without words, but hey, how many writers do you know who can remain silent?  😀 

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A selection of my recent photos on Instagram:
(Cameras: Canon Powershot SX600 & SD1300, Smartphones: Samsung A10, Alcatel Idol4 )

(Please Note: If the images don’t appear, try reloading the page.)

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INSTAGRAM ROUNDUP, EPISODE SIXTEEN #WordlessWednesday #WW #dogladysden #photography Share on X

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Before you go, visit my BOTB site to see what’s been happening.

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Coming soon:

endless commercial


podcasts by debbie d.

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  1. The photos didn’t show up for me here. Although when I clicked the button it took me to your Instagram. Lovely photos of serenity. <3

    1. Oh no! I hate when that happens. Usually, if you reload the page they will show up. Thanks for stopping by in any case. 🙂 I hope to get caught up by the weekend.

    1. That is a nice-looking yacht, for sure! And Venice was magnificent. You would enjoy it there, I’m sure. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Sandee.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Pete. I’m glad you like the photos. 🙂 Since I can’t seem to blog with any regularity these days, it makes posting something a bit easier.

  2. Your photos are so beautiful they’re like postcards to purchase and send to a good friend, except they’re better than that. And I don’t ever want you to be silent.
