Happenings in the offline world!
1) Many dog owners take summer trips, which don’t include their furry family members.
This is where I come in. “Happy Hound” vacations at The Doglady’s Den (aka my home):
♫ It’s raining it’s pouring, but we are ignoring ♫
Kensi and Rosie get wet and wild!
And the aftermath, sporting the “drowned rat” look. 😀
Parker, Tessa and Copper (l-r), hanging out on the back deck.

2) We had a few days off and snuck in a short road trip to Fort Erie:

Fort Erie is a Canadian town on the Niagara River, directly across from Buffalo, New York in the U.S.A.
It is the site of Old Fort Erie, which played a prominent role in the War of 1812 (aka The British-American War).
Old Fort Erie:
[click on images to view full size]
About town:
[click on images to view full size]
3) Summer concerts are a tradition in Toronto and one of my favourite activities!
July 14:
HEART put on a spectacular show, down by the lake at the Budweiser Stage,
supported by Sheryl Crow and Elle King.
🤘🤘🎤🎸🔊 🔥
Elle had a cool, rebel vibe and Sheryl did her thing,
but of course, it was Heart who got the loudest response.
[click on images to view full size]
Powerhouse lead vocalist, Ann Wilson (age 69) – far right, and her guitar goddess sister,
Nancy (age 65), proving once again that old rockers rule and age is just a number!
View of Toronto skyline after the show
July 28:
Going downtown this time, to see QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT at the Scotiabank Arena.
What a fantastic experience of light and sound that was!
No opening act required!
[click on images to view full size]
There will be a more in-depth article about this fantastic concert soon!
The Arena, Union Station and Maple Leaf Square in downtown Toronto
Aug. 16
The Canadian National Exhibition is another yearly Toronto tradition. It runs from the middle of August through Labour Day (1st Monday in Sept.). Every night, for the price of admission, you can take in a concert by a big-name artist at the CNE Bandshell. Opening day tickets were only CAD $10.00 each, and we hit the jackpot!
This year’s first featured artist was Canada’s own “Piano Man,” Burton Cummings, former lead singer and songwriter for The Guess Who (world-renowned Canadian rock band). Imagine our delight when Randy Bachman (former lead guitarist and songwriter for The Guess Who) appeared as a surprise guest! 😍 What a night! 💥And, there was a full moon.🌕
[click on images to view full size]
4) In summer, our backyard becomes an extension of the house.
Spending time there triggers feelings of serenity and contentment. La Dolce Vita!
5) Thanks to the generosity of author Sally Cronin, who shared four of my dog memoirs on her blog,
Smorgasbord Blog Magazine, I kept an online presence. Click on the image to view.
Not only that, but she has inspired me to write new chapters and maybe get this book finished. (Finally!)
Click HERE for previous installments.
Thank you, Sally! 🙏💖
⭐If you are an author with a book to promote, Sally offers a wonderful free service!⭐ SALLY’S CAFE AND BOOK STORE View details HERE.
And, that’s what I’ve been up to! Not sure how active this blog will be going forward. A lot depends on offline happenings (and the muse), but I will try to publish more often and participate in some blogfests, here and there.
Battle of the Bands will continue once a month on the 15th, and I will do at least a couple of Wordless Wednesdays and Monday music posts. (Concert details about QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT soon!)
As always, there are memoirs and travelogues on the “to write” list. Stay tuned for Chapter Nine of ADVENTURES IN DOGSITTING, starring Scout, a large Malamute, and her “little” brother, Thunder, a Newfoundland dog.
Thanks for your indulgence.
What have you been up to this summer? Do tell!
Looking forward to your comments!
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Wow Deb, you managed to get in a lot, good for you. You saw Adam Lambert? So jealous! And you brought back old memories with Fort Erie, lol, I spent many of my childhood summers there at the Lakeview Inn motel while my mother went to the racetrack lol 🙂
Thanks, Debby. 🙂 We go to a lot of concerts, but I have to say, Queen + Adam Lambert was incredible! Adam is fantastic, and the light show was the best I’ve ever seen! ? When I find the time, there will be a concert review with lots of photos. As for Fort Erie, believe it or not, it was my first visit, even though I’ve lived within driving distance since 1969. Did pass through to the Peace Bridge a few times. Sad to leave a child in a motel room! 🙁 I have your book about your mother in the Kindle and hope to read it soon. My childhood was no picnic either, so I feel a kinship. Have a good weekend!
At least you had something interesting to write about with your summer. Mine I feel not so much so. Those dogs cracked me up, especially the picture with them soaked to the skin. I love mewsic but unfortunately, attending concerts are too loud to suit my ears. I’d like to see Old Fort Eerie. I love historical places! Thanks for sharing how you spent the summer. Incidentally, your post title made me smile as I reminisce grade school essays on what I did this summer. lol Have a great week!
Hi Cathy; Yes, I was riffing on “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” for the title. 🙂 The dogs keep us fairly busy all summer, so it was nice to get away for a few days, as well as attend some concerts. I love going and float on a concert high for days – no other drugs needed! ? Thanks for dropping in. Maybe your autumn will be more eventful. Cheers! ?♀️
I’m sorry Debbie but nothing registered before or after I read, Heart and Ann and Nancy Wilson. SUCH A HUGE FAN! Seriously tho. You sure know how to make every moment count! Talk about living in the moment. Yay for all of this amazingness and YOU getting to experience it all! 🙂 – Also…
YES! Finish your book!
I was happy to read the Wilson sisters had reunited (their feud lasted over a year) and were doing another tour! 😀 I’m a huge fan as well and this was our 4th Heart concert. Don’t they look fabulous? ? The trouble with being an excitement junkie is the constant need for a fix. 😀 That whole “Life Is Short” mantra. I’d like to finish the book but am so easily distracted. And, it’s a lot harder than photography, so procrastination is usually a factor. Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂
How exciting ?those fur babies are absolutely adorable. They must have loved the rain. Love your concert pictures. I have never been to a concert like that. I should give it a try ?
We have a lot of fun with the dogs. 😀 Concerts are always exciting and they keep us young, too. 😉 Thanks for coming by!
Isn’t strange we have anther life other then social media.
Coffee is on
Good thing we do, Dora! 🙂 Thanks for coming by.
Fabulous post Debbie and what a wonderful summer of memories..love those two terrible twins..so cute all wet.. thank you for the mentions and I look forward to reading more dog sitting stories and the promoting the book when it is available.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Sally. We had such fun with those two little dogs! 😀 Thanks again for the story revivals. I have a couple of new chapters in the works. We’ll see how that goes. Cheers!
That woulda been great to see Randy and Burton together! Never knew y’all called it “the British-American War.” What was the revolution called? Looks like you’ve had a better summer than us here… lost too many loved ones this year, especially this summer.
Burton and Randy together again was a major thrill, for sure! And nobody knew about it, beforehand; it was a complete surprise. 😀 The revolution was called The American Revolution, American Revolutionary War or War of Independence. Yes, I saw your posts about what’s been happening in your world. Sincere condolences! Here’s hoping there won’t be any more bad news for a while.
I am glad you enjoyed your time away, Debbie. I took some time off internet duties, as well. But now you are back, so I should increase my overall participation level. Work is taking up all my time, although I did set aside an hour last Saturday to listen to Burton Cummings, with and without The Guess Who. I am such a fan. I wonder if I could put together a Burton Cummings All Time Top Ten Favorite Tracks List? That might be a fun project!
Burton Cummings is great in all circumstances; alone, with a band, doesn’t matter. 🙂 It was such a thrill to see him together with Randy again, though. I’d love to check out your playlist if you put one together. Thanks, Myke!
Hi, Debbie! Wow! What a great summer you had and love the pics of those adorable pups! And you enjoyed concerts too! You rock, girl! I’m checking out your Instagram.
Hi Eugenia! It has been a great summer. 😀 Between the dogs and the concerts, I’m sorry to see it end. Thanks for checking out my photos on Instagram. The concert ones are under #rockchickbliss. Cheers!
Sounds like you’ve had a great summer. Pups to entertain, picnics in your backyard, traveling here and there and a concert or two. Excellent.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥
It has been a great summer, Sandee. Sorry to see it winding down. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in. Cheers!
How did Ann and Nancy get to be that old? How did I get to be so old? The Canadian National Exhibition must be fun, fun, fun! The U.S. Exhibition is an embarrassment (the so-called president making a fool of himself everywhere he goes). About 20 years ago, I saw “The Guess Who” at a craft fair. The only member who was actually in The Guess Who was the drummer, but the lead singer was wonderful so I enjoyed them anyway. Happy dogs are always adorable.
Haha! We’re all getting old, Janie. The Wilson sisters sure have good genes though, don’t they? Both stunning and looking much younger. Not to mention the talent, which hasn’t diminished one iota! ?? Yes, the CNE is a historical tradition, dating back to 1879. We’ve been watching Trump’s bullshit at the G7 summit and, it’s safe to say, most people are appalled. ? Here’s hoping your next election will have a different result! Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman were the heart and soul of The Guess Who, but guess what? They never bothered to register the band’s name and the drummer “stole” it from them! So now, the group with that name has no relation to the guys who wrote most of the songs. ? It’s lovely to have all of these adorable dogs to hang out with – and, get paid in the process! 😀 Thanks for coming by, Janie.
I’m so glad you had such a wonderful break! Looks like fun even with wet dogs!
It’s been a lovely summer. 🙂 We had such fun with Rosie and Kensie. ❤ I was sad when they went home. Thanks for dropping in, Carol!
Hi Debbie, it sounds like you have had a wonderful summer! Do you dog sit as well? I didn’t realize that if you do. Love the pics of the dogs all wet, adorable! I didn’t realize too that The Who is still around performing. I will have to find you again on Instagram, your posts had not been coming up in my feed like they used to 🙁
HI Lisa; I thought everyone knew I was a dogsitter, or, “Canine Innkeeper”, as the bio says. 🙂 We didn’t see The Who this summer, but yes, they are still around. On tour now, in fact, but we passed on that concert (Sept. 3 in Toronto) since we blew the budget on these other three. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Not sure why you aren’t getting them in your Instagram feed, since I’m sure we are following each other, there. Thanks for coming by!
Hi Debbie – sounds like the summer lived around you … amazing time you had – so pleased for you. Loved the photos and the notes … I’m sure the Queen concert with Adam was special – as too the others … the garden looks pretty good – especially the food and drink! Great little companions you have as well – and people must be so pleased to have someone reliable and loving to look after their ‘pooches’ … cheers Hilary
Hi HIlary; It’s been a great summer and I’m sad it’s winding down, especially when it comes to the weather. Can’t beat warmth and sunshine! ☀? Oh well, it’s not over yet. The last couple of years, we were good to mid-October. Here’s hoping! Yes, people do appreciate the care I give to their four-legged babies and I love them all (well, most 🙂 ). ?? Thanks for coming by! 🙂
It sounds as if you had a great summer! Three great concerts, too! I can’t wait to hear about those 🙂
I love summer and am sorry it’s winding down. Concerts are always a highlight. There’s an article in the works, with plenty of photos, about Queen. Fantastic light show! ?? Thanks for taking the time to visit, Mary. I know you’re having a rough week. My thoughts are with you! ❤