Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!
“Dog Breeds & Anecdotes” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the participants.
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#AtoZChallenge Day 9: I is for IRISH WOLFHOUND #dogladysden Share on X
The Irish Wolfhound, tallest of all dog breeds, is a keen-sighted hound used in Ireland for many years to hunt wolves and other game. An ancient breed, first mentioned about the 2nd century ad, it is similar in build to the greyhound but far more powerful.
The female, which is smaller than the male, stands a minimum of 30 inches (76 cm) and weighs a minimum of 105 pounds (48 kg); the male wolfhound is at least 32 inches (81 cm) tall and weighs a minimum of 120 pounds (54 kg), though it may greatly exceed this size.
The coat is rough and is long on the brows and underjaw; colours include gray, brindle, red-brown, black, and white. Noted for speed, strength, and hunting ability, the Irish wolfhound is also valued as a gentle, even-tempered companion. – Encyclopedia Britannica

Although I’ve never had one as a client, there used to be an Irish Wolfhound named Saffron in the neighbourhood. Affectionately know as “Saffy”, she was part of our doggie play group that met daily in the local schoolyard.
A good-natured dog, Saffy loved to cavort with the others and wasn’t the least bit intimidating. Truly a gentle giant.
Are you familiar with this breed?
Would you consider having such a large dog?
Looking forward to your comments!
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71 thoughts on “I is for IRISH WOLFHOUND | #AtoZChallenge”
I love the wolfhounds, never had any but have seen a few and they’re nice looking dogs.
The Irish Wolfhound is such a big dog! Looks like he can knock you over.
Your posts are choc-full of canine information…a treat for all dog lovers!
Yes, they are big but gentle. 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying the posts. Thanks for dropping in.
I love the Irish Wolfhound, precisely because it’s so huge! When I was a kid, I used to make up stories in my head about the adventures I had with an Irish Wolfhound, Saluki, and one other dog around my grandparents’ vast yard. Since I’m short, I like the idea of having a big dog for protection, though I also adore toy breeds.
Great story about your Wolfhound friend, Saluki. 🙂 A short person with a tall dog would be well-protected. Thanks for visiting! You’ll find dogs of all sizes here.
What an amazing dog! Irish Wolf hound? I find it amazing and hope to actually see one some day. I wonder if we have any in India?
I didn’t find any information about these dogs living in India, but it’s possible.
J here, of the #atozchallenge Arlee Bird’s A to Z Ambassador Team. Thanks for stopping by Arlee’s blog to comment on my Manhattan story.
How was the first week of the challenge for you? Are you meeting your goals of posting and hopping to other blogs?
My blog’s giveaways are still going!
I’m a fan of large breeds. I’ve only seen two of these, living with an old-money family in Massachusets. Quite impressive.
There aren’t too many around here, either. I was happy to meet Saffy. She was a fun-loving girl. 🙂 These dogs would be well-suited to a family with a large estate.
Now that’ a big dog! You could almost put a saddle on him.
Yes, he could offer pony rides to small children. 🙂 These dogs have wonderful dispositions. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in.
Visiting for A to Z! I’ve never seen an Irish Wolfhound in person but I have always loved them. If I had the room I think I’d have one!! Have fun with A to Z!!
Thanks for visiting. 🙂 These are lovely dogs but yes, the size would be a factor for many.
That is a big dog. I’ve not seen one up close and personal.
The size of a pony but sweet as can be. 🙂
Funny, I just saw one on Friday going into Petsmart with his owner. I thought it was a pony:) I think,any animal including humans, when they are so big or tall, they do have short life spans because they shouldn’t be that big. I wouldn’t have one so big because of the room. They seem to be gentle giants
Yes, they are the size of a pony. 🙂 The short life span would be heartbreaking, especially since they’re so lovable.
Certainly intimidating in appearance, but looks to be quite amiable. I have never had the good fortune to meet one of these.
Only the size might be intimidating, These dogs are as sweet as can be. 🙂
That’s some big dog. Looks like a fun fellow.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Large but loving. This is a gentle breed and great with kids. 🙂
When I worked at the nursing home, a man came in regularly to visit him mom. He always brought along his Irish Wolfhound. I was crazy about that dog. The other staff member accused the dog (out of his hearing) of being ugly. I said, You don’t know what you’re talking about! Those dogs are great!
I’d love to have an Irish Wolfhound. Having a dog that big would suit me just fine. For now, though, I’m quite happy with Franklin and Penelope.
I love your post, Doglady.
How can anyone think this sweet, gentle being is ugly? Obviously not a dog lover! 😛 I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Janie. Thanks for dropping in. 🙂
Adorable–they look like a cross between a mutt and a greyhound!
They’re sort of larger, hairier versions of the Greyhound. 🙂 Lovely personalities.
Never saw one up close, but they look like pleasant dogs. They even have a smile…
They are sweet and yes, dogs can smile. 🙂
This is a breed I hadn’t heard of before. They look a bit rough around the edges.
That’s the wire-haired coat, but they are sweet and gentle. 🙂
You’re the second person to post about the Irish Wolfhound today. They are worthy of two and more posts.
They certainly are! 🙂 I’d love to read that other post.
I know the breed because my sister has had two of them, both rescue hounds. People weren’t prepared to take care of such a large dog. They had lovely personalities.
Susan Says
Yes, this breed is known for being gentle and sweet, despite its size. People should do research before getting a dog. This happens far too often!
I love, love, love these dogs. My sister’s dog is half and he’s beautiful. I definitely would put this on my furry family member list. 🙂
They are lovely, but a little too large for me. Small house!
This is a breed I’ve always been attracted to. No, I’ve never had one at home, or even—like you—within reach for interaction, but… well, I love big dogs 😀 And Irish hounds strike me as playful and easygoing, not high-strung at all. So cool that they made a comeback after near-extinction!
They are gentle and sweet. 🙂 It’s too bad about the short lifespan, though.
I LOVE Irish Wolfhounds. I wish my landlady wasn’t afraid of large dogs, but she is, so no biggies for me (and the smaller breeds for the most part drive me kookoo krazy, as they say here. I met one once in Italy; they are truly humongous, because not only are they tall, but they are also long. If one of the larger males stands on its hind legs, they can stand over 6 feet. Have you ever seen the Irish wolfhound in “Keeping Up Appearances”? Smart dog, that one. heeheehee
Hi, Mary; I think they stand over 7 feet tall, at least according to the video. 🙂 I used to watch that show but don’t remember the Irish Wolfhound. I’ll look for some episodes online. Thanks.
I often find that dogs this size are the most even tempered and caring to be around. Have a doberman at home who is thrice the size of the beagle… when it comes to manners, love and affection, both are awesome but the doberman probably gets 11 out of 10
It’s so true! 🙂 Your Doberman sounds lovely. Beagles are nice, too. Thanks for dropping in. Apologies for the late response, but you know how it is. Cheers!
Saffron is a great name! I see a lot of gentleness in the face of one so powerful and imagine they are wonderful as pets as well as hunting helpers;-)
Isn’t it? 😀 I wonder if her mom watched “Absolutely Fabulous” (Britcom with a character of the same name). These are lovable giants.
I loved the video — never knew this about the Irish wolfhound. Interesting that they don’t need to roam around on an acreage. What a great family dog — gentle giants and lap dogs!
Yes, I was surprised they don’t need that much exercise. They are beautiful and sweet, for sure.
Great looker this one. I am for smaller dogs currently Debbie but who knows this may change. The space needed is bigger for these fellas and the thought of cleaning up after them gives me shudders 😉
Hahaha! You’re the second person who has mentioned the cleaning up. Yes, it would be similar to horse droppings, I’m sure. 🙂
It looks more like a wolf or probably something is wrong with my eye 😛
Much bigger than a wolf. 🙂
I’ve never seen one of these gentle giants up close. I do remember as a kid in the 1960’s looking in my letter D Childcraft World Book encyclopedia at the section on dog breeds that included working dogs and show dogs. They showed an Irish Wolfhound as the biggest dog and had an illustration of one standing up and leaning on a man’s shoulders to show how long and big they were. Funny how that image is so clear in my mind. I had that particular section in the encyclopedia very “Dog-eared” from looking at it so often. GUFFAW! Couldn’t resist, eh, Debbie? You know me and bad puns.
Another entertaining post on dogs, Debbie! I am enjoying them.
Haha! Good one, Cathy. 🙂 That Irish Wolfhound image was obviously a memorable sight. I’m glad you’re enjoying the theme. It’s “pantser” time again, as L is the last pre-written post. Time to get out the vodka. 😉 I’m so behind and also with responses. Why do we do this to ourselves?! LOL
It’s a beautiful dog. My friend owns one of these. So shaggy but so much fun. He’s a great dog.
Irish Wolfhounds have wonderful dispositions. True gentle giants. 🙂
All I can say after reading about all the breeds you have written about till now is that you are one lucky lady, Debbie! You are blessed to be able to live your life taking care of these wonderful creatures. They come in various types, but the one thing they have in common is a beautiful heart and a fabulous, intelligent mind. And, moreover, they are such great companions! I have one with me since nearly 12 years now – Chikoo, my Lab. He is my sunshine, my rainbow on a gloomy day, the love of my life!
Dogs are the best creatures God made, and the best companions man could ever have had!
Yes, this is my dream job, for sure. 🙂 Not to say, there haven’t been some “problem dogs” too. I felt the same way about my Dalmatian as you do about your Lab. I’ll be featuring Labs in the “L” post. Absolutely, dogs are the best! ♥
I think I saw this breed just one… My husband and I were in our car, waiting at a traffic signal… He was at the corner with his owner… we were so amazed by his size that we missed the green signal… and it was only when there a were series of beeps behind us did we realise our folly 😛
Haha! A traffic-stopping moment with an Irish Wolfhound. They are quite a sight!
I love big dogs and Great Dane is my favorite even though I have never kept one as a pet. The Irish hound looks too cool. If I lived on a farm, I would keep one! 😀
Great Danes are interesting too. I’ve only seen a few, from afar. Irish Wolfhounds have sweet dispositions and make great family pets if you have enough space.
Wonderful looking dogs and quite regal – I always imagine them lying around the hearth of country manors and castles in days gone by. Not sure I’d want to keep one in my backyard though! (and imagine cleaning up after them!!)
That’s a lovely image you’re describing. 🙂 A bit too big for me as well. Good point about the cleaning up!
Wow that’s a huge dog there! Sad about its short life though.
It’s usually the case that the larger the dog is, the shorter the lifespan. Plus, this breed has health issues. Pity! 🙁
I love Irish Wolfhounds! I want one!! I love me some big dogs. I had a friend who had two of them, although I never got to meet them. He told me a lot about them though. It’s sad that their lifespans are so short. I would really love to have one. I think he or she would fit in magnificently with the greyhounds… 🙂
Great video too.
Michele at Angels Bark
They do sort of look like giant, hairier Greyhounds. 🙂 A bit too large for me and the short lifespan would be heartbreaking. Lovely temperaments these dogs have. I often saw another one at the leash-free park. She was playful and friends with everyone, just like Saffy.
I always used to love Irish Wolfhounds when they appeared on TV and in film. I don’t think I could manage such a large dog, but they always seem to be so lovely. I just want to hug them as soon as I see them 🙂
Tasha’s Thinkings (70) | Wittegen Press (72) | FB3X (AC) (73)
They are so good-natured and definitely huggable. A little too big for me as well, but fun to hang out with. 🙂
Amazing this dog has been around so long, but has such a short life span. Very interesting article, and I really enjoyed the video. Gosh, I’m learning alot through your blog. 🙂 … And no, this dog is a size too big for me. Gee, that just made me feel thin. lol
Yes, unfortunately, the larger the dog, the shorter the lifespan. This dog would be a little too big for me, as well. We have a small house. 🙂 On the other hand, many a large breed has stayed here temporarily. We’re often stepping over dogs around here.
Wow! What a majestic hound that is! Reminded me of the Hound of Baskervilles! Saffy indeed sounds like a gentle giant.
@KalaRavi16 from
Saffy was a lovely dog and we enjoyed her company in our play group. 🙂 She was larger than the Baskervilles hound, who was a bloodhound/mastiff mix.