IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HAIR!🪮#PhotoFriday📷#GreyIsTheNewBlonde👱‍♀️

The objective is to post your own images,
based on a prompt provided by the
Photo Friday staff.

Find all my entries HERE and HERE

I don’t normally blog on weekends and also missed yesterday’s Photo Friday prompt. When I saw it this morning, I couldn’t resist, as the topic is so relevant, personally. 😀

category: hair


Hair has always been an obsession with me and I prefer long to short. My childhood colour was medium (mousey) brown. At 15, I started dyeing it various shades of auburn, slowly getting lighter and lighter (to hide the grey roots) as time wore on. Finally, fed up at age 57, I embraced the mantra, “Grey Is The New Blonde”, and never looked back!

This week's #PhotoFriday topic is #HAIR – something I'm obsessed with! #dogladysden #greyhair #GreyIsTheNewBlonde #LongHairDontCare #SpunkyOldBroad Share on X





1980s hair

1990s – 2000s



69th Birthday, Jan. 2024

To link up your photos and/or view all participants, click on image:


Before you go, check out my BOTB site and cast your vote in the latest battle. Open until March 8th.

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22 thoughts on “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HAIR!🪮#PhotoFriday📷#GreyIsTheNewBlonde👱‍♀️

  1. I embraced my grey at 27 and never looked back. I miss the rampant natural curl but have a decent cut now that helps bring it back out. Natural is so much easier.

    1. You were braver than me, Bernie. I started going grey early too, but couldn’t give up the hair dye until age 57. It is incredibly liberating! 😀 Thanks for visiting The Den.

  2. I wish my hair would go ahead and turn gray. Instead I have bits of gray in various spots. Sometimes I get it dyed and sometimes I don’t bother.


    1. You could always dye it grey and then the bits would blend in. 😉 It’s interesting how people turn grey at different ages and in different ways. I took after my father and started greying at 25. Thanks for coming by, Janie! 🙂

  3. Wow, you are a knockout, Debbie! You have those bedroom eyes 🙂 Your hair is now the perfect white with no other color to interrupt! I’ve always had strawberry blonde hair and that silver/white threading is showing itself more every month! Fine by me, I’ve been daring my hair to go white since I turned 60 4 years ago. Happy belated birthday!

    1. Thank you for the lovely compliment and the birthday wishes, Terri! 🙂 Not sure having bedroom eyes is such a good thing though. I was pretty wild in my younger days. 😆 And I can thank my father for the hair. He was a “silver fox” by age 26 and my roots turned at 25. Your strawberry blonde hair is gorgeous and can only be enhanced by those silver threads. Plus, it looks like it’s naturally curly – something I’m totally envious of, having spent a lot of money on perms over the years.

  4. My hair is very similar to yours, Debbie. It is long and white. I quit coloring my hair about 10 years ago and have no regrets.

    1. A kindred spirit! 😀 I find it amusing that young women are now dyeing their hair in shades of white and grey, when I stopped doing that to achieve those colours.

  5. You look “GREY”t in your grey tresses, Debbie! Good for you embracing your long grey hair!

    I am still colouring my hair which I started when I noticed how grey I was getting. One of these days I’ll probably have had enough. I still cling to my auburn colour though and don’t want to let it go just yet. I’ve accepted other aspects of aging like wrinkles, stubby eyelashes and eyes that get irritated by mascara so I stopped using it, bushy eyebrows and extra weight, but I liked my auburn hair so I dye it light brown to cover the grey and let the red come out.

    1. Thank you, Cathy! 🙂 How lucky you are to have natural auburn hair. Don’t blame you for wanting to keep it, but the drudgery of constant touchups will surely annoy you, eventually. Well, maybe not. At least your hair is short, so it’s not nearly as time consuming. Don’t get me started on the other “joys” of ageing! 😜

  6. Long beautiful hair…you could post that song! Love the hair in all stages. I don’t dye mine either. I’ve been told it looks great except hubby wouldn’t mind it if I dyed it…oh well.

    1. Thanks, Birgit! 🙂 I thought about including the song, but figured the post was long enough already. Hubby wants you to dye your hair? I’ve seen photos of you and also think it looks great the way it is. Besides, colouring hair is such drudgery. 😛

  7. Yes! If there could be anything positive about the pandemic, it gave a lot of us the chance to stay at home, stop getting our hair colored, and get through the awkward growing out stage to gray or white without having to hear anyone question our life choices, lol.

    1. Good point, Becky! 🙂 I actually stopped dyeing my hair in 2012. It was becoming too much of a chore to keep touching up the grey roots.They come back so fast!

  8. I no longer color my hair either. Just yesterday a young woman commented on my color. It looks as though someone has done a great job of streaking several shades of gray. All very even. Even my hairdresser is amazed at how my hair grayed.

    And a belated Happy Birthday.

    1. Thanks, Denise! Sounds like you and I were lucky that our natural hair turned out so well. Don’t miss the drudgery of colouring at all! 🙂

  9. A belated happy birthday. I will be 72 on the 16th of this month.
    When my wife was made redundant in 2018, she spent a long time at home before deciding to go back to work part-time. During that enforced home-stay, she stopped having her (quite short) hair dyed blonde, and allowed it to grow out. It was a silvery colour at first, (she is 63 now) and eventually turned pure white. Now she gets other women asking her, “Where do get that coloured? I love the shade.” 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete! 🙂 Happy Birthday to you, in advance. Yes, grey and white are the “in” colours now. It makes me laugh that young women are dyeing their hair in those shades, when I stopped dyeing mine to achieve them. 😆