Let’s play a little game.
Religious beliefs aside, what’s your idea of heaven and hell?
Heaven to me would be a place filled with all the dogs I’ve known and loved, the people I love, my favourite music, and restaurants serving my favourite food.
Of course, there would be no such thing as weight gain or counting calories. I’d be 35 years old and in great physical shape; slimmer, no arthritis or other health issues.
The temperature would never dip below 16C (60F) or go above 32C (90F), with little humidity. It would only rain at night and the sun would shine every day. The grass would never need cutting and there would be no weeds.
There would be a rock concert every week, just like this one:
“Heaven” is a song by Canadian singer and songwriter Bryan Adams recorded in 1983, written by Adams and Jim Vallance. It first appeared on the A Night in Heaven soundtrack album the same year and was later included on Adams’ album Reckless in 1984.
It was released as the third single and reached number one on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in June 1985, over a year and a half after the song first appeared on record. The single was certified Gold in Canada in 1985.
Rather than the stereotypical fires, my idea of hell would be a place frozen in perpetual winter; cold, grey, dark and dismal. There would be no animals at all and the people would (of course) be nasty.
Music I can’t stand would be blaring from loudspeakers 24 hours a day and there would be nothing to do, no place to go. Mind-numbing boredom! And plenty of pain.
Food would be plain and tasteless and everything you eat would cause weight gain. Good grief! I’m getting depressed just writing this.
I don’t wanna take that road!
“The Road to Hell” is a song written by British blues rock artist Chris Rea and released on the album of the same name in 1989. The single was his biggest success in the United Kingdom, peaking at number 10 on the UK Singles Chart.
Joining my fellow music lovers at this popular Monday blogfest, founded by Xmas Dolly.
Co-hosts: Curious as a Cathy / Stacy Uncorked / Jamerican Spice / Ramblin with AM /
Honourary co-host for May: Angels Bark
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Featuring 'HEAVEN AND HELL' for #MusicMonday #4m #MondaysMusicMovesMe #MondayMusings #dogladysden Share on X
Also joining Corinne for her Monday Musings link-up at Everyday Gyaan
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What’s your idea of heaven and hell?
Why do you suppose there are so many songs about this subject?
Which ones come to mind?
Looking forward to your comments!
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27 thoughts on “H E A V E N – A N D – H E L L #MusicMonday #4M”
Bryan Adams “Heaven” is where my leanings are.
We are very proud of our homeboy, Bryan Adams, here in Canada. Thanks, Myke! 🙂
Hi Debbie,
Two great songs and a fabulous and fun performance by Bryan Adams. The Reckless album reminds me so much of my senior year in college. We played that album constantly! And of course listened to the casette. 🙂
Love Chris Rea’s voice! Oh man, he is hot with that Super sexy gravelly voice. I don’t know much about him, although I do know the song. I clicked over to the wikipedia page that you linked and am reading about his career. I’m listening to his “Fool (If You Think It’s Over)”. That’s a nice song with a rich clean sound. Thanks for turning me onto him. I’m going to enjoy exploring his works.
Thanks for all your support and good thoughts and positive energy over these last weeks (and months really, right?). I really appreciate you. I’m trying to keep the faith here…but I’m really worried and really scared. She has to come through this!
Anyway, thanks. Great job with the theme. Two powerful songs!
Love ya,
Michele at Angels Bark
I’m glad you enjoyed the songs, Michele! 🙂 Thanks for coming by. My thoughts are with you and your Mom. Stay strong and feel free to reach out, anytime. ♥
I’ve never heard of Chris Rhea but I liked that a lot
He has a great voice, doesn’t he? 🙂 Thanks for coming by, Jeremy. Have a good weekend!
Interesting that we both chose a song from that Chris Rea album (mine was “Tell Me There’s A Heaven”).
Chris Rea is fabulous! 🙂 Thanks for coming by, John. Apologies for the late response.
Your ideas of what I hope heaven to be like are similar and I honestly believe some of those things will be so. The Bible gives reference to the lion laying down with the lamb and while this passage is a representation of Jesus in both, I think it might extend to all the animal kingdom, the 4-legged type, too. 🙂 Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!
Hi Cathy; I’m late, sorry! 😛 It wouldn’t be heaven to me (and many other people) without animals. Thanks for coming by and have a good weekend.
Hi Debbie, can’t wait to listen to these songs – am listening to Billy Ray Cyrus right now from another blog post – so much lovely music today – I love it! My idea of heaven would be meeting up with all my relatives who have passed – especially my dad who left us last September. And as you say – our animals – especially our two dogs. It would be wonderful to be wandering around with them all in a beautiful sunny garden with no illness, suffering or unhappiness for anyone. Hell would dying and finding that I’m really never going to see my passed loved ones ever again because I didnt rack up enough points to qualify. ? How horrible would that be! I try to live my life in a kind way so hopefully that won’t happen. Just listened to Bryan Adams – now for Chris! Thank you. I had the pleasure of photographing Bryan many years ago when he came here and I was a press and pr photographer – he gave a brilliant concert.
AS a music fanatic, a lot of my posts cover that particular subject, so I’m glad you like it! 😀 Your idea of heaven sounds about right. The thought that a person could fail to rack up enough points to see their loved ones again is terribly sad…:( You must have had some amazing times as a photographer! Thanks for coming by! Apologies for the late response. Summer is here, finally (we hope!).
Hi Debbie – the ups and downs of life … a peaceful time with no worries, no disasters, fun things to do or see available, time to read books, be with family and friends and lots of critters … hell is just a nightmare. Music – would be whatever I feel like and need at those moments … or just bird song, or the wind through the grasses … fun post to think about – enjoy the week ahead – cheers Hilary
A peaceful time with no worries would definitely be heavenly, Hilary! 🙂 Thanks for coming by and have a good weekend.
I like to think hell is all parties except the part the politicians would reside in. Heaven would be all the goody-goody sweet people that tell you what you want to hear. Even songs about hell sound more intresting. Thanks for the tunes.
You’re right! And there are so many hard rock and metal songs about hell. Definitely more interesting! 😀 Thanks for coming by, Cathy.
Very lovely songs. Thanks for sharing them.
As the son of a Baptist preacher, my idea of heaven and hell was set long ago. I’ve never waivered. One’s blissful and wonderful, one is a place of torment. As to songs, the muses strike in different ways to different people. Some days they love ya, some days…not so much! Good post.
Welcome to The Den, Paul. 🙂 I think most people would agree with your description of heaven and hell. Yes, music is subjective. One person’s favourite songs could well be loathsome to others. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Cheers!
Like this both. Nice Yin and Yang.
Have a fabulous Memorial Day, my friend. ♥
I’m glad you liked it, Sandee. Hope you’re having a lovely Memorial Day. 🙂 Here in Canada, we commemorate that on Nov. 11. Last Monday was our first long weekend of the summer, though (Victoria Day). Cheers!
Regarding the songs. I like Chris Rhea. I had never heard it before but I like his voice and the story in the song. Bryan Adams is just a little too hokey for me but I do like some of his songs just not that one. As for Heaven and Hell, if these places exist and I believe they do… I think people get the heaven that’s in their own minds. My heaven would be hanging out with all of my loved ones including my pets and lots of sunshine with temps no higher than 85f and no lower than 50f. Hell would be having to carry on conversations stupid people and listening to Feliz Navidad for all of eternity.
To be honest, that’s not my favourite Bryan Adams song either, but the video has the concert vibe I was going for and the title fit. 😀 Sounds like we have similar ideas about what Heaven and Hell could be like (except for the believing it exists part. If I’m wrong, the joke’s on me! 😉 ) Chris Rhea has such a sexy voice. Thanks for coming by on a holiday weekend. Wishing you a peaceful Memorial Day. ♥
You know I have a hard time “aside-ing” the other, but much of your ideas of heaven have been expressed by Dr David Jeremiah- with, of course, different picks in music! Your hell seems more drawn towards Job’s picture of Sheol, or the Norse picture of Niffleheim. If I was trying to do it musically, I’d say heaven would have a lot more Percy Faith and the Lettermen and hell would feature Michael Bolton on heavy rotation…
I understand but was going for something light, here. 🙂 Thanks for the info about others’ views of Heaven and Hell; I’ll be looking those up. And, Michael Bolton is definitely on the Hell playlist. 😛
Perhaps a lot of people write songs about heaven and hell because, like love, they have universality. Even atheists must ponder the possibility of something after death. I join you in thinking that heaven will be filled with dogs. I expect Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath to meet me for a tea party and we’ll discuss their poetry. I feel less certain about hell. Sometimes I think we experience hell on and off during our time alive.
Nice to see you, Janie! 🙂 Speaking for myself, as a lifelong Atheist, I don’t believe in an afterlife, reincarnation or spirits, etc., but we are all unique in our opinions and beliefs. The subject is certainly fascinating, regardless. Have you ever watched the show “Lucifer”, where the Devil becomes a police consultant? Lots of fun! 😀
It couldn’t possibly be Heaven if there were no dogs! There was an old Twilight Zone episode about that very thing, called “The Hunt”. See link, below. I’d love to meet Sylvia Plath!
You’re spot on, about people going through hell on earth. Sadly, it happens frequently. 🙁 On the bright side, there can be heavenly episodes, too. Have a good week!