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There was a full moon that night, shining brightly over Lake Ontario:

An Oscillation display in front of the library:

Main Street!

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I’m sad that summer is over now, but the photos summon warm memories.

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Talk soon!waving bitmoji

Debbie signature style 5

Coming Next:

Morning Has Broken photo essay featured image


podcasts by debbie d.

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29 thoughts on “HOT NIGHT IN A COOL TOWN! #Photography

  1. Hi Debbie – you’ve encapsulated the passing of summer, as happy memories for us all – mind you it was so hot over here … I’m grateful for the cooler autumn days – but not looking to the winter weather. Lovely photos – cheers and take care – Hilary

    1. Thanks, HIlary! 🙂 We had some extra-hot days too, but I like those. It turned cooler very quickly here and I’m dreading winter. The Almanac says it will be harsh and long. Yikes! Here’s hoping the weather will be kinder in England.

  2. Very nice post, Debbie! Love the photos and the songs;-) I’m not sorry to see the end of summer; I’ve had enough of 100+ temps. I’m not ready to see the end of the monsoon season as we got a lot of much-needed rain this year.

    1. Thanks, diedre! 🙂 We had a few days over 100F as well, but not nearly as many as you, for sure! Our rainy season is usually in November, when it’s bitterly cold and damp. Yuck! Followed, of course, by more bitter cold and snow. Double yuck! We should plan a visit to your neck of the woods, eh? 😀

  3. I know you have a few tears that summer is over. It actually wasn’t too bad of a summer, heat wise. I love these photos and would love to dance around tgat light display. Looks so cool. I bought an early Christmas gift for my hubby. We are seeing tgat Pink Floyd cover band at the art centre Nov. 3rd! I still have to give him the gift. On another note, we have now a big dog, named Harley. He came with the name. He’s a rescue and is one big muscle but a true sweetie. He is a Siberian Husky/ Rottweiler mix. We are having an issue where he will lunge at our food to grab it. I have been steadily saying “no, we’re eating” and I try to take him away from where we eat but he is stubborn and strong. We do tie him up in the hallway otherwise we would never eat. I try to walk him and heel but, as soon as he sees something on the ground to eat, he pulls with all his might and has eaten certain paper, plastic, pork chop bone, discarded sandwich and a decaying crab on the beach. Trying to get his jaw open is like trying to open Fort Knox. Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Birgit, yes, it’s all downhill from here! At least, for some of us. ? The Almanac is predicting an early and harsh winter. ? That Oscillation display was really cool, but it’s a travelling exhibit and not there anymore. Too bad! Have a great time at the concert! I didn’t know you liked Pink Floyd. ♫ Huskies and Rottweilers are both challenging breeds, so, you’ve got a double whammy with Harley. I’ve seen his photo and he looks adorable, though. ? Have you tried to teach him the “Leave It” command? A little bribery in the form of a delectable treat might work too. Here’s an informative article on the subject:
      Good luck! ?

  4. Debbie,

    The only thing about summer ending that truly makes me happy is the hot weather is also fading. Change is making its way into east Tennessee. We’re forecast to dip to freezing or just below on Tuesday night. I’m not ready for that and as much as I love autumn, I don’t like winter. It’s the equivalent to my dislike of summer. I don’t like extreme temperature shifts. I prefer the milder conditions found in the spring and fall months. That being said, I am happy to live in a place that experiences the four seasons. I don’t think I’d be happy somewhere where it was green all the time. 🙂 Night photography is tricky. You did a great job! Don’t feel obligated but you’re most welcome to add your post to the 4M dance party. You have music, right? 🙂 Have photo/boogietastic day, my dear!

    1. Freezing temps in Tennessee in October? That’s pretty extreme! 😮 Our cooler weather also started sooner than usual and the Almanac is predicting an early and harsh winter. Yuck! The only upside is beautiful, vibrant leaf colours, which we haven’t had in a few years. I would be happy with constant warmth, and could live without changing seasons, but sadly, Canada doesn’t own any Caribbean islands. ? I’m glad you liked the photos. 🙂 Yes, night shots are challenging and many don’t turn out well. Thanks for the invite to the linky party, but it’s already Thursday. Maybe next time!

      1. I’m sorry for not responding to your reply before now. Life gets in the way sometimes but anyway, yeah those frigid temps early in October were a bit much. We’re now on a weather temp roller coaster ride. Mother Nature can’t decide what she wants to do. I happily take the warmer days she throws this way. I know the climate will settle into its wintry spot. I’m thankful we live in the south east where it’s generally very mild compared to other places. That’s too bad Canada doesn’t have a Caribbean island for y’all to relocate to. That sounds very nice especially during the winter. 🙂

  5. Thanks for your photographic memories of a hot summer, Debbie. Where I live in the English countryside, we have only complete darkness to admire at night. (And The Moon, depending on cloud cover.)
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Pete! I would find complete darkness fairly depressing. Call me a Bright Lights, Big City (suburbs will do), Rock Vibe kinda gal. 😀 Was it a difficult adjustment, moving from London to the countryside?

      1. Not at all. I spent 60 years in London, surrounded by ambient, intrusive light during the hours of ‘darkness’. I didn’t even need to put on a light in the house if I got up during the night, it was always so bright.
        Coming to live in Beetley, the ‘true dark’ was wonderful. I could sleep all night without disturbance from light, and hear the Owls calling in the dark. Peace at last! 🙂

  6. I have to admit I haven’t heard those songs in quite a while, it brought back memories. Those are cool night photographs. I looked around your website a bit. You certainly keep busy and travel a lot.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Thomas! 🙂 The old songs are the best songs, yes? I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Night shots are difficult to perfect. Thanks also for browsing the website. We have travelled extensively in the past, but not so much now, due to COVID and advancing age. Hopefully, there will be some more, in future! I love to try different creative outlets and am all over the internet. It’s a passion of mine. 😀 Cheers!