Question of the week, posed by Kate Benzin:
“What dream or dreams are you planning to fulfill in 2013?”


Did you ever have a dream that you thought was completely unattainable?  I sure did, for most of my life, and now, it’s so thrilling to share with you:


For the occasion of our 40th Anniversary (a major accomplishment in and of itself), my husband and I will be going to Greece, the pinnacle Bucket List item! Somebody, please pinch me, because a few years ago, I never would have believed it.

Life has not always been kind to us, and sometimes, it actually seemed like we were cursed.  (One of hubby’s aunts even uttered the very words, “I curse you” when she heard we were getting married.  Her 100th birthday was last spring, so I guess her powers have waned.  😉  ) One string of bad luck after another, but, finally, FINALLY,  things are looking up!


In addition to Greece, we will also take the opportunity to visit friends and family in Italy.   Our last trip in 1990 was wonderful, and I’m looking forward to going back.  Even more exciting will be returning to my birthplace in Germany!  I haven’t been there since 1972, and it will be fun to show hubby around.

Another dream that I hope to turn into reality next year is becoming a professional writer and completing a book or two of memoirs.   Every since I was a little girl, writing poetry, short stories and plays, this has been on my mind.  

I tried very hard in my 20s to make it happen, even went to journalism school, but sadly, I let the constant rejection get to me and gave it up. 🙁  Some of life’s harsher moments also took their toll, and my muse got buried – deep! Only in the last year has the desire and will to write returned, and now it’s back – full force.  

Thank you, internet and the Blogosphere!


So, 2013 should be a very memorable year, assuming the Mayans are wrong, of course. 😉


The Writer’s Post Blog Hop, Week # 59

Hosted by:

Traveling Forever

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  1. Wow sounds like a wonderful vacation planned, I’ve never been there. Hope you have a wonderful time on vacation and a Happy and Healthy 2013. Thank you for visiting our post and commenting!

  2. Sounds very exciting, Debbie! Can’t wait to hear the follow-up stories that come out of the travel plans. Perhaps they will be the start to the memoir. Looking forward to reading IT, too. Cheers!

    1. nks for visiting, Daphne! 🙂 Yes, we are excited about this trip, for sure and I do intend to write about it, as well. Cheers and Happy New Year.

  3. Congratulations Debbie and I know you’re going to have the best time. We have a friend that’s from there so it’s someplace I thought would be cool to visit. One word of advice that she always tells everyone. The hospitals are horrible so be careful and don’t get hurt. Greece is very rocky… Hey, that came from her because I wouldn’t have a clue.

    I have no doubt that you’ll start writing full-time. If you want it bad enough it will happen. So can’t wait to hear the news that you’re being published. I have a very positive attitude you know!

    Thanks for sharing this with us Debbie and have a wonderful Christmas and the best year ever.


  4. Congrats on getting the trip of your dreams. I went to Athens MANY years ago but my favorite place was the Greek islands–Hydros, to be exact. If you go there, you’ll have to let me know. Have a fun and safe trip!

  5. Wow–what a year you will have fulfilling some very awesome dreams!! Congrats on 40 years that is amazing!!

    Cheers, Jenn

  6. Have a great trip to Greece and Italy. And definitely get writing – the internet has made it a wonderful possibility for all of us who dreamed about it for years!!

    1. Thank you, Kate. Yes, the internet is a wonderful place for writers, whether amateur or professional. Planning to change my status from the former to the latter in 2013. Happy Holidays and all the best to you. Hope your work of fiction becomes a best seller. 🙂

    1. That is certainly in the back of our minds, Steve, but friends and family in Europe have reassured us that the tourist trade is unaffected. Tourism, is after all, Greece’s main source of income and they surely can’t afford to screw that up. We are hoping that by the time we get there in September, things will have calmed down.

  7. Your passion and desire to not only succeed, but entertain, will flow thru your pen. Pleasing us will please you.