Middle of December, already!
Are you in a holiday mood yet?

It’s also time for Battle of the Bands
BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (See below for further details.)
This time out, I’m featuring my favourite Christmas song of all time. Yes, I know it’s been played to death over the last decade and covered by many, but, the original still gives me chills, every time. (What do expect from an old hippie? 😉 )
John Lennon surely needs no introduction. Suffice it to say he was one of my musical heroes. December 8th marked the 36th anniversary of his brutal murder. There was nobody like him and there never will be again. 😥
From Wikipedia:
“Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” is a Christmas song with lyrics by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, released in 1971 as a single by John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Band with the Harlem Community Choir. The lyrics are set to the traditional English ballad “Skewball” (aka “Stewball”). It was the seventh single release by Lennon outside of his work with the Beatles. The song reached number 4 in the UK, where its release was delayed until November 1972, and has periodically reemerged on the UK Singles Chart, most notably after Lennon’s death in 1980, at which point it peaked at number 2. Also a protest song against the Vietnam War, “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” has since become a Christmas standard, frequently covered by other artists, appearing on compilation albums of seasonal music, and named in polls as a holiday favourite.
[Reference only. Please DO NOT vote for this one.]
Now, on to the actual contest……
Maroon 5 is an American pop rock group from Los Angeles, California. The band, fronted by Adam Levine, has known great success since its recording debut in 2002. “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” was recorded as a promotional single and released in 2007.
The Moody Blues are an English art rock/prog rock band, founded in 1964. They came to prominence in 1967, with the release of their symphonic album, “Days of Future Passed”. “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” is the 5th track from their 16th album, “December”, released in 2003.
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, Dec. 21st ,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]Angels Bark / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / J.A. Scott / Jingle Jangle Jungle / Mike’s Ramblings / Pedestrian Writer / Quiet Laughter / Sound of One Hand Typing / HOST: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing It Out / Your Daily Dose
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtag is #BOTB
Until next time.
♫♪♫♪♫ Rockchick Rapture!
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My vote goes to the Moody Blues they edged out Maroon 5 for me
Thanks for your vote. Most people agree. The Moodies are running away with this one!
My vote goes to the MOODY BLUES. I’ve always liked them, which is a bit puzzling since I am NOT a fan of ProgRock (which is putting it mildly!) However, I’ve always enjoyed the Moody Blues. Perhaps because they were so melodic and didn’t get too carried away with all the tempo shifts that most ProgRock bands did/do.
~ D-FensDogG
Hi, Stephen; I remember our discussion about The Moody Blues and prog rock. 🙂 They are definitely a bit more mellow. Thanks for your vote. Looks like another blowout in the making. The Moodies are way ahead.
I listened to these this morning, left a VERY long comment via my phone, and it was eaten. So I tried again. Same result. Then a short comment and it was also eaten. Grrr. So, now I’m sitting at my computer and hoping for a better outcome. This is beginning to feel like WAR.
Anyway, I wanted to comment first about the iodine. Yes, I saw your comment over at my blog. I would’ve commented back to you there, but I wanted to be certain you saw it. Remember that the iodine will serve to detox your body from all manner of garbage. I read in the reviews that it gave some folks initially a mild headache. (Not for me!) Others experienced a variety of things coming out their pores and whatnot. I don’t think it lasted a real long time, but probably wasn’t pleasant. I imagine it all depends on the level of toxicity going on in a person’s body. I was expecting the worst, given the amount of meds I’ve taken for the migraines, but so far… no complaints. That said, I’d still go slow with it and work my way up to the recommended three drops. I suspect that you can use the taste of the iodine as your guide. If it tastes terrible, go slowly (because it will taste better as the toxins leave you). If it tastes okay (not great, buy okay), then just go one-two-three. That’s how I did it. I really look forward to hearing your results!!! I am so excited FOR you. I want everyone to be healthy. I think I appreciate that so much after years of unhealthiness.
On to your battle… I thought Adam Levine of Maroon sounded a little flat. Or maybe it was just nasal. I don’t know. I usually like him, but this song was not his tour de force in my opinion. On the other hand, the smooth delivery from The Moody Blues… BINGO. Right on the money. They get my vote handily.
Firstly, I’m so sorry you’ve had trouble commenting here. There have been some technical glitches with the website today, still ongoing, but at least the comment system seems to be okay now. Thank you for your patience, Robin. Most people would have given up and I appreciate your perseverance. Thanks also for the advice regarding the iodine. I’ve been hypothyroid for several years along with some other issues and I hope it will help. Glad to know it works for you! 🙂 Yes, I will keep you posted.
Well, Birgit thought Adam sounded nasal and so did I. 🙂 Looks like this will be another blowout with The Moody Blues the victors. Thanks for your vote.
No contest in my opinion…the Moody Blues all the way! Maroon. 5 sounded flat in a few areas and nasally which is annoying. He also sounded like he got kicked in the balls a few times. Now I’m off to check this CD by the Moody Blues.
Haha! I tend to agree: “nasally which is annoying”. Methinks I should have picked someone other than Maroon 5 for this battle. The Moody Blues are running away with it. Thanks, Birgit. 🙂
I so love this song! What a powerful video your showcased in John Lennon’s version. Wow.
As for your battle, I have to go with the Moody Blues. Their version was just so rich and full and magnificent! Excellent song choice.
Hope you’re enjoying the season. Happy Holidays Debbie!
Michele at Angels Bark
Thanks, Michele. Glad it’s a favourite of yours, too. I hadn’t watched the video all the way through when I posted this, so I went back. You’re right, it does pull on the heartstrings and illustrates how much tragedy there is in the world. Everyone deserves some happiness in life! Your vote for The Moody Blues has been added. Looks like another blowout in the making. 🙂 We always have a good time in December. I know that’s not the case for everyone and I hope you and your family will find some joy this season as well. Merry Christmas, my friend! ♥
Merry Christmas to you too Debbie. I’m glad to hear that December is a rockin’ month for you guys. I’ll be bound to the house from tomorrow until after the 1st. A slew of dogs starting arriving tomorrow and it’s going to be a crazy few weeks. I just got done telling Picasso and Luca that they’ll have to be patient and understanding over the next few weeks. We’ve been enjoying being together just the three of us these last two days! 🙂
I hope you and your husband have an exceptional holiday. Have a few drinks for me! 🙂 Merry Christmas. <3
A very easy call for me here. You know I am a huge fan of John Heyward.
The Moody Blues
The Moodies seem to be taking it. Thanks, Myke. 🙂 Justin Hayward and John Lodge are pretty amazing, for sure.
Debbie, I wasn’t sure how I’d vote on this one. Well, I sorta had an idea and it panned out to be accurate. Maroon 5 did ok. I thought their cover was a bit plain. I think it’s the vocals – not enough character. The Moody Blues lead singer I liked far better. His voice captured the song better and that’s who gets my vote, The Moody Blues. I’m gonna take a blog break until after the first, so let me say right now dear friend, have a very Merry Christmas and I’m looking forward to spending more time with you in Blogosphere enjoying good mewsic and conversation. 😉
You said it: “the vocals – not enough character”. Oops, now I gave away my preference, too. 🙂 Yes, Jason Hayward has a beautiful voice. That’s yet another vote for The Moody Blues. I’ll be taking time off after the results post as well. Thanks for the Christmas wishes. May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, Cathy. I’m glad we’re blogging buddies.
Thank you for featuring this beloved song, Debbie, although it brings tears to my eyes. I vote for Maroon 5 because I like the simplicity of the version with the piano for accompaniment.
You’re welcome, Janie. It is definitely a powerful and emotional song. Nice to see another vote for Maroon 5. Thank you.
Excellent song choice today. I’ve always liked this song. The Moody Blues just does it for me with their version. A great smooth delivery. They get my vote this time around. Happy Holidays!
I’m glad you enjoyed the battle, Mary! 🙂 That’s another vote for The Moodies. Thanks and Happy Holidays to you, too.
Easiest choice yet. Big MB fan. Not so much M5. Despite what some people think of me, I don’t hate John Lennon. And this was one of his best.
That’s another Moody Blues vote. Thanks, Chris! All I can say about “some people” is that “they” are a wee bit screwy. I’m glad you enjoyed the song. 🙂
This is a powerful one, Debbie! My vote goes with the Moody Blues! <3 The original is always the best and very sobering. Thank you! Sharing on FB. 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed this battle, Mary Lou. Thanks for the share! 🙂 Another vote for The Moody Blues. Merry Christmas!
I love both versions, the one from Moody Blues and the one from Maroon 5. My heart is pulled different ways when I hear the one from Maroon 5. So that the one I am voting for. Maroon 5. I’ve alway been a fan of their music.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G
Hi, Pat; Nice to see you and a very Merry Christmas! 🙂 Second vote goes to Maroon 5. Thanks for coming by.
I still prefer the traditional carols. Adam Levine sounded kind of wimpy or something that was kind of off sounding. Moody Blues have a more polished presentation and a sound that was more pleasing to my ears and mind.
A vote for Moody Blues–better than the original in my opinion.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I laughed at your description of Adam Levine’s voice; not exactly what you’d call “masculine”, for sure. 😀 My favourite traditional carol is “Silent Night” (the original version, in German). And so, the voting kicks off with The Moody Blues. Thanks, Lee.