Welcome to Episode Six of Instagram Roundup!

Instagram Roundup #WordlessWednesday #WW

Wordless Wednesday is a weekly blogging initiative where you share one or more photographs,
theoretically without words, but hey, how many writers do you know who can remain silent?  😀

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This is the sixth installment of recent photos from Instagram. Here we go!





INSTAGRAM ROUNDUP, EPISODE SIX #WordlessWednesday #WW #dogladysden Share on X

Linking up to these other #WordlessWednesday sites:

 bethere2dayComedy Plus / Curious As A Cathy / Natasha Musing / The Sky Girl / Wordless Wednesday 

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[with results on the 22nd]




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    1. And, he’s still performing, putting on great shows. 😀 I love Alice Cooper! We had the opportunity to see him with his other band, Hollywood Vampires, as well. That one includes Johnny Depp and Joe Perry (Aerosmith). Amazing! Thanks for coming by.

  1. I love your dog pics and I’ve seen that many dogs on the bed, because as they say, “Throw another log on the fire and another dog on the bed.” I tell you though two little ones and one huge one is my limit comfort wise and even that is a challenge. If I ever go back on Instagram I’m going to be sure to follow you, especially for your pics of Italy. You saw the Scorps?!

    1. Always willing to throw another dog on the bed! 😀 I’ll be continuing the Instagram roundup here, so you’ll see plenty of dog, travel and concert photos. Yes, I’ve seen the Scorpions three times, so far. One of my favourite bands, ever! ♥ Coincidentally, they hail from Hannover, Germany, which is in the same province where I was born. Thanks for coming by, Jeanna!

  2. Butrint seems to have an alluring charm. I love sites that have historical remains and often wonder whether I was also one amongst them in their time period.
    Colourful, cheerful round up, Debbie!

    1. Butrint is incredible, but I feel that way about all the ancient ruins I’ve seen. Sounds like you have a similar view. 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Anagha!

  3. I’m a dog lady too! Love my critters! We have 7 in all and live on a big farm in southern Kentucky. Nice to meet you! Inviting you to visit me at Have a great day!

  4. Debbie,

    Alice Cooper looks so creepy when he’s in make-up. I’ve seen him in a few interviews. He seems like a really nice guy and for a rocker, he’s a purrty conservative fellow, as well as a born-again Christian. 🙂 I’m assuming that gorgeous sunset/rise is over the water of Naples Italy not Florida, right? That’s a beautiful shot! When we visited our friends several years ago in Naples Florida one of my favorite memories is sitting on the beach watching the sunset. The March weather was purrfect. It was so nice feeling the warm sun on my skin and being able to sink my toes in the sand. I really didn’t want that moment to end. It was so relaxing and peaceful. Boy, wouldn’t I love to do that again! Sadly, our friends are no longer together. That breaks my heart. But, we’ve managed to keep in touch with our male friend. The gal not only left her husband but us, too. I suspect she dropped all friends connected with him as a way to make a clean break so-to-speak. I guess I can understand that but I really liked her. She’s such a sweet gal. Anywho, your photos are always captivating, entertaining, and enchanting. Thanks for joining my linky party today, dear heart. I hope you have a magical V-Day tomorrow with your Amore!

    1. Hi Cathy; Yes, Alice Cooper is NOTHING like his onstage persona. His shows are some of the most entertaining ones I’ve seen, though. 😀 What I admire most about him is his honesty and the fact that he was able to overcome a life-threatening addiction to alcohol. The sunset photo was taken aboard our cruise ship last fall so yes, it’s Italy. Naples, Florida sounds like a lovely place, too. That’s a sad story about your friends, but unfortunately, not an uncommon one. We don’t do Valentine’s Day but prefer to plan things when they suit us, not when the retail industry dictates. 😉 (Plus, hubby’s working, anyway.) You enjoy your day with DH, though. Thanks for hosting the linky party!