Hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands, this is where you listen to different recordings and choose the one you prefer. There are two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (Please note: Effective July 2017, I switched to once a month on the 15th only. This will allow me more time to share other types of material with you.) Click HERE to view a complete list of my BOTB entries. See below for a list of current participants. Care to join us? Contact our host, by clicking on the above link and leaving a comment on his blog. The more, the merrier!
♫ We’re getting bluesy with this one! ♫
“I’ll Take Care of You” is a song written by Brook Benton and originally recorded by Bobby Bland in 1959.
It reached number 89 on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 1960.
[Reference only. NOT part of the contest, so please don’t vote for it!]
Sir George Ivan “Van” Morrison OBE (born August 31, 1945) is a Northern Irish singer-songwriter, instrumentalist and record producer. His professional career began as a teenager in the late 1950s playing a variety of instruments including guitar, harmonica, keyboards and saxophone for various Irish showbands. “I’ll Take Care of You” is the 14th track from his 22nd studio album, “Too Long In Exile”, released in 1993.
Beth Hart (born January 24, 1972) is an American singer, songwriter and musician from Los Angeles, California. She rose to fame with the release of her 1999 single “LA Song (Out of This Town)” from her second album Screamin’ for My Supper.
Joe Bonamassa (born May 8, 1977) is an American blues rock guitarist, singer and songwriter. A child prodigy, he opened for B.B. King at the age of 12. In the last 19 years, Bonamassa has put out 15 solo albums.
Beth and Joe have collaborated on three cover albums. “I’ll Take Care of You” is the 8th track from the first one, “Don’t Explain”, released in 2011.
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until 11:59 pm, Sept. 21st,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / Jingle Jangle Jungle /
Mike’s Ramblings / Sound of One Hand Typing / HOST: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing it Out
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtags are #BOTB and #dogladysden
I'LL TAKE CARE OF YOU| BATTLE OF THE BANDS #BOTB Who did it better? #dogladysen Share on X
Next Battle on this site will be Oct. 15th.
In the meantime…Well, I’m not sure. 🤔 Stay tuned!
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30 thoughts on “I’LL TAKE CARE OF YOU | #BOTB”
BETH HART AND JOE BONAMASSA for me. I have no pre-conceived notions or biases, here. I just think this rendition is more faithful to the original and adds even more depth.
Nice to see you here, Holly! 🙂 Voting closed at midnight, but you’ll be happy to know your choice won. See the results post. Thanks for coming by!
Thanks for coming by, but please cast a vote!
BETH HART AND JOE BONAMASSA for me, even though I used to buy most of Van Morrison’s albums. My wife wants to add her vote for Beth & Joe as well, please.
Thank you so much, Roland! That’s TWO votes for Joe and Beth. 🙂 I see you have a book launch happening; see you there. Cheers!
Wow – a REALLY tough one! I’m still listening as I sit here writing this and haven’t made my mind up (my mind THINKS it is made up but it could still go either way?) because I think I should listen to both all the way through before I make my mind up. I love Van Morrison in general but I absolutely adore JB and BH. We’ve seen Joe in concert at Brighton in the UK and were totally transfixed throughout. We also saw Beth at the Cambridge Corn Exchange in the UK a few years ago. It was brilliant but I went off her a teeny teeny little bit when instead of the rocking finale we were hoping for, she went all self-indulgent and did a load of her navel-gazing stuff that was really depressing. Not great for the end of a show! This is tricky but Joe B’s guitar playing is pulling me that way – not over yet…. ok Joe Bonamassa and Beth Hart. Sorry Van.
I could have sworn I wrote a reply here, yesterday…? Anyway, thanks for your vote, Gilly. How great that you saw both Joe and Beth in concert! I’m hoping to have the experience, one day. By “navel-gazing stuff”, do you mean songs like “Caught Out In The Rain”? She does get a bit carried away, but I LOVE her voice. Van is a legend and a few other people had a hard time not choosing him, but, so it goes. 😀 Joe and Beth for the win! (Or not. 😉 )
Wow. This is a tough one, really tough but in the end, I think I’m going with Van Morrison. He’s that comfy old sweater you just can’t get rid of. 🙂
And, we have a vote for the comfy, old Van Morrison! 😀 He is a tough act to beat, but the contest is pretty close, so far. Thanks for your contribution.
Hokey-Smoke! Terrific Battle, DEBBIE!
I used to own Van’s album ‘Too Long In Exile’ which includes this song. I absolutely LOVE his rip-roaring version of ‘Good Morning, Little School Girl’ from that same album. In fact, I used it in a BOTB installment two years ago.
Like Lee, I came into this one thinking Van would have an easy bote from me, but I actually had to listen to both versions twice each in order to determine which way I lean in this contest.
For me, it really comes down to Van’s expressive voice versus Bonamassa’s (Gary Moore-like) screamin’-stingin’ guitar. In the end, in the end…
well, in the end, it actually comes down NOT to Van’s voice nor Joe’s guitar. It actually comes down to Beth Hart’s vocals. Too often she over-emotes to suit me. I think I’ve written this about her before, but Beth tends to leave me feeling that she’s more “performing” than “feeling”. And that was again the case here.
So… bote goes to Van-The-Man. And he can thank Beth for it.
~ D-FensDogG
I’m glad it was tough for you to decide, Stephen! 🙂 Surely, that is the sign of a good battle, and this one is pretty close, so far. I remember your comments about Beth Hart; not sure I would agree, but, that’s what keeps life fun and interesting. 😉 And, we have another vote for Van, the man!
Although a big Van fan, I’m going to have to go with Beth and Jo and the bluesy vocals on this one. 🙂
Thanks for coming by to vote, DG! 🙂 Another one for Beth and Joe. This is shaping up to be a close contest. Cheers!
The harmonica work in Van Morrison’s was superb. Beth Hart’s really didn’t do anything for me, so I vote Van.
Definitely a nice touch, with the harmonica. 🙂 Thanks for voting. Van gets another one!
Normally, I don’t like being online on the weekends but our plans got spoiled today when we discovered a problem with our car’s brakes, so DH didn’t feel good about taking it out unnecessarily. Hopefully, he can get it in the shop tomorrow morning. Anywho, I have tons to do tomorrow with errands so I figured I’d better tackle a few visits. I appreciated you stopping in to cast your vote in my first BoTB comeback post. 😉
Thanks for the introduction to ‘I’ll Take Care of You’. I enjoyed the original and both cover artists but I preferred choice is Van Morrison. I love his vocals and more genuine bluesy sound. Excellent battle!
Hi Cathy; What a bummer about your Sunday plans! 🙁 Hopefully, the car repair bill won’t be too severe. Thanks for coming by and casting your vote. It looks like a close contest, so far! ? Van Morrison, it is.
I love Van, but Beth and Joe have my vote. Awesome.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥
Thank you, Sandee! 🙂 Wishing you a great week, as well. Another vote for Beth and Joe.
Wow! Another difficult decision to make. John Holton’s BOTB was a zinger, as well. I like the song by both groups but Van Morrison has always been one of my favs so I giving my vote to Van.
Hopefully, that means it will be a close contest! 🙂 Thanks for your vote, Eugenia. Another one for Van.
Van Morrison does a great job with this one, but I’ve always been a fan of the Beth Hart/Joe Bonamassa combo. Beth puts so much emotion and feeling into this. I have to give her my vote.
Beth and Joe do make a great pair! 🙂 Thanks for your vote, Mary.
A Tally on my behalf at the behest of Van Morrison. Van and I go way back. I had his records with Them, including “Here Comes the Night” and “Gloria” as well as “Brown Eyed Girl” which is still a favorite sing-along song for me.
A true Van Morrison fan! 🙂 Thanks for your vote, Myke. This is for you:
This is a very nice song. I don’t recall having heard it before.
At the outset I figured that Van couldn’t lose this one, but Beth and Joe won me over. I prefer their style and sound. Sorry Van.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I’m glad you liked the song, Lee. 🙂 First vote goes to Beth and Joe. Thanks!
Thank you and welcome! 🙂 Please cast a vote in the contest. Cheers!
(P.S. This ended up in the spam folder because a. your URL didn’t work. I took the liberty of finding the correct one via Google and b. generic, short comments like this usually trigger a spam warning.)